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Re: CAF with rules
DW: Rosalie Jane Martin [65]
exH: James Elliot Cooper [66]DD1: Lily Alexandrine Cooper [40]DH: Alexander Ian Gillepsie [67]DD2: Alice Miriam Gillepsie [34]
DS1: Frederick William Gillepsie "Liam" [31]Rosalie & James; Lily
Rosalie & Alexander; Alice and Liam**
DD1: Lily Alexandrine [Cooper] Sorenson [40]
DH: Jakob Alexander Sorenson [42]DD: Alexandra Lavinia Sorenson [9]Lily & Jacob; Alexandra**
DD2: Alice Miriam Gillepsie [34]
DH: Luca John Marchetti [35]DS/DS: Rowan Dante Marchetti / Oliver Matteo Marchetti [5]
DD: Eliana Rosalie Marchetti [1]Alice & Luca; Rowan, Oliver, and Eliana**
DS1: Frederick William Gillepsie "Liam" [31]
Dgf: Aoife Dylan King [31]DD: Eleanor Isabelle King [3]
DD: Violet Josephine King [exp]Liam & Aoife; Eleanor and Violet
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