fn a place
mn a name you consider "classic"
fn a color
mn after a month/season/holiday
Child 1:
Do you prefer Erich or Erik?
* if Erich...
DS fn Irish and mn after DH's fn or mn
* if Erik...
DD fn a feminine form of a masculine name and mn ending in 'e'
Child 2:
Do you prefer Beatrice or Beverly?
* if Beatrice...
DD fn from literature and mn something you consider overused
* if Beverly...
DS fn religious and mn from television
Child 3:
Do you prefer Taylor for a boy or a girl?
* if boy...
DS fn three syllables and mn from Eastern Europe
* if girl...
DD fn from mythology and mn only three letters long
(See PPs in profile)
All children, except one, grow up.... You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.