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CAF Generation
H: [dec, aged 44] Rance, Quentin, Oliver, Marcellus, Henry, Foster, Benjamin (LN: Jones, Winslow, Miller)
W: [80] Amelia, Amalie, Liana, Margarita, Clarissa, Charlotte, Juliet, Emmaline (LN: Caswell, Taunton, Fearing)D1: [56] Olivia, Allegra, Celeste, Audrey, Lucy, Lucie, Elisa, Emilie
D2: [55] Elizabeth, Valeria, Constanza, Vienna, Genevra, Isadora, Lucia, Claudia
D3: [52] Beatrice, Gabriella, Antonia, Harper, Viviana, Claire, Perla, Marisa
S1: [46] Father's name
D4: [dec, aged 33] Charmaine, Aida, Angelina, Carmen, Juliana, Ava, Violet, Abril
D5: [41] Angelica, Leanna, Ella, Piper, Liliana, Mariana, Stella, Talia******
D1: [56]
H: [61] Jack, Cassius, Antonio, Marius, Lucien, Owen, Theodore (LN: Gardner, Dunbar, Hamm)S: [32] Father's name
-W: [30] Ines, Hannah, Flavia, Elodie, Cornelia, Marcella, Grace, Natalia (LN: Smith, May, Hinging)
-D: [12] Great-Grandmother's name
-S: [8] Ross, James, Liam, Mariano, Raul, Max, William
-S: [6] Florencio, Leo, Lorenzo, Felix, Julian, Mortimer, Everett
-S: [3] Cicero, Pryor, Benton, Merritt, Emile, Finn, Noah
-S: [nb] Bayard, Duke, Patricio, Samuel, Alberto, Raoul, ClaudioS: [26] Cornell, Vincent, Quinn, Pascual, Napoleon, Mercer, Julio
-W: [25] Adriana, Leontine, Emmy, Isabella, Camilla, Elise, Camille, Jaya (LN: Collamore, Curtis, Casswell)******
D2: [55]
H: [59] Sinclair, Marcel, Marshal, Hugo, Harmon, Miles, Orrin (LN: Cushing, Jacob, Trader)D: [35] Mother's name
-H: [35] Delmar, Lincoln, Campbell, Montgomery, Lee, Alexander, Isaac (LN: Lincoln, Cooper, Farming)
-S: [6] Father's nameS: [33] Berton, Ellison, Jacob, Giles, Cal, Burke, Lon
-W: [28] Caroline, Scarlett, Lila, Sidonia, Jocelyn, Maricela, Julie, Maria (LN: Marsh, Beal, Ghenm)
-D: [nb] Grandmother's nameS: [dec, aged 21] Curtis, Grant, Simeon, Levi, Miller, Graham, MossS: [15] Grandfather's name
S: [11] Percival, Gabriel, Emilio, Anatole, Lonzo, Carter, Byron
S: [8] Barton, Clement, Sonny, Forrest, Simon, Nelson, Charles******
D3: [52]
H: [56] Marty, Matthew, Marcelo, Curt, Robert, Blaise, Caleb (LN: Lazell, Lincoln, Hammer)D: [24] Raine, Clementine, Carly, Ruby, Abigail, Renata, Mya, Gabriela
D: [21] Josefina, Avery, Cherry, Marietta, Anna, Rena, Adrianna, Marina
S: [11] Lucas, Cory, Tito, Eli, Andrew, Jackson, Sylvain******
S1: [46]
W: [47] Lina, Tahlia, Rosa, Emma, Emily, Francesca, Sarah, Emilia (LN: Marsh, Burr, Ingram)S: [19] Father's name
D: [14] Sylvie, Vernice, Daniela, Hazel, Elyse, Celia, Leah, Aimee
D: [11] Mother's name
S: [8] Romain, Hudson, Ruff, Armando, Robinson, Justice, Sebastien******
D4: [dec, aged 33]
H: [47] Jude, Crawford, Pierre, Thornton, Reid, Benoit, Horatio (LN: Beal, Nichols, Norris)D: [22] Mother's nameD: [20] Diane, Elida, Carolina, Lucille, Ana, Aurora, Valerie, Constance
-H: [24] Rollin, Harrison, Michael, Kurt, Julien, Claude, Turner (LN: Lincoln, Stone, Taylor)
-S: [exp] Emmett, Dexter, Bertrand, Ethan, Watson, Jefferson, AdrienS: [17] Bennett, Dean, Nathan, Melville, Jules, Gregorio, Logan
D: [14] Carla, Nathalie, Evelyn, Clara, Francoise, Toni, Clare, Penelope
S: [11] Father's name******
D5: [41]
exH: [40] Milo, Lev, Cato, Thomas, Pervis, Granville, Marc (LN: Wilder, Eells, Trenton)S: [18] Father's nameH: [55] Luke, Valentin, Sid, John, Lucian, Alby, Denton (LN: Jones, Ford, Fenton)S/D: [7] Father's name // Mother's name******
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H: [dec, aged 44] Henry Oliver (LN: Miller)
W: [80] Charlotte Emmaline (LN: Caswell)
D1: [56] Allegra Celeste
D2: [55] Elizabeth Isadora ‘Libby’
D3: [52] Beatrice Claire ‘Bea’
S1: [46] Henry Oliver ‘Harry’
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Juliana
D5: [41] Ella Piper
D1: [56] Allegra Celeste
H: [61] Theodore Owen ‘Theo’ (LN: Gardner)
S: [32] Theodore Owen ‘Teddy’
-W: [30] Cornelia Grace (LN: May)
-D: [12] Charlotte Emmaline
-S: [8] Max James
-S: [6] Leo Felix
-S: [3] Noah Finn
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke ‘Sam’
S: [26] Vincent Quinn ‘Vinny’
-W: [25] Elise Camille (LN: Collamore)
D2: [55] Elizabeth Isadora ‘Libby’
H: [59] Hugo Miles (LN: Jacob)
D: [35] Elizabeth Isadora ‘Buffy’
-H: [35] Montgomery Lincoln ‘Emery’ (LN: Cooper)
-S: [6] Montgomery Lincoln ‘Monty’
S: [33] Cal Ellison
-W: [28] Lila Maria (LN: Beal)
-D: [nb] Elizabeth Isadora ‘Besty’
S: [dec, aged 21] Graham Miller
S: [15] Henry Oliver ‘Hal’
S: [11] Percival Byron ‘Percy’
S: [8] Simon Forrest
D3: [52] Beatrice Claire ‘Bea’
H: [56] Robert Matthew (LN: Lincoln)
D: [24] Clementine Ruby ‘Cleo’
D: [21] Marina Marietta
S: [11] Andrew Jackson
S1: [46] Henry Oliver ‘Harry’
W: [47] Emilia Sarah (LN: Marsh)
S: [19] Henry Oliver
D: [14] Hazel Elyse
D: [11] Emilia Sarah ‘Millie’
S: [8] Sebastian Hudson
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Juliana
H: [47] Crawford Jude (LN: Nichols)
D: [22] Violet Juliana ‘Lettie’
D: [20] Aurora Lucille ‘Rory’
-H: [24] Harrison Turner (LN: Stone)
-S: [exp] Emmett Watson
S: [17] Dean Nathan
D: [14] Clara Penelope
S: [11] Crawford Jude ‘Ford’
D5: [41] Ella Piper
exH: [40] Thomas Cato (LN: Wilder)
S: [18] Thomas Cato ‘Tom’
H: [55] John Valentin (LN: Ford)
S/D: [7] John Valentin ‘Jack’ and and Ella Piper ‘Ellie’
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Henry Benjamin Miller D
Juliet Amelia Caswell MillerLucy Emilie Miller
Elizabeth Genevra Miller
Claire Viviana Miller
Henry Benjamin Miller, Jr.
