DH [103] Isaac Roger Asher
DW [99] Rosario Dolores Anne Orzabal
DD [67] Natalie Luciana Asher-Orzabal
DD [67] Natalie Luciana Asher-Orzabal
exDH [68] Gioachino Eligio Chiaramonte
DS [40] Bartolo Iacopo Chiaramonte
— exDW [38] Violet Marianne {Tilley} Chiaramonte
— DW [29] Mienrva Athena {Lendale} Chiaramonte
— DD [13] Olivia Cornelia Chiaramonte
— DS [10] Xavier John Chiaramonte
DS [38] Armando Eligio Chiaramonte
— DW [39] Beatrice Tingting Sun-Chiaramonte
— DS [9] Gabriele Jiang Chiaramonte
— DS [6] Ander Yian Chiaramonte
— DD [3] Oona Carmen Yumei Chiaramonte
— DS [nb] Jude Daniel Qiang Chiaramonte
DS [28] Alesander Eric Chiaramonte
I would rather have a few small speed bumps slow me down,
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook