Re: Simple CAF #176
in reply to a message by Remora L.
H: Harrison Aurelius
W: Olivia Marybelle
D: Georgina Annabelle
S: Arthur Kenny
S: Elwyn Jeff
S: Rudolph Ray
D: Margot Marianne
D: Clarabelle Dawn
"Harris (40) and Liv (37) with: Georgie (12), Artie (8), Wyn (7), Rudy (6), Margot (2) and Clarabelle (9mo)."
^Top 2 = Alice and James ~~ Bottom 2 = Courage and Indiana (m)
W: Olivia Marybelle
D: Georgina Annabelle
S: Arthur Kenny
S: Elwyn Jeff
S: Rudolph Ray
D: Margot Marianne
D: Clarabelle Dawn
"Harris (40) and Liv (37) with: Georgie (12), Artie (8), Wyn (7), Rudy (6), Margot (2) and Clarabelle (9mo)."
^Top 2 = Alice and James ~~ Bottom 2 = Courage and Indiana (m)