Angelina Carmen Miller D
Stella Piper MillerHank and Juliet Miller: Lucy, Beth, Claire, Henry, Angie, Stella--
Lucy Emilie Miller Gardner
Theodore Jack GardnerTheodore Jack Gardner, Jr.
- Hannah Grace May Gardner
-- Juliet Amelia Gardner
-- William James Gardner
-- Everett Leo Gardner
-- Finn Noah Gardner
-- Samuel Duke GardnerTheo and Hannah Grace Gardner: Jules, Liam, Rhett, Finn, SamQuinn Vincent Gardner
- Elise Camilla Curtis GardnerQuinn and Elise GardnerLucy and Ted Gardner: Theo, Quinn--
Elizabeth Genevra Miller Trader
Miles Sinclair TraderElizabeth Genevra Trader Cooper
- Alexander Lee Cooper
-- Alexander Lee Cooper, Jr.Liz and Alex Cooper: XanderJacob Ellison Trader
- Caroline Scarlett Beal Trader
-- Elizabeth Genevra TraderJacob and Carrie Trader: EllieGraham Levi Trader D
Henry Benjamin Trader
Gabriel Carter Trader
Charles Simon TraderBeth and Miles Trader: Liz, Jacob, Graham, Henry, Gabe, Charlie--
Claire Viviana Miller Lincoln
Robert Matthew LincolnAbigail Carly Lincoln
Anna Marina Lincoln
Andrew Lucas LincolnClaire and Rob Lincoln: Abby, Anna, Drew--
Henry Benjamin Miller, Jr.
Emily Rosa Burr MillerHenry Benjamin Miller III
Elyse Hazel Miller
Emily Rosa Miller
Sebastien Hudson MillerHenry and Emily Miller: Ben, Elyse, Emmy Rose, Seb--
Angelina Carmen Miller Nichols D
Reid Crawford NicholsAngelina Carmen NicholsAurora Valerie Nichols Stone
- Michael Harrison Stone
-- Ethan Emmett StoneRory and Michael Stone: EthanLogan Bennett Nichols
Clara Nathalie Nichols
Reid Crawford Nichols, Jr.Angie and Reid: Lina, Rory, Logan, Clara, Reid--
Stella Piper Miller Fenton
Thomas Marc Wilder XThomas Marc Wilder, Jr.Stella Fenton and Tom Wilder: ThomasJohn Luke FentonJohn Luke Fenton / Stella Piper FentonStella and John Luke Fenton: Jack, Piper
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H: Oliver Foster Jones [dec, aged 44]
W: Juliet Amelia Taunton-Caswell Jones [80] D1: Lucy Celeste Jones [56]
D2: Claudia Elizabeth Jones [55]
D3: Antonia Claire Jones [52]
S1: Oliver Foster Jones [46]
D4: Violet Juliana Jones [dec, aged 33]
D5: Stella Taunton Jones [41] Oliver & Juliet; Lucy, Claudia, Antonia, Oliver, Violet, and Stella.******
D1: Lucy Celeste Jones Gardner [56]
H: Marius Theodore Gardner [61] Lucy & Marius; Owen and Vincent.S: Owen Cassius Gardner [32]
-W: Hannah Grace Hinging Gardner [34]
-S: James William Gardner [8]
-S: Leo Everett Gardner [6]
-S: Finn Noah Gardner [3]
-S: Samuel Owen Gardner [nb] Owen & Hannah; James, Leo, Finn, and Samuel (Sam).S: Vincent Quinn Gardner [26]
-W: Elise-Leontine Camille Jaya Casswell [25] Vincent & Elise-Leontine.******
D2: Claudia Elizabeth Jones [55]
H: Miles Orrin Trader [59]Claudia & Miles; Gabriel, Graham, and Simon.S: Gabriel Carter Jones-Trader [33]
-W: Julie Caroline Ghenm Jones-Trader [28]
-S: Montgomery Alexander Jones-Trader [1]
-D: Jocelyn Claudia Jones-Trader [nb] Gabriel (Gabe) & Julie; Montgomery (Monty) and Jocelyn.S: Graham Levi Jones-Trader [dec, aged 21]
S: Simon Charles Jones-Trader [15] ******
D3: Antonia Claire Jones Lincoln [52]
H: Matthew Robert Lincoln [56]D: Abigail Ruby Lincoln [24]
D: Marietta Clementine Lincoln [21]
S: Eli Andrew Lincoln [11] Antonia & Matthew (Matt); Abigail (Abby), Marietta (Etta), and Eli.******
S1: Oliver Foster Jones [46]
W: Emily Rosa Ingram Jones [47] D: Celia Aimee Jones [14]
D: Francesca Sylvie Jones [11]
S: Sebastien Oliver Jones [8] Oliver & Emily; Celia, Francesca, and Sebastien (Seb).******
D4: Violet Juliana Jones Norris [dec, aged 33]
H: Horatio Jude Norris [47] Violet & Horatio; Evelyn, Bennett (Ben), Nathalie, and Ethan.D: Evelyn Constance Norris-Taylor [20]
-H: Michael Harrison Taylor [24] Evelyn (Evie) & Michael (Mike).S: Bennett Dean Norris [17]
D: Nathalie Clare Norris [14]
S: Ethan Dexter Norris [11] ******
D5: Stella Taunton Jones Ford [41]
exH: Lev Thomas Wilder [40] S: Milo Granville Wilder [15] H: Lucian John Ford [55] S/D: Albert Lucian Ford & Piper Juliet Ford [7] Stella & Lev; Milo.
Stella & Lucian (Luc); Albert (Albie) and Piper.
