Here's my Presidential (Presidents, First Ladies, & surnames; the LN section is not quite complete, but I couldn't do any more typing, lol) CAF. Make up your own family format, and leave the name choices to me.
Boys: George, John, Thomas, James, Quincy, Andrew, Martin, William, Henry, Zachary, Knox, Millard, Franklin, Abraham, Ulysses, Hiram, Rutherford, Birchard, Abram, Chester, Alan, Grover, Benjamin, Theodore, Howard, Woodrow, Warren, Gamaliel, Calvin, Herbert, Clark, Delano, Harry, Dwight, David, Fitzgerald, Lyndon, Baines, Richard, Milhous, Gerald, Rudolph, Leslie, Earl, Ronald, Wilson, Walker, Jefferson.
Girls: Martha, Abigail, Rosalynn, Laura, Barbara, Hillary, Diane, Grace, Anna, Mamie, Geneva, Elizabeth, Betty, Bess, Lucy, Louisa, Claudia, Alta, Mary, Dolley, Thelma, Catherine, Patricia, Jacqueline, Anne, Francis, Nancy, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Virginia, Edith, Dorothy, Eliza, Rachel, Hannah, Letitia, Julia, Sarah, Margaret, Caroline, Jane, Lucretia, Ellen, Frances, Lavinia, Ida, Alice, Helen, Louise, Florence.
LNs: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Blythe, Dandridge, Custis, Smith, Wayles, Skelton, Payne, Todd, Kortright, Donelson, Robards, Hoes, Tuthill, Symmes, Gardiner, Childress, Mackall, Powers, Means, Folsom, McCardle, Boggs, Dent, Ware, Webb, Rudolph, Lewis, Herndon, Fulsom, Scott, Welch, Pierce, Saxton, Bolling, Galt, Kling, DeWolf, Goodhue.