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Re: Generation CAF '95
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [83] Nicholas Jesse Christie
DW [84] Jemima Liliana Christie [MN: Abbott]
DD1 [61] Rachel Melissa Christie
DD2 [60] Katherine Olive Christie
DS1 [57] Nicholas Jesse Christie
DS2 [55] Anthony Morgan Christie
DD3 [51] Mary Emmie Christie* *
DD1 [61] Rachel Melissa Stuart [MN: Christie]
DH [63] Ralph Andrew StuartDD [37] April Natalie Steele [Smart, MN: Stuart]
- exH [40] Spencer Zack Smart
-- DD [15] Talia Josephine Smart
-- DD [13] Mabel Gabrielle Smart
-- DS [10] Xavier Jonathan Smart
- DH [34] Beau Kevin Steele
-- DS [3] Marley Maximilian SteeleDD [34] Lilah Eliana Goodwin [MN: Stuart]
- DH [34] Kieran Ewan Goodwin
- DD [6] Skylar Claudia Goodwin
- DD [4] Destiny Vanessa GoodwinDS [31] Ralph Andrew Stuart
- Dgf [26] Cerys Marnie Quinn
- DD & DD [4mo] Ophelia Peyton Stuart-Quinn & Sapphira Philippa Stuart-Quinn* *
DD2 [60] Katherine Olive O'Brien [Yates, Dale, MN: Christie]
exH [62] Maximus Adrian DaleDD [39] Olive Arianna Dale
- Dbf [29] Hunter Chase Barnett
- DDsDD [14] Carys Samantha Dale
- DD [exp] Helena Lillian Barnett-DaleDD [37] Stella Antonia Randall [MN: Dale]
- DH [37] Rupert Mark Randall
- DD [11] Cleo Diana Randall
- DS [9] Rohan Dominik Randall
- DD [6] Ellen Louise Randall
- DS [4] Zach Lennon Randall
- DS [1] Rufus Malachi RandallExH2 [59] Francis Wilfred YatesDS [34] Francis Wilfred Yates
- DW [31] Kelsey Jade Yates [MN: Howe]
- DS [7] Casey Fletcher Yates
- DS & DS [5] Bentley Travis Yates & Hudson Josiah Yates
- DD [18mo] Sasha Sydney YatesDD [32] Sabrina Hayley Yates
- DW [33] Rosalie Jasmin Peters
- DD [exp] Serena Angelina Yates-PetersDH [59] Stephen Niall O'BrienDHsDS [31] Casper Ashley O'Brien
- Dgf [28] Stephanie Katelyn [Savage]DD [25] Jenna Flora O'Brien
- DD [2] Maisey Tara O'BrienDD [22] Audrey Morgan O'Brien* *
DS1 [57] Nicholas Jesse Christie
DW [55] Anais Genevieve Christie [MN: Barlow]DD [28] Elissa Maizie Howell [MN: Christie]
- DH [32] Julian Ezra Howell
- DS [2] Simon Caiden Howell
- DD [exp] Billie Keeley HowellDD [24] Jorgie Bailey Christie
- Dfiance [24] Damian Justin Bowden
- DS [6mo] Enzo Leland Bowden* *
DS2 [55] Anthony Morgan Christie
DW [48] Henrietta Kaya Christie [MN: McLeod]DS [26] Dillon Rex Christie
- DW [26] Rhea Piper Christie [MN: Lambert]
- DS [4] Angus Troy Christie
- DS [2] Franklin Rafe Christie
- DS [nb] Keegan Jac ChristieDS [24] Shane Nate Christie
DS [21] Wyatt Rylee Christie
DD [10] Elisha Maci Christie* *
DD3 [51] Mary Emmie McGrath [MN: Christie]
DH [52] Mitchell Lee McGrathDD [23] Ashley May Kerr [MN: McGrath]
- DH [26] Rafferty Rudy Kerr
- DD [1] Carmen Juliette Kerr
- DD [nb] Karina Shannon KerrDS [21] Mitchell Lee McGrath
- Dbf [19] Heath Jakob [Dickson]DS [18] Alistair Mylo McGrath
DD [9] Millicent Ida McGrath

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