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H: [dec, aged 44] Oliver Henry Jones
W: [80] Amelia Charlotte [Taunton] JonesD1: [56] Audrey Celeste Jones
D2: [55] Lucia Elizabeth Jones
D3: [52] Claire Viviana Jones
S1: [46] Oliver Henry Jones "Henry"
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Juliana Jones
D5: [41] Talia Mariana [Jones] FentonOliver & Amelia; Audrey, Lucia, Claire, Henry, Violet, and Talia******
D1: [56] Audrey Celeste Jones
H: [61] Owen Theodore GardnerAudrey & Owen; Theo and VincentS: [32] Owen Theodore Gardner "Theo"
-W: [30] Natalia Grace [May] Gardner
-D: [12] Amelia Charlotte Gardner
-S: [8] James William Gardner
-S: [6] Leo Everett Gardner
-S: [3] Noah Merritt Gardner
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke Gardner "Sam"

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DH [dec aged 44] Henry Benjamin Jones
DW [80] Amelia Charlotte Jones [Caswell]DD1 [56] Emilie Olivia [Jones]
DD2 [55] Lucia Isadora [Jones]
DD3 [52] Marisa Gabriella [Jones]
DS1 [46] Henry Benjamin Jones
DD4 [dec aged 33] Violet Juliana [Jones]
DD5 [41] Piper Ella [Jones]*
DD1 [56] Emilie Olivia Gardner [Jones]
DH [61] Jack Owen Gardner DS [32] Jack Owen Gardner
- DW [30] Ines Hannah Gardner [May]
- DD [12] Amelia Charlotte Gardner
- DS [8] Liam James Gardner
- DS [6] Leo Felix Gardner
- DS [3] Noah Finn Gardner
- DS [nb] Samuel Raoul GardnerDS [26] Quinn Vincent Gardner
- DW [25] Isabella Camille Gardner [Curtis] *
DD2 [55] Lucia Isadora Jacob [Jones]
DH [59] Hugo Orrin JacobDD [35] Lucia Isadora Cooper [Jacob]
- DH [35] Alexander Lincoln Cooper
- DS [6] Alexander Lincoln Cooper DS [33] Giles Cal Jacob
- DW [28] Lila Maria Jacob [Marsh]
- DD [nb] Emilie Olivia Jacob DS [dec aged 21] Levi Miller Jacob DS [15] Henry Benjamin Jacob
DS [11] Carter Gabriel Jacob
DS [8] Charles Sonny Jacob*
DD3 [52] Marisa Gabriella Lazell [Jones]
DH [56] Caleb Matthew Lazell DD [24] Clementine Ruby Lazell
DD [21] Josefina Marina Lazell
DS [11] Eli Jackson Lazell*
DS1 [46] Henry Benjamin Jones
DW [47] Emma Sarah Jones [Burr]DS [19] Henry Benjamin Jones
DD [14] Elyse Leah Jones
DD [11] Emma Sarah Jones
DS [8] Hudson Sebastien Jones *
DD4 [dec aged 33] Violet Juliana Nichols [Jones]
DH [47] Jude Reid NicholsDD [22] Violet Juliana NicholsDD [20] Aurora Carolina Stone [Nichols]
- DH [24] Michael Harrison Stone
- DS [exp] Ethan Watson StoneDS [17] Logan Dean Nichols
DD [14] Evelyn Nathalie Nichols
DS [11] Jude Reid Nichols *
DD5 [41] Piper Ella Jones [Jones]
exH [40] Thomas Lev WilderDS [18] Thomas Lev Wilder DH [55] John Sid JonesDS & DD [7] John Sid Jones & Piper Ella Jones
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H: [dec, aged 44] Henry Benjamin Winslow
W: [80] Emmaline Charlotte FearingD1: [56] Audrey Olivia Winslow
D2: [55] Lucia Isadora Winslow
D3: [52] Antonia Claire Winslow
S1: [46] Henry Benjamin Winslow
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Aida Winslow
D5: [41] Stella Angelica Winslow******
D1: [56] Audrey Olivia Winslow
H: [61] Theodore Lucien DunbarS: [32] Theodore Lucien Dunbar
-W: [30] Natalia Grace Smith
-D: [12] Emmaline Charlotte Dunbar
-S: [8] William Ross Dunbar
-S: [6] Felix Leo Dunbar
-S: [3] Finn Cicero Dunbar
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke DunbarS: [26] Vincent Quinn Dunbar
-W: [25] Isabella Leontine Curtis******
D2: [55] Lucia Isadora Winslow
H: [59] Hugo Sinclair CushingD: [35] Lucia Isadora Cushing
-H: [35] Isaac Alexander Cooper
-S: [6] Isaac Alexander CooperS: [33] Jacob Ellison Cushing
-W: [28] Lila Maria Beal
-D: [nb] Lucia Isadora CushingS: [dec, aged 21] Simeon Moss CushingS: [15] Henry Benjamin Cushing
S: [11] Byron Gabriel Cushing
S: [8] Sonny Charles Cushing******
D3: [52] Antonia Claire Winslow
H: [56] Caleb Blaise LincolnD: [24] Gabriela Raine Lincoln
D: [21] Marina Cherry Lincoln
S: [11] Sylvain Tito Lincoln******
S1: [46] Henry Benjamin Winslow
W: [47] Emma Lina BurrS: [19] Henry Benjamin Winslow
D: [14] Aimee Celia Winslow
D: [11] Emma Lina Winslow
S: [8] Ruff Hudson Winslow******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Aida Winslow
H: [47] Jude Benoit NicholsD: [22] Violet Aida NicholsD: [20] Carolina Valerie Nichols
-H: [24] Harrison Kurt Taylor
-S: [exp] Dexter Emmett TaylorS: [17] Logan Melville Nichols
D: [14] Clara Penelope Nichols
S: [11] Jude Benoit Nichols******
D5: [41] Stella Angelica Winslow
exH: [40] Milo Granville TrentonS: [18] Milo Granville TrentonH: [55] Luke Valentin FordS/D: [7] Luke Valentin Ford // Stella Angelica Ford******
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H: [dec, aged 44] Benjamin Henry "Ben" Miller
W: [80] Charlotte Amelia "Lottie" [Fearing] MillerD1: [56] Olivia Audrey [Miller] Gardner
D2: [55] Lucia Elizabeth [Miller] Trader
D3: [52] Beatrice Antonia [Miller] Lincoln
S1: [46] Benjamin Henry "Henry" Miller
D4: [dec, aged 33] Juliana Violet [Miller] Nichols
D5: [41] Leanna Talia [Miller] Ford******
D1: [56] Olivia Audrey [Miller] Gardner
H: [61] Jack Theodore GardnerS: [32] Jack Theodore "Theo" Gardner
-W: [30] Grace Hannah [May] Gardner
-D: [12] Charlotte Amelia "Charlie" Gardner
-S: [8] James Ross Gardner
-S: [6] Leo Julian Gardner
-S: [3] Finn Noah Gardner
-S: [nb] Samuel Patrick "Sam" GardnerS: [26] Vincent Quinn Gardner
-W: [25] Camilla Isabella "Mila" Gardner******
D2: [55] Lucia Elizabeth [Miller] Trader
H: [59] Marshall Harmon TraderD: [35] Lucia Elizabeth "Elle" [Trader] Farming
-H: [35] Alexander Lee "Alex" Farming
-S: [6] Alexander Lee FarmingS: [33] Jacob Ellison Trader
-W: [28] Caroline Lila [Beal] Trader
-D: [nb] Lucia Elizabeth "Lily" TraderS: [dec, aged 21] Graham Curtis TraderS: [15] Benjamin Henry "Ben" Trader
S: [11] Gabriel Byron Trader
S: [8] Simon Charles Trader******
D3: [52] Beatrice Antonia [Miller] Lincoln
H: [56] Matthew Caleb LincolnD: [24] Mya Abigail Lincoln
D: [21] Anna Marina Lincoln
S: [11] Andrew Sylvain Lincoln******
S1: [46] Benjamin Henry "Henry" Miller
W: [47] Sarah Francesca [Ingram] MillerS: [19] Benjamin Henry "Jamie" Miller
D: [14] Aimee Daniela Miller
D: [11] Sarah Francesca "Sadie" Miller
S: [8] Sebastien Hudson Miller******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Juliana Violet [Miller] Nichols
H: [47] Jude Pierre NicholsD: [22] Juliana Violet NicholsD: [20] Valerie Diane [Nichols] Stone
-H: [24] Michael Kurt Stone
-S: [exp] Dexter Bertrand StoneS: [17] Nathan Dean Nichols
D: [14] Evelyn Clara Nichols
S: [11] Jude Pierre Nichols******
D5: [41] Leanna Talia [Miller] Ford
exH: [40] Marc Thomas TrentonS: [18] Marc Thomas "Tom" TrentonH: [55] Luke Valentin "Val" FordS/D: [7] Luke Valentin Ford // Leanna Talia "Leah" Ford
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H: [dec, aged 44] Benjamin Oliver Winslow "Ben"
W: [80] Amelia Juliet (Caswell) Winslow "Mia" D1: [56] Lucy Allegra Winslow
D2: [55] Genevra Elizabeth Winslow "Genny"
D3: [52] Gabriella Beatrice Winslow "Gabi"
S1: [46] Benjamin Oliver Winslow "Jr."
