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This is your third child's family
Would you rather..
CHILD ONE (6)Live in a house on the water - Boy
..or live in a castle? - Girl
CHILD TWO (5)Have lived in the 8th century - Boy
..or be born in the year 3000? - Girl
CHILD THREE (3)Be a mad scientist - Girl
..or a private investigator? - Boy
CHILD FOUR (nb)Live in Paris as a bum for a year - Boy
..or live in Kansas and be rich? - Girl
Namebank (also for your child's SO)Aidan Ainsley Alastair Angus Archibald Archie Aulay Barclay Bruce Cameron Carson Cináed Colin Conall David Duncan Fraser Fyfe Gavin Glenn Grant Gregor Gus Hamish Heck Ivor Jamie Jock Lachlan Neil Ramsay Ranulf Ruairi Scott Somerled Stewart Wallace
Ainsley Blair Caoimhe Edna Effie Elspeth Glenna Gormlaith Greer Griselda Grizel Iona Ishbel Isla Isobel Jamesina Jamie Jean Jessie Keavy Kirsty Lileas Lillias Lindsay Lorna Maisie Morag Nandag Neilina Seonaid Sileas Sorcha Una