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Re: CAF(judged)
in reply to a message by renny
DH:Marley Jasper
DW:Lwellyn UlovichDD:Ruby Imogen
DD:Natalie Odessa
DS:Nickoli Benjamin
DD:Calissa Ruelle
DD:Sienna Katherine
DD:Arabella Felicity
DS:Gabriel Ulbrey
DS/DS:Finnegan Joel/Dominic Young
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH:Marley Jasper - 39 years
DW:Lwellyn Ulovich - 37 yearsDD:Ruby Imogen - 15 years
DD:Natalie Odessa - 14 years
DS:Nickoli Benjamin - 12 years
DD:Calissa Ruelle *Callie* - 9 years
DD:Sienna Katherine - 6 years
DD:Arabella Felicity *Bella* - 4 years
DS:Gabriel Ulbrey - 2 years
DS/DS:Finnegan Joel/Dominic Young - 2 monthsSorry for the double post, I forgot to add ages - and couldn't edit as I hadn't signed in for the last post.
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