D4: [dec, aged 33] Ava Carmen Winslow
D5: [41] Liliana Stella Winslow "Lily" ******
D1: [56] Lucy Allegra (Winslow) Gardner
H: [61] Owen Theodore Gardner S: [32] Owen Theodore Gardner "Theo"
-W: [30] Natalia Grace (Hinging) Gardner "Tali"
-D: [12] Amelia Juliet Gardner "Juli"
-S: [8] Max William Gardner
-S: [6] Everett Leo Gardner "Rett"
-S: [3] Finn Noah Gardner
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke Gardner "Sam" S: [26] Quinn Mercer Gardner
-W: [25] Jaya Camille (Curtis) Gardner******
D2: [55] Genevra Elizabeth (Winslow) Trader "Genny"
H: [59] Orrin Hugo Trader D: [35] Genevra Elizabeth (Trader) Farming "Lizzie"
-H: [35] Alexander Lincoln Farming "Alex"
-S: [6] Alexander Lincoln Farming "Link" S: [33] Jacob Ellison Trader "Jake"
-W: [28] Lila Jocelyn (Beal) Trader
-D: [nb] Genevra Elizabeth Trader "Neve" S: [dec, aged 21] Levi Grant Trader
S: [15] Benjamin Oliver Trader "Oliver"
S: [11] Carter Gabriel Trader
S: [8] Forrest Charles Trader ******
D3: [52] Gabriella Beatrice (Winslow) Hammer "Gabi"
H: [56] Blaise Matthew Hammer D: [24] Carly Abigail Hammer
D: [21] Adrianna Marina Hammer "Adri"
S: [11] Eli Jackson Hammer ******
S1: [46] Benjamin Oliver Winslow "Jr."
W: [47] Lina Emily (Burr) Winslow S: [19] Benjamin Oliver Winslow "Benji"
D: [14] Daniela Hazel Winslow "Nella"
D: [11] Lina Emily Winslow "Emmy"
S: [8] Hudson Sebastien Winslow ******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Ava Carmen Nichols (Winslow)
H: [47] Jude Thornton Nichols D: [22] Ava Carmen Nichols "Carmen" D: [20] Aurora Valerie (Nichols) Stone "Rory"
-H: [24] Harrison Michael Stone "Harris"
-S: [exp] Dexter Ethan Stone "Dex" S: [17] Logan Dean Nichols
D: [14] Clare Evelyn Nichols
S: [11] Jude Thornton Nichols "J.T." ******
D5: [41] Liliana Stella (Winslow) Jones "Lily"
exH: [40] Lev Milo Wilder S: [18] Lev Milo Wilder "Milo" H: [55] Denton Luke Jones S/D: [7] Denton Luke Jones "Luke"/Liliana Stella Jones "Stella"
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H: Henry Quentin Miller, Sr. [dec, aged 44]
W: Emmaline Charlotte Miller née Taunton [80]D1: Audrey Allegra Dunbar née Miller [56]
D2: Lucia Elizabeth Cushing née Miller [55]
D3: Claire Beatrice Lincoln née Miller [52]
S1: Henry (Hank) Quentin Miller, Jr. [46]
D4: Ava Violet Nichols née Miller [dec, aged 33]
D5: Stella Mariana Fenton née Miller [41]******
D1: Audrey Allegra Dunbar née Miller [56]
H: Jack Theodore Dunbar, Sr. [61]S: Jack (Jackson) Theodore Dunbar, Jr. [32]
-W: Cornelia Grace Dunbar née Smith [30]
--D: Emmaline (Emmy) Charlotte Dunbar [12]
--S: Liam James Dunbar [8]
--S: Everett Leo Dunbar [6]
--S: Finn Merritt Dunbar [3]
--S: Duke Samuel Dunbar [nb]S: Mercer Vincent Dunbar [26]
-W: Isabelle Elise Dunbar née Curtis [25]******
D2: Lucia Elizabeth Cushing née Miller [55]
H: Miles Orrin Cushing [59]D: Lucia (Beth) Elizabeth Cooper née Cushing [35]
-H: Lincoln Alexander Cooper, Sr. [35]
--S: Lincoln (Alex) Alexander Cooper, Jr. [6]S: Jacob Cal Cushing [33]
-W: Lila Jocelyn Cushing née Beal [28]
--D: Emmaline (Charlie) Charlotte Cushing [nb]S: Levi Curtis Cushing [dec, aged 21]S: Henry (Quentin) Quentin Cushing [15]
S: Gabriel Carter Cushing [11]
S: Simon Charles Cushing [8]******
D3: Claire Beatrice Lincoln née Miller [52]
H: Caleb Matthew Lincoln [56]D: Ruby Clementine Lincoln [24]
D: Adrianna Cherry Lincoln [21]
S: Lucas Andrew Lincoln [11]******
S1: Henry (Hank) Quentin Miller, Jr. [46]
W: Emilia Francesca Miller née Burr [47]S: Henry (Tripp) Quentin Miller, III [19]
D: Hazel Elyse Miller [14]
D: Emilia (Lia) Francesca Miller [11]
S: Sebastien Hudson Miller [8]******
D4: Ava Violet Nichols née Miller [dec, aged 33]
H: Jude Crawford Nichols, Sr. [47]D: Ava (Vivi) Violet Nichols [22]D: Aurora Constance Taylor née Nichols [20]
-H: Harrison Michael Taylor [24]
--S: Emmett Watson Taylor [exp]S: Bennett Nathan Nichols [17]
D: Penelope Clare Nichols [14]
S: Jude (JJ) Crawford Nichols, Jr. [11]******
D5: Stella Mariana Fenton née Miller [41]
exH: Thomas Milo Wilder, Sr. [40]S: Thomas (Milo) Milo Wilder, Jr. [18]H: John Luke Fenton, Sr. [55]S/D: John (Luke) Luke Fenton, Jr. & Stella (Mariana) Mariana Fenton [7]******
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H: [dec, aged 44] Rance Henry Miller
W: [80] Emmaline "Emmie" Charlotte (Caswell) MillerD1: [56] Audrey Celeste Miller
D2: [55] Elizabeth "Beth" Claudia Miller
D3: [52] Claire Beatrice Miller
S1: [46] Rance "RJ" Henry Miller, Jr.
