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Sib Set Match
b (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) g (5) g (2)b (5) Kennedy (female) (1)g (12) Tessa (9)b (17) Braelyn (11) g (6)Ashton (female) (16) g (2)b (8) g (6) Anna Jane (3)b (9) b (8) Sage (5)b (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)Girls: Chloe, Emily, Sophie, Sidney, Jayna, Aubre (prn. like Aubrey)Boys: Ethan, Ari, Robert, Scott "Scottie", Wiley, Nolan, Aidan
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Robert (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Sidney (5) Aubre (2)Wiley (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Emily (12) Tessa (9)Nolan (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6)Ashton (female) (16) Chloe (2)Aidan (8) Sophie (6) Anna Jane (3)Scott "Scottie" (9) Ari (8) Sage (5)Ethan (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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Ethan and EmilyBailey, Sidney, and AubreWiley and KennedyEmily and TessaAidan, Braelyn, and JaynaAshton and ChloeNolan, Sophie, and Anna JaneAri and SageRobert and GraceRemember CEDRIC DIGGORY: The REAL Hogwarts ChampionImage Hosted by
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5 right!:)
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Answers (you can still play, but no peeking!)Ethan (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Aubre (5)Chloe (2)Scott "Scottie" (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Emily (12) Tessa (9)Ari (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6)Ashton (female) (16) Sidney (2)Wiley (8) Sofie (6) Anna Jane (3) -I found out the spelling on Sofie was differentRobert (9) Nolan (8) Sage (5)Aidan (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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Ethan (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Sidney (5) Sophie (2)Aidan (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Aubre (12) Tessa (9)Wiley (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6)Ashton (female) (16) Chloe (2)Robert (8) Emily (6) Anna Jane (3)Ari (9) Nolan (8) Sage (5)Scott "Scottie" (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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4 right!
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Ethan (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Chloe (5) Sophie (2)Aidan (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Aubre (12) Tessa (9)Ari (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6)Ashton (female) (16) Sidney (2)Robert (8) Emily (6) Anna Jane (3)Wiley(9) Nolan (8) Sage (5)Scott "Scottie", (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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6 right! Good Job!
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Robert (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Sidney (5) Sophie (2)Ari (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Jayna (12) Tessa (9)Wiley (17) Braelyn (11) Aubre (6)Ashton (female) (16) Emily (2)Scott (8) Chloe (6) Anna Jane (3)Nolan (9) Aidan (8) Sage (5)Ethan (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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One right!
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Robert (15) and Emily (12)Bailey (11), Emily (5), and Chloe (2)Aidan (5)and Kennedy (1)Jayna (12) and Tessa (9)Wiley (17), Braelyn (11), and Aubre (6)Ashton (16) and Sidney (2)Scott "Scottie" (8) and (6) Anna Jane (3)Nolan (9), Ari (8), and Sage (5)Ethan (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)
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3 right!
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Let's see, I'm feeling pretty good about some of these sibsets, and I love a lot of these names! :)Nolan (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11), Emily, (5) Sidney (2)Scott "Scottie" (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Aubre (12) Tessa (9)Ari (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6) ~ we should know your's! :)Ashton (female) (16) Chloe (2)Rebert (8), Sophie (6), Anna Jane (3)Wiley (9), Aidan (8) Sage (5)Ethan (5) and Grace "Gracie" (3)So, how did I do?Image hosting by Photobucket
"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"
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Good, 4 right,
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Robert (15) Emily (12)Bailey (11) Sophie (5) Chloe (2)Ethan (5) Kennedy (female) (1)Emily (12) Tessa (9)Ari (17) Braelyn (11) Jayna (6)Ashton (female) (16) Sidney (2)Aidan (8) Aubre (6) Anna Jane (3)Nolan (9) Wiley (8) Sage (5)Scott "Scottie", and Grace "Gracie" (3)Check Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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7 right! Awesome
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