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The Card Family
in reply to a message by Siân
Parent: Alison Esme Card (formerly Volkonski)ExH: Vladimir Pietr Volkonski
Exbf: Harrison James BentonDD: Therese Olivia Card
DS/DS: Severin George Card / Jacques Benjamin Card
DS/DD: Cesaire Frederick Card / Nicolette Anne Card
DD: Raphael Brendon Card
DS: Philippe Bill Card
DD/DS: Wanda Mary Card / Pierre Mark Card
DD: Seraphine Tallulah Card
DS: Judoc Richard Card
DD: Verene Sophie Card
DD: Liliane Laura CardFor those of you wondering why the children have Alison's name, Therese, Severin, and Jacques are all adopted (before either Vladimir or Harrison), which is why they have distinctly French names (she decided to continue the theme). Alison wanted them all to have the same surname, so kept using hers even when she had Cesaire, Nicolette, Raphael, and Philippe, with Vladimir; Wanda, Pierre, Seraphine, Judoc and Verene with Harrison, and adopted 'Lily Laura' whose name she edited a little to make it fit with the French theme.
Lil' bit of family history for you there!Allie + Vlad with Terry, Sev, Jack, Cesaire, Nikki, Raphael and Phil.
Allie + Harry with Therese, Severin (a little older and more sophisticated!), Jacques, Cesaire, Nikki, Raphael, Phil, Wanda, Pierre, Seraphine, Judoc, and Verene.
Allie with Therese, Severin, Jacques, Cesaire, Nikki, Raphael, Phil, Wanda, Pierre, Sarah, Jude, Vera, and Lily.

This message was edited 5/4/2015, 8:00 AM

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