D4: [dec, aged 33] Angelina "Angie" Violet Miller
D5: [41] Leanna Piper MillerRance & Emmie Miller: Audrey, Beth, Claire, RJ, Angie and Leanna******
D1: [56] Audrey Celeste (Miller) Gardner
H: [61] Theodore "Ted" Jack GardnerS: [32] Theodore "Theo" Jack Gardner, Jr.
-W: [30] Hannah Grace (Smith) Gardner
-D: [12] Emmaline "Emma" Charlotte Gardner
-S: [8] Ross Liam Gardner
-S: [6] Leo Everett Gardner
-S: [3] Finn Merritt Gardner
-S: [nb] Duke Samuel Gardner

S: [26] Vincent "Vince" Quinn Gardner
-W: [25] Elise Isabella (Curtis) GardnerAudrey & Ted Gardner: Theo and Vince
--Theo & Hannah Gardner: Emma, Ross, Leo, Finn and Duke
--Vince & Elise Gardner:******
D2: [55] Elizabeth "Beth" Claudia (Miller) Trader
H: [59] Hugo Miles TraderD: [35] Elizabeth "Eliza" Claudia (Trader) Cooper
-H: [35] Alexander "Alex" Lee Cooper
-S: [6] Alexander "Xander" Lee Cooper, JrS: [33] Jacob "Jake" Ellison Trader
-W: [28] Jocelyn Maria (Beal) Trader
-D: [nb] Elizabeth "Lizzie" Claudia TraderS: [dec, aged 21] Grant Miller TraderS: [15] Rance Henry Trader
S: [11] Byron Gabriel Trader
S: [8] Simon Charles TraderBeth & Hugo Trader: Eliza, Jake, Grant, Rance, Byron and Simon
--Eliza & Alex Cooper: Xander
--Jake & Jocelyn Trader: Lizzie******
D3: [52] Claire Beatrice (Miller) Lincoln
H: [56] Robert "Bob" Matthew LincolnD: [24] Abigail "Abby" Clementine Lincoln
D: [21] Adrianna "Addie" Josefina Lincoln
S: [11] Andrew "Andy" Lucas LincolnClaire & Bob Lincoln: Abby, Addie and Andy******
S1: [46] Rance "RJ" Henry Miller, Jr.
W: [47] Sarah Emily (Burr) MillerS: [19] Rance Henry Miller, III
D: [14] Leah Hazel Miller
D: [11] Sarah "Emily" Miller
S: [8] Justice Hudson MillerRJ & Sarah Miller: Rance, Leah, Emily and Justice******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Angelina "Angie" Violet (Miller) Norris

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The Winslow Family!H: [dec, aged 44] Rance Foster Winslow
W: [80] Juliet Amelia (Taunton) Winslow
D1: [56] Allegra Celeste (Winslow) Dunbar, "Legs"
D2: [55] Claudia Lucia (Winslow) Cushing, "Claws"
D3: [52] Viviana Marisa (Winslow) Lazell, "Viv"
S: [46] Rance Foster Winslow, Jr.
D4: [dec, aged 33] Carmen Angelina (Winslow) Norris
D5: [41] Liliana Stella (Winslow) Ford, "Lily"******
D1: [56] Allegra / "Legs"
H: [61] Jack Owen DunbarS1: [32] Jack Owen Dunbar, Jr.
-W: [30] Hannah Marcella (Smith) Dunbar
-D: [12] Juliet Amelia Dunbar
-S1: [8] William James Dunbar, "Will"
-S2: [6] Leo Everett Dunbar
-S3: [3] Finn Merritt Dunbarr
-S4: [nb] Samuel Bayard Dunbar, "Sam"S2: [26] Vincent Quinn Dunbar, "Vince"
-W: [25] Isabella Camille (Curtis) Dunbar******
D2: [55] Claudia / "Claws"
H: [59] Hugo Orrin CushingD: [35] Claudia Lucia (Cushing) Lincoln, "Lucy"
-H: [35] Isaac Alexander Lincoln, Jr.
-S: [6] Isaac Alexander Lincoln IIIS1: [33] Jacob Ellison Cushing, "Jake"
-W: [28] Maria Sidonia (Ghenm) Cushing
-D: [nb] Claudia Lucia CushingS2: [dec, aged 21] Graham Levi CushingS3: [15] Rance Foster Cushing
S4: [11] Gabriel Byron Cushing, "Gabe"
S5: [8] Charles Simon Cushing ******
D3: [52] Viviana / "Viv"
H: [56] Matthew Robert LazellD: [24] Ruby Clementine Lazell
D: [21] Anna Marina Lazell
S: [11] Lucas Andrew Lazell******
S: [46] Rance
W: [47] Sarah Emilia (Ingram) WinslowS: [19] Rance Foster Winslow III
D: [14] Sylvie Hazel Winslow
D: [11] Sarah Emilia Winslow
S: [8] Sebastien Robinson Winslow, "Bastien" ******
D4: Carmen
H: [47] Reid Crawford Norris IIID: [22] Carmen Angelina NorrisD: [20] Constance Elida (Norris) Taylor, "Connie"
-H: [24] Harrison Michael Taylor
-S: [exp] Ethan Emmett TaylorS: [17] Bennett Melville Norris, "Ben"
D: [14] Clara Nathalie Norris
S: [11] Reid Crawford Norris IV******
D5: [41] Liliana / "Lily"
exH: [40] Milo Thomas TrentonS: [18] Milo Thomas Trenton, Jr.H: [55] Lucian Denton FordS/D: [7] Lucian Denton Ford, Jr. // Liliana Stella Ford, "Stella"*
vote up1
H: [dec, aged 44] Benjamin Foster Miller
W: [80] Emmaline Charlotte (Fearing) MillerD1: [56] Olivia Celeste Miller
D2: [55] Elizabeth Claudia Miller
D3: [52] Beatrice Harper Miller
S1: [46] Benjamin Foster Miller, Jr.
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Carmen Miller
D5: [41] Leanna Piper Miller******
D1: [56] Olivia Celeste (Miller) Gardner
H: [61] Owen Theodore GardnerS: [32] Owen Theodore Gardner, Jr.
