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Ceevie's Build-A-Family Sign Up
OK, you all know how these work. I'll post roughly every second day and you write a story with the information I give you. There will be 12 rounds. If in any rounds you don't want to take part just say - thats alright! Don't change the spellings of the names and you can only use nicknames if there are suitable names listed (e.g. Bethany nn Beth or James nn Jamie).Round 1. OK, this round probably isn't the most interesting but bare with me! Describe your character (DW or DH). Personality, appearance, hopes and dreams: anything you want! You've just come out of university. What have you been studying? Are you going straight into a job and if so what is it? Or are you going to take a year out and go travelling? Tell us what you're doing. Whilst doing whatever you're doing you meet somebody. Name them from below. Tell us about them, what they're interested in. For now this person is your significant other (SO) and not a husband or wife. Do you think you're going to end up together? LN: (Choose from Below)
DH: (Choose from Below)
DW: (Choose from Below)LAST NAMES (Top 50 most common surnames in Scotland 1991-2001)
Allan, Anderson, Bell, Black, Brown, Cameron, Campbell, Clark, Davidson, Duncan, Ferguson, Fraser, Gibson, Graham, Grant, Gray, Hamilton, Henderson, Hunter, Johnston, Kelly, Kerr, MacDonald, MacKay, MacKenzie, MacLeod, McLean, McDonald, Marshall, Martin, Miller, Mitchell, Morrison, Murray, Paterson, Reid, Robertson, Ross, Russell, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Stewart, Taylor, Thomson, Walker, Wallace, Watson, Wilson, YoungBOYS NAMES (Top 50 most popular in England and Wales 2005)
Aaron, Adam, Alexander, Alfie, Archie, Ben, Benjamin, Bradley, Brandon, Callum, Cameron, Charles, Charlie, Connor, Daniel, Dylan, Edward, Ethan, George, Harrison, Harry, Harvey, Henry, Jack, Jacob, Jake, James, Jamie, Joseph, Joshua, Kieran, Kyle, Leo, Lewis, Liam, Louis, Luke, Matthew, Max, Michael, Mohammed, Nathan, Oliver, Owen, Ryan, Samuel, Thomas, Toby, Tyler, WilliamGIRLS NAMES (Top 50 most popular in Scotland 2005)
Abbie, Abigail, Aimee, Amber, Amy, Anna, Beth, Bethany, Brooke, Caitlin, Cara, Charlotte, Chloe, Eilidh, Ella, Ellie, Emily, Emma, Erin, Eva, Eve, Grace, Hannah, Holly, Isla, Jessica, Katie, Kayla, Keira, Kirsty, Lauren, Leah, Lucy, Megan, Mia, Millie, Molly, Morgan, Niamh, Nicole, Olivia, Paige, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruby, Sarah, Shannon, Skye, Sophie, Zoe
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MineDW: Olivia Abigail GibsonHey, I'm Olivia. I'm 22 years old and have just finished University. I majored in History and Archaeology and minored in Celtic History and Sociology. I was really lucky that my mentor heard of a job that would be perfect for me. I'm eternally greatful to him for getting it! The first three years will be spent getting archaeology exierience with an expierienced archaeologist. He will be taking me under his wing along with another girl about my age from Ireland and whilst his team works on a dig in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. Its a dream come true! Then after our three year 'attreniceship' is up we'll join the team on a permanent basis and the next job we are going on is in Europe looking at Roman remains. I'm leavng in a month!***3 months later***
Well, I'm here in Egypt and loving every minute. The weather is gorgeous and teh accomidation is amazing. I'm sharing a small house just outside the valley with the other apprentice. Her name is Morgan Leah MacLeod. She's great fun and always laughing so she's great to have around when I feel homesick. Also I'll never feel lonely with Morgan! Right now our days are spent with Benjamin Lewis Miller or Ben for short, the man leading the dig and another young archaeologist. He's just left the training programme we are now on. His name is Adam Joshua Murray. We have so much fun with him and Ben, they're a right laugh and so intelligent. They know just where to look to find what they want and I'm watching closely! Adam has a 5 year old daughter named Eilidh Grace. She's such a sweet little girl and Adam is great with her. Her mother Shannon, sadly died in childbirth but Adam is getting on with his life. I really like him. He's on intelligent, funny, charismatic, handsome and cheerful. I think he may fell the same way!

