Re: You Say / You Think
1. This is my son, Owen James.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Owen
You Think: Well, it's a little boring, but they're both nice names.2. This is my daughter, Sofia Ruth.
You Say: Sofia, your name is lovely!
You Think: Joy! It's spelled with an F not a PH, and Ruth is very pretty with it.3. This is my son, Wesley Duncan.
You Say: Do you prefer Wes or Wesley?
You Think: I prefer neither. Well, it's not bad, but it seems to really be catching on. Duncan is refreshing, though.4. This is my daughter, Isadora Georgiana.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Isadora! What a pretty name.
You Think: Isadora is SO cute. Georgiana is nms at all and kind of takes away from Isadora's prettiness.5. This is my son, Jacob Edmund.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Jacob.
You Think: Blah. I don't like Edmund AT ALL, and another Jacob. Oh, well.6. This is my daughter, Dierdre Chevonne.
You Say: Hi, Dierdre.
You Think: Ugh. NMSAA! And I knew a Dierdre who has ruined it for me.7. This is my son, Charles Brian.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Charles.
You Think: Doesn't really flow that well, but it could be worse.8. This is my daughter, Alexandra Louise.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Alexandra!
You Think: VERY pretty. Good name. Two thumbs up.9. This is my son, Adam Darcy.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Adam.
You Think: Huh, Darcy? Oh, well, at least it's the MN!10. This is my daughter, Jane Elizabeth.
You Say: Nice to meet you, Jane!
You Think: How charming!PS: My ringtone is "La Vie Boheme" right now! :)

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You Say / You Think  ·  JiminyKrickit  ·  3/26/2006, 9:27 AM
Am I too late?  ·  little_kit  ·  3/26/2006, 3:59 PM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Julia  ·  3/26/2006, 2:59 PM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Rose  ·  3/26/2006, 1:33 PM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Mithos514  ·  3/26/2006, 11:57 AM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Ciarda  ·  3/26/2006, 11:32 AM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Adelle  ·  3/26/2006, 9:32 AM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  JiminyKrickit  ·  3/26/2006, 9:36 AM
Re: You Say / You Think  ·  Adelle  ·  3/26/2006, 11:26 AM