-W: [30] Hannah Grace (Smith) Gardner
-D: [12] Emmaline Charlotte Gardner
-S: [8] Liam Raul Gardner
-S: [6] Felix Everett Gardner
-S: [3] Noah Merritt Gardner
-S: [nb] Samuel Bayard GardnerS: [26] Vincent Cornell Gardner
-W: [25] Elise Adriana (Collamore) Gardner******
D2: [55] Elizabeth Claudia (Miller) Jacob
H: [59] Miles Harmon JacobD: [35] Elizabeth Claudia (Jacob) Lincoln
-H: [35] Alexander Isaac Lincoln
-S: [6] Alexander Isaac Lincoln, Jr.S: [33] Giles Ellison Jacob
-W: [28] Lila Sidonia (Marsh) Jacob
-D: [nb] Elizabeth ClaudiaS: [dec, aged 21] Levi Graham JacobS: [15] Benjamin Foster Jacob
S: [11] Gabriel Carter Jacob
S: [8] Simon Charles Jacob******
D3: [52] Beatrice Harper (Miller) Hammer
H: [56] Robert Caleb HammerD: [24] Abigail Ruby Hammer
D: [21] Marina Cherry Hammer
S: [11] Lucas Jackson Hammer******
S1: [46] Benjamin Foster Miller, Jr.
W: [47] Tahlia Rosa (Burr) MillerS: [19] Benjamin Foster Miller III
D: [14] Daniela Hazel Miller
D: [11] Tahlia Rosa Miller
S: [8] Sebastien Robinson Miller******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Carmen (Miller) Norris
H: [47] Jude Thornton NorrisD: [22] Violet Carmen NorrisD: [20] Ana Lucille (Norris) Taylor
-H: [24] Harrison Claude Taylor
-S: [exp] Ethan Jefferson TaylorS: [17] Logan Bennett Norris
D: [14] Carla Evelyn Norris
S: [11] Jude Thornton Norris, Jr.******
D5: [41] Leanna Piper Miller
exH: [40] Thomas Milo TrentonS: [18] Thomas Milo Trenton, Jr.H: [55] Lucian Valentin FordS/D: [7] Lucian Valentin Ford, Jr. // Leanna Piper Ford******
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H: [dec, aged 44] Oliver Rance Jones
W: [80] Clarissa Juliet Jones (née Taunton)D1: [56] Allegra Celeste Jones
D2: [55] Valeria Elizabeth Jones
D3: [52] Perla Beatrice Jones
S1: [46] Oliver Rance Jones, Jr.
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Angelina Jones
D5: [41] Leanna Piper Jones******
D1: [56] Allegra Celeste Dunbar (née Jones)
H: [61] Marius Theodore DunbarS: [32] Marius Theodore Dunbar II
-W: [30] Flavia Grace Dunbar (née May)
-D: [12] Clarissa Juliet Dunbar
-S: [8] Ross Liam Dunbar
-S: [6] Julian Mortimer Dunbar
-S: [3] Benton Noah Dunbar
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke DunbarS: [26] Vincent Cornell Dunbar
-W: [25] Leontine Elise Dunbar (née Collamore)******
D2: [55] Valeria Jones Cushing (born Valeria Elizabeth Jones)
H: [59] Marcel Hugo CushingD: [35] Valeria Elizabeth Cushing

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H: [dec, aged 44] Marcellus Henry Winslow
W: [80] Margarita Juliet (nee. Taunton) WinslowD1: [56] Allegra Celeste
D2: [55] Isadora Elizabeth
D3: [52] Perla Beatrice
S1: [46] Marcellus Henry, Jr.
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Juliana
D5: [41] Mariana Stella ******
D1: [56] Allegra Celeste (nee. Winslow) Gardner
H: [61] Jack Theodore Gardner ~
S: [32] Jack Theodore Gardner, Jr.
-W: [30] Elodie Natalia (bee. Hinging) Gardner -D: [12] Margarita Juliet
-S: [8] William James
-S: [6] Julian Felix
-S: [3] Noah Emile
-S: [nb] Samuel Raoul ~
S: [26] Vincent Quinn Gardner
-W: [25] Camille Leontine Collamore ******
D2: [55] Isadora Elizabeth (nee. Winslow) Trader
H: [59] Hugo Marcel Trader ~
D: [35] Isadora Elizabeth (nee. Trader) Farming
-H: [35] Alexander Lee Farming -S: [6] Alexander Lee, Jr. ~
S: [33] Giles Jacob Trader
-W: [28] Lila Sidonia Ghenm-D: [nb] Isadora Elizabeth ~
S: [dec, aged 21] Simeon Levi Trader ~
S: [15] Marcellus Henry Trader
S: [11] Antatole Gabriel Trader
S: [8] Charles Forrest Trader ******
D3: [52] Perla Beatrice (nee. Winslow) Lincoln
H: [56] Mathew Robert Lincoln D: [24] Renata Clementine Lincoln
D: [21] Marina Adrianna Lincoln
S: [11] Sylvain Lucas Lincoln ******
S1: [46] Marcellus Henry Winslow, Jr.
W: [47] Tahlia Rosa Marsh S: [19] Marcellus Henry Winslow, III
D: [14] Hazel Sylvie Winslow
D: [11] Tahlia Rosa Winslow
S: [8] Romain Sebastien Winslow ******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Juliana Winslow
H: [47] Pierre Jude Norris ~
D: [22] Violet Juliana Norris ~
D: [20] Elida Carolina Norris
-H: [24] Julien Michael Stone -S: [exp] Emmett Adrien ~
S: [17] Jules Logan Norris ~
D: [14] Clara Penelope Norris ~
S: [11] Pierre Jude Norris ******
D5: [41] Mariana Stella (nee. Winslow) Johes
exH: [40] Thomas Marc Eells ~
S: [18] Thomas Marc Eells *
H: [55] Lucian Valentin Johes ~
S/D: [7] Lucian Valentin Johes // Mariana Stella Johes ******
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DH - Henry Benjamin Winslow Sr. [Deceased, aged 44]
DW - Juliet Amelia {Fearing} Winslow [80]DD1 - Audrey Olivia {Winslow} Dunbar [56]
-DH - Theodore Cassius Dunbar Sr. [61]
-DS - Theodore Cassius Dunbar Jr. [32]
--DW - Elodie Grace {May} Dunbar [30]
--DD - Juliet Amelia [12]
--DS - William James [8]
--DS - Felix Everett [6]
--DS - Merritt Pryor [3]
--DS - Samuel Bayard [nb]
-DS - Vincent Mercer Dunbar [26]
--DW - Camille Isabella {Curtis} Dunbar [25]DD2 - Vienna Isadora {Winslow} Cushing [55]
-DH - Miles Hugo Cushing [59]
-DD - Vienna Isadora {Cushing} Lincoln [35]
--DH - Isaac Montgomery Lincoln Sr. [35]
--DS - Isaac Montgomery Jr. [6]
-DS - Jacob Burke Cushing [33]
--DW - Sidonia Caroline {Beal} Cushing [28]
--DD - Vienna Isadora [nb]
-DS - Levi Curtis [Deceased, aged 21]
-DS - Henry Benjamin [15]
-DS - Gabriel Carter [11]
-DS - Simon Clement [8]DD3 - Harper Antonia {Winslow} Hammer [52]
-DH - Robert Matthew Hammer [56]
-DD - Abigail Clementine [24]
-DD - Josefina Adrianna [21]
-DS - Lucas Andrew [11]DS1 - Henry Benjamin Winslow Jr. [46]
-DW - Emilia Rosa {Marsh} Winslow [47]
-DS - Henry Benjamin III [19]
-DD - Hazel Daniella [14]
-DD - Emilia Rosa [11]
-DS - Justice Hudson [8]DD4 - Violet Angelina {Winslow} Nichols [Deceased, aged 33]
-DH - Jude Benoit Nichols Sr. [47]
-DD - Violet Angelina [22]
-DD - Aurora Lucille {Nichols} Stone [20]
--DH - Michael Turner Stone [24]
--DS - Dexter Watson [Expecting]
-DS - Logan Melville [17]
-DD - Clara Penelope [14]
-DS - Jude Benoit Jr. [11]DD5 - Stella Liliana {Winslow} Ford [41]
-Ex-DH - Milo Thomas Wilder Sr. [40]
-DH - Lucian Valentin Ford Sr. [55]
-DS - Milo Thomas Jr. [18]
-DS/DD - Lucian Valentin Jr. & Stella Liliana [7]Hank and Julie Winslow - Audrey, Vienna, Harper, Henry, Violet, and Stella Winslow.