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LN: Black
DH: Matthew Alexander
DW: Keira CharlotteWell I just graduated university becoming a pediatric rheumatologist and I did what I always wanted to do and then backpacked across Europe with a few friends- Brooke, Skye, Liam, and Owen... I felt entirely left out of the couples thing- Brooke and Owen and Liam and Skye. But then when I was in France I meet this wonderful man named Matthew and somehow we fell in love and are now living together in Provence near his family and their famous restruant. And I hope that we will get married and raise our kids here... I'm also learning French being here... which is great, I think I'm loosing my Irish accent!
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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LN: Taylor
DH: Alfie Brandon Oliver
DW: Eva Ruby Erin "Evie" (ME lol)I have just finished university and studied teaching. I have started work at a nearby nursery where I took over a retired teacher. I hope to open my own nursery one day and have a big family. I recently met Alfie, who has a 3 year old son, Ethan Bradley, at my nursery. Ethan lives with Alfie because his mother died in a tragic car accident two years ago. Alfie has never met anyone since. He is dark skinned with black hair and blue eyes. He's gorgeous! He also likes children a lot and is a solicitor. I think we'll be together forever, he's so lovely. **miss_smiley**
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LN: Campbell
DH: Owen Edward Charles
DW: Charlotte EveOwen is 26 and an architect, Charlotte is 25 and a kindergarten teacher. Owen is working in his fathers business and hopes to one day be the head of the company. Charlotte loves teaching kindergarten but is thinking about starting a pre-school at home.They both love each other and want to get married and start a family. Owen wants a son to carry on the name and hopefully go into the family business, but he also wants at least one daughter because he loves little girls.
Charlotte wants at least 3 children.~~* BEX *~~Surfing is my religion!Image hosting by Photobucket
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LN: Mitchell
DH: Joseph William
DW: Shannon OliviaI am Shannon.I am 23, and I have blonde hair and green eyes. My parents immigrated to the United States from Sweden. I am fluent in Swedish and visited Sweden often as a child. I grew up in Newport, Rhode Island, and recently graduated from college. I majored in linguistics and Russian. Languages are my passion. I am currently fluent in Swedish, English, Russian, French, and I am trying to teach myself Hungarian.Instead of going straight into a job, I decided to travel Eastern Europe, a place I have always found to be quite interesting. When I was sight-seeing in Vienna, I got completely lost. Since I know little to no German, I wandered the streets of the beautiful city for about two hours, trying to find my way. I ended up randomly bumping into an American tourist named Joseph Mitchell. We discussed a lot of things as we walked together back to the hotel where we both happened to be staying. Joseph is from New York City and is 25 years old. He has brown hair and brown eyes, and just happens to be fluent in German. He is a very talented photographer and writer. We kept in touch after the trip and eventually started dating. We now live in New York City together. He works for a travel magazine and I teach French at a local high school. It has been almost a year since we began dating, and I think we're perfect together.

This message was edited 4/7/2006, 4:08 PM

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LN: Anderson
DW: Jessica Abigail "Jess"
SO: William James Hunter (Hunter=LN)Sorry that it is so long, but I love to write! ^_^ Anyways you don't have to read it, but I was curious I ended it with Jessica and William not even close to dating is that bad? becuase I can write more and get them together. My name is Jessica Abigail Anderson, I was named Jessica after my mother's sister who died as a child and I was name Abigail after my grandmother. I have long dirty blond wavey hair, and sparkling eyes that vary from blue to grey, in short I look exactly like my mother except from my height. While my mother is a short petite woman, I got my father's genes for height and stand at almost 6'0". My mother hasn't had an easy life, my father didn't hang around after I was conceived and my mother had to work two different jobs and as a result I matured faster then many kids my age. I never whined about doing all the housework as I knew there was no way my mother could do everything, I cleaned the house and made meals. My mother always thanked me when she was around long enough, and not in an exhausted sleep. I became protective of my mother and as soon as possible I started working for the neighbors and when I got older, as a waitress, helping to pay the bills. After a while my mother was able to give up her second job. When I went to the university to get my degree my mother was still working but since the house was paid off she could support herself alone, so I went to work and paid my own tuition. And now I am finally done getting my law degree.

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This message was edited 4/7/2006, 5:26 PM

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Love the story! I'm so not that creative.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Thank you! ^_^

