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Re: CAF with rules
DW: Elodie Jeanne (LaButte)
exH: Jeremiah MeredithDD1: Hyacinth AlphonsineDH: Emmanuel Hamish "Manny" (Campbell)DD2: Constance Miruna
DS1: Franck Robert**
DD1: Hyacinth Alphonsine
DH: Olof Thomas "Olle" (Carlson)DD: Thomasin Lavinia**
DD2: Constance Miruma
DH: Nestore Elia (Abbracciabene)DS/DS: Pike Nestore / Robin Elia
DD: Rosana Elodie "Rosie"
DS1: Franck Robert
Dgf: Fiona Forrest (Page)DD: Frances Armelle
DD: Fern Celandine

"He was healthy to the point of heathendom and he acknowledged no power but his own."Joseph Roth, Hotel Savoy
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