-Audrey and Theo Dunbar - TJ, and Vince Dunbar.
--TJ and Elodie Dunbar - Juliet, Liam, Felix, Merry, and Sam Dunbar.
--Vince and Cam Dunbar.
-Vienna and Miles Cushing - Dora, Jake, Levi, Benji, Gabe, and Simon Cushing.
--Dora and Isaac Lincoln - Monty Lincoln.
--Jake and Sid Cushing - Izzy Cushing.
-Harper and Rob Hammer - Abby, Josie, and Luke Hammer.
-Henry and Emilia Winslow - Hank, Hazel, Rosa, and Justice Winslow.
-Violet and Jude Nichols - Angie, Aurora, Logan, Clara, and JJ Nichols.
--Aurora and Mike Stone - Dexter Stone.
-Stella and Milo Wilder - Tom Wilder.
-Stella and Lucian Ford - Val & Lily Ford.
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H: [dec, aged 44] Oliver Benjamin (LN: Jones)
W: [80] Amelia Emmaline (LN: Caswell)D1: [56] Audrey Elisa
D2: [55] Elizabeth Isadora
D3: [52] Claire Beatrice
S1: [46] Oliver Benjamin "Ben"
D4: [dec, aged 33] Ava Violet
D5: [41] Liliana PiperOliver and Amelia have Audrey, Elizabeth, Claire, Ben, Ava and Liliana.******
D1: [56] Audrey Elisa
H: [61] Jack Theodore (LN: Gardner)S: [32] Jack Theodore "Teddy"
-W: [30] Natalia Elodie (LN: Hinging)
-D: [12] Amelia Emmeline "Millie"
-S: [8] James William
-S: [6] Leo Everett
-S: [3] Noah Benton
-S: [nb] Samuel AlbertoS: [26] Julio Quinn "Jules"
-W: [25] Jaya Emmy (LN: Curtis)Audrey and Jack have Teddy and Jules.
Teddy and Natalia have Millie, James, Leo, Noah and Samuel.
Jules and Jaya.
D2: [55] Elizabeth Isadora
H: [59] Hugo Marshal (LN: Cushing)D: [35] Elizabeth Isadora "Izzy"
-H: [35] Lincoln Alexander (LN: Farming)
-S: [6] Lincoln Alexander "Alec"S: [33] Cal Berton
-W: [28] Lila Scarlett (LN: Marsh)
-D: [nb] Elizabeth Isadora "Eliza"S: [dec, aged 21] Miller LeviS: [15] Oliver Benjamin "Benji"
S: [11] Carter Percival
S: [8] Sonny CharlesElizabeth and Hugo have Izzy, Cal, Miller, Benji, Carter and Sonny.
Izzy and Lincoln have Alec.
Cal and Lila have Eliza.
D3: [52] Claire Beatrice
H: [56] Matthew Caleb (LN: Hammer)D: [24] Mya Raine
D: [21] Anna Avery
S: [11] Eli JacksonClaire and Matthew have Mya, Anna and Eli.******
S1: [46] Oliver Benjamin "Ben"
W: [47] Lina Rosa (LN: Ingram)S: [19] Oliver Benjamin "Ollie"
D: [14] Hazel Sylvie
D: [11] Lina Rosa "Rosie"
S: [8] Robinson Armando "Robin"Ben and Lina have Ollie, Hazel, Rosie and Robin.******
D4: [dec, aged 33] Ava Violet
H: [47] Thornton Reid (LN: Beal)D: [22] Ava Violet "Violet"D: [20] Aurora Diane
-H: [24] Harrison Michael (LN: Stone)
-S: [exp] Emmett WatsonS: [17] Logan Bennett
D: [14] Clara Nathalie
S: [11] Thornton Reid "Reid"Ava and Thornton have Violet, Aurora, Logan, Clara and Reid.
Aurora and Harrison have Emmett.
D5: [41] Liliana Piper
exH: [40] Milo Thomas (LN: Trenton)S: [18] Milo Thomas "Thomas"H: [55] Denton Luke (LN: Jones)S/D: [7] Denton Luke "Luca" // Liliana Piper "Ana"Liliana and Milo have Thomas.
Liliana and Denton have Luca and Ana.
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H: [dec, aged 44] Benjamin Foster Winslow
W: [80] Emmaline Clarissa (Caswell) Winslow D1: [56] Celeste Lucy "Celie" Winslow
D2: [55] Elizabeth Claudia "Eliza" Winslow
D3: [52] Antonia Claire "Anna" Winslow
S1: [46] Benjamin Foster "Benji" Winslow
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet "Vi" Juliana Winslow
D5: [41] Stella Leanna Winslow ******
D1: [56] Celeste Lucy "Celie" (Winslow) Gardner
H: [61] Jack Theodore Gardner S: [32] Jack Theodore Gardner
-W: [30] Grace Elodie (Hinging) Gardner
-D: [12] Emmaline Clarissa Gardner
-S: [8] William Max "Liam" Gardner
-S: [6] Everett Leo "Rett" Gardner
-S: [3] Benton Finn "Ben" Gardner
-S: [nb] Samuel Duke "Sam" Gardner

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DH {D,44} Oliver Henry Jones, Sr.
DW {80} Juliet Clarissa {Taunton} JonesDD1 {56} Audrey Celeste {Jones} Gardner
DD2 {55} Elizabeth Claudia {Jones} Cushing
DD3 {52} Claire Antonia {Jones} Hammer
DS1 {46} Oliver Henry Jones, Jr.
DD4 {D,33} Angelina Charmaine {Jones} Norris
DD5 {41} Stella Leanna {Jones} Fenton*DD1 {56} Audrey Celeste {Jones} Gardner
DH {61} Jack Owen Gardner, Sr. DS {32} Jack Owen Gardner, Jr.
- DW {30} Natalia Ines {Hinging} Gardner
- DD {12} Juliet Clarissa Gardner
- DS {8} William Max Gardner
- DS {6} Leo Everett Gardner
- DS {3} Finn Merritt Gardner
- DS {nb} Samuel Bayard GardnerDS {26} Quinn Vincent Gardner
- DW {25} Camilla Adriana {Casswell} Gardner*DD2 {55} Elizabeth Claudia {Jones} Cushing
DH {59} Orrin Marshal CushingDD {35} Elizabeth Claudia {Cushing} Farming
- DH {35} Campbell Isaac Farming, Sr.