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain

This message was edited 4/7/2006, 5:35 PM

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LN: Russell
SO: James Matthew
tall Irish red hair green eyes
SO: Amber Leah Eve
middle height Irish red hair green eyeswe live in Ireland and you both work with travel
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LN: Taylor
DH: Dylan Matthew
DW: Amber NicoleHi, I'm Amber Nicole Taylor. I'm 19 years old, about 5'6, average weight. I have Hazel eyes and long chocolate brown hair, medium skin. I'm a part time student: sophomore year in college and I also have a part time job at Starbucks. I'm majoring in english and taking journalism courses because I want to be a writer for a newspaper or magazine. I met Tyler in highschool and were really close friends. It wasn't untill last year that he wanted to be more than friends. Tyler has brown shaggy hair, green eyes, 6'2 and very muscular. He just turned 20 and he works at Best Buy. He's majoring in biology and wants to be a doctor. We just started living together in an apartment off campus. He can be very shy untill he really feels comfortable with a person and hes the nicest guy I ever met. Me on the otherhand, I can be a bit cynical.
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LN: MacKay
DH: Ethan Alexander "Alex" (24)
-> tall, handsome, dark blond hair, grey-ish eyesLN: Bell
DW: Katie Grace (23)
-> tall, curley black hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, wears glasesKatie is 23 years old and just left college where she majored in History of Arts. She's also got a minor degree in Literature and wishes to be a highschool teacher some day. By now she's enjoying her "freedom" on a trip through europe.
Katie grew up as the oldest of 3 sisters in Providence, Rhode Island, where she had a wonderful childhood and youth. The tall girl with curly black hair and stunning green eyes still is a real "family girl", there wouldn't ever be a single Holiday she'd miss to be at home with her loved ones!
So, this year it's really hard for her being alone in Sweden around christmas...
Well... but there's another "lonely soul" out there! Katie met Ethan Alexander MacKay, called Alex, on christmas eve at a bar in Stockholm. He's 24 years old and works as a cook, but he's dreaming of running his own restaurant some day. The tall and handsome young man is from Ireland, where his Dad and his two older brothers still live with their familys (his mum died when he was a child). Alex had to work over the holidays, so he couldn't fly home to see his family.
So when Katie and Alex met, both homesick and alone, they immideately related to each other. Katie liked his warm smile and the fact that Alex could make her laugh at any time, and he was faszinated by this chaotic and spirited girl, that wasn't able to eat cheesecake without dropping half of it but could describe a scene so colorful that he felt like having been there with her.It's now New Year's Eve and Katie is going to return to the states in less than 3 month. She hasn't seen Alex since that day at the bar, but she hopes to meet him again...
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Hey, glad you're playing but you need to give us a story about your family as well as names. In this round you have to Describe your character (DW or DH). Personality, appearance, hopes and dreams: anything you want! You've just come out of university. What have you been studying? Are you going straight into a job and if so what is it? Or are you going to take a year out and go travelling? Tell us what you're doing. Whilst doing whatever you're doing you meet somebody. Name them from below. Tell us about them, what they're interested in. For now this person is your significant other (SO) and not a husband or wife. Do you think you're going to end up together?Just fill it in in your original message when you get the chance. Thanks!
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oh! sorry!i am 22 and just ended my senior year at Wisconsin University. I have medium wavy brown hair with natural highlights and i have light greenish/blue eyes. i am pretty thin and 5'4. i was studying interior design and plan on persuing it as a career. I am living in a very colorful apartment with my best friend Ashliegh. My SO's name is Owen Matthew and he is a year older than me. i met him at my sisters wedding last month. he was born in New Zeland and moved to the states when he was 11. he has shaggy straight brown hair and green eyes and is fairly tan. he is 6'1. he is a very into sports and his favorite is snowboarding. i dont know if we are going to get married but so far it is going well.
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LN: Clark
DH: Ryan Joshua 24
DW: Erin Skye Reid 22Hi I'm Erin. I'm 5'3", I have dark brown almost black long hair and grey eyes. I'm very outgoing and sporty. I'm 22 years old and I just finished college to be an accountant. I'm going to work for a personal tax agency. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I just got engaged last summer. He's an army drill sgt. and he also owns his own real estate company. He's 5' 11", dark blonde brownish hair and blue eyes. Right now we're working on the ins and outs so we can get married.
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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LN: Campbell
DH: Matthew Dylan "Matt"LN: MacLeod
DW: Erin NiamhI'm going to be 'playing' Erin.
My name is Erin MacLeod and I'm twenty-three years old. I've been out of college for a few weeks now and I'm enjoying my freedom. I hope to find a job soon. I majored in Journalism, but I also have a minor degree in Sociology. Hopefully, I'll be able to find a job as a reporter or as a newspaper journalist. Let's see...about me. I'm 5'8'' and weigh about 140 lbs. I have chin length reddish-brown hair and green eyes. I think of myself as curious and playful, though some would deem me nosy and rude. I don't worry too much about the people who think that about me though. I'm the only girl in a family of five boys, so I suppose I'm pretty used to boys and I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. Right now, I'm renting an apartment until I save up enough to put a down payment on a house. I've been interviewing at a few places, but otherwise just getting settled and meeting the neighbors...which brings me to Matt.
Matt Campbell lives two doors down from me. He's twenty-six years old and has a job at the elementary school teaching fourth grade. He is really good at history and seems to know every event that ever occurred in the history of the world. He's got a great sense of humor and is a caring person. All his kids like him (in his class) and I can see why. Matt is about 6 feet tall (he doesn't know exactly). He has short blond hair and blue eyes and is very attractive. He isn't dating anybody right now and, for some reason, I don't have the courage to ask him myself. He holds a degree in Education, but also has minored in Ancient History and Psychology. Matt has a younger brother and no sisters. He and his brother were raised by his mother because his father died when Matt was three and a half.

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