- DS {6} Campbell Isaac Farming, Jr.DS {33} Jacob Ellison Cushing
- DW {28} Caroline Maria {Beal} Cushing
- DD {nb} Elizabeth Claudia CushingDS {D,21} Graham Simeon CushingDS {15} Oliver Henry Cushing
DS {11} Gabriel Byron Cushing
DS {8} Charles Forrest Cushing*DD3 {52} Claire Antonia {Jones} Hammer
DW {56} Matthew Robert HammerDD {24} Ruby Abigail Hammer
DD {21} Rena Avery Hammer
DS {11} Lucas Andrew Hammer*DS1 {46} Oliver Henry Jones, Jr.
DW {47} Sarah Emily {Marsh} JonesDS {19} Oliver Henry Jones, III
DD {14} Hazel Celia Jones
DD {11} Sarah Emily Jones
DS {8} Sebastien Justice Jones*DD4 {D,33} Angelina Charmaine {Jones} Norris
DH {47} Jude Thornton Norris, Sr.DD {22} Angelina Charmaine NorrisDD {20} Valerie Lucille {Norris} Stone
- DH {24} Julien Michael Stone
- DS {exp} Adrien Dexter StoneDS {17} Dean Logan Norris
DD {14} Evelyn Penelope Norris
DS {11} Jude Thornton Norris, Jr.*DD5 {41} Stella Leanna {Jones} Fenton
exH {40} Thomas Milo Wilder, Sr.DS {18} Thomas Milo Wilder, Jr.DH {55} John Lucian Fenton, Sr.DS {7} John Lucian Fenton, Jr.
DD {7} Stella Leanna Fenton
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DH [dec, 44] Henry Benjamin Winslow, Sr.
DW [80] Juliet Amelia {Caswell} WinslowDD [56] Audrey Celeste {Winslow} Dunbar
DD [55] Claudia Elizabeth {Winslow} Cushing
DD [52] Beatrice Claire {Winslow} Lincoln
DS [46] Henry Benjamin Winslow, Jr.
DD [dec, 33] Violet Juliana {Winslow} Beal
DD [41] Stella Piper {Winslow / Trenton} Ford*DD [56] Audrey Celeste {Winslow} Dunbar
DH [61] Owen Theodore Dunbar, Sr.DS [32] Owen Theodore Dunbar, Jr.
— DW [30] Elodie Grace {Smith} Dunbar
— DD [12] Juliet Amelia Dunbar
— DS [8] Ross William Dunbar
— DS [6] Everett Leo Dunbar
— DS [3] Finn Merritt Dunbar
— DS [nb] Samuel Duke DunbarDS [26] Quinn Mercer Dunbar
— DW [25] Emmy Camille Curtis*DD [55] Claudia Elizabeth {Winslow} Cushing
DH [59] Miles Orrin CushingDD [35] Claudia Elizabeth {Cushing} Cooper
— DH [35] Alexander Lee Cooper, Sr.
— DS [6] Alexander Lee Cooper, Jr.DS [33] Burke Ellison Cushing
— DW [28] Scarlett Caroline {Marsh} Cushing
— DD [nb] Claudia Elizabeth CushingDS [dec, 21] Simeon Grant Cushing
DS [15] Henry Benjamin Cushing
DS [11] Carter Gabriel Cushing
DS [8] Charles Simon Cushing*DD [52] Beatrice Claire {Winslow} Lincoln
DH [56] Caleb Robert LincolnDD [24] Carly Abigail Lincoln
DD [21] Avery Adrianna Lincoln
DS [11] Lucas Andrew Lincoln*DS [46] Henry Benjamin Winslow, Jr.
DW [47] Emilia Francesca {Marsh} WinslowDS [19] Henry Benjamin Winslow, III
DD [14] Celia Hazel Winslow
DD [11] Emilia Francesca Winslow
DS [8] Hudson Sebastien Winslow*DD [dec, 33] Violet Juliana {Winslow} Beal
DH [47] Reid Crawford Beal, Sr.DD [22] Violet Juliana BealDD [20] Valerie Diane {Beal} Stone
— DH [24] Michael Turner Stone
— DS [exp] Watson Dexter StoneDS [17] Logan Bennett Beal
DD [14] Penelope Evelyn Beal
DS [11] Reid Crawford Beal, Jr.*DD [41] Stella Piper {Winslow / Trenton} Ford
exDH [40] Thomas Milo Trenton, Sr.
DH [55] Luke Denton Ford, Sr.DS [18] Thomas Milo Trenton, Jr.
DS [7] Luke Denton Ford, Jr.
DD [7] Stella Piper Ford
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H: [dec, aged 44] Henry Oliver Winslow
W: [80] Amelia Juliet Taunton-Winslow
Henry & Amelia: Lucy, Elizabeth, Beatrice, Henry, Violet (RIP) and Ella D1: [56] Lucy Celeste Winslow
D2: [55] Elizabeth Claudia Winslow
D3: [52] Beatrice Antonia Winslow
S1: [46] Henry Oliver Winslow Jr "Oliver"
D4: [dec, aged 33] Violet Ava Winslow
D5: [41] Ella Mariana Winslow ******
D1: [56] Lucy Winslow-Dunbar
H: [61] Theodore Jack "Theo" Dunbar
Theo & Lucy" Theodore Jr and Vincent S: [32] Theodore Jack Dunbar Jr "TJ"
-W: [30] Hannah Grace Hinging-Dunbar
TJ & Hannah: Amelia, James, Leo, Benton and Samuel -D: [12] Amelia Juliet Dunbar

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For D1's D [12] did you mean Grandmother's name or to make up a "Great-Grandmother"? -

This message was edited 2/6/2018, 8:59 PM

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Thanks! for some reason I was thinking she was D1's daughter because of the repeated father's name! --nt

This message was edited 2/6/2018, 8:54 PM

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I think I can helpThe 12 year old is the daughter of the 32 year old son which makes her the granddaughter of D1 [56] and the great-granddaughter of the original couple, aged 80. At least I hoped that helped =)
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H: [dec, aged 44] Henry Marcellus Winslow
W: [80] Juliet Amelia TauntonD1: [56] Audrey Celeste Winslow
D2: [55] Vienna Elizabeth Winslow
D3: [52] Claire Gabriella Winslow
S1: [46] Henry Marcellus Winslow, Jr. "Hank"
D4: [dec, aged 33] Angelina Charmaine Winslow
D5: [41] Piper Leanna Winslow******
D1: [56] Audrey Celeste Winslow
H: [61] Theodore Cassius GardnerS: [32] Theodore Cassius Gardner, Jr. "TJ"
-W: [30] Natalia Ines May
-D: [12] Juliet Amelia Gardner
-S: [8] Max William Gardner
-S: [6] Leo Everett Gardner
-S: [3] Finn Pryor Gardner
-S: [nb] Duke Bayard GardnerS: [26] Mercer Vincent Gardner
-W: [25] Elise Leontine Curtis******
D2: [55] Vienna Elizabeth Winslow

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