1. (combine elements to make full last name, eg Poop- -naked would form Poopnaked)
LN: Dan-, Ket-, Martin-, War-, Gun-, Tay-, Gil- / -Lor, -Ren, -Ring, -Bert, -Ckle, -Sak, -Dale
W: Thea, Jane, Anna, Eva, Jetta, Flora, Lily / Candace, Caprice, Hannelore, Proserpine, Clarette, Colette
H: Tobin, Louis, Leif, Peter, George, Søren, Boris / Frederick, Benedict, Alexander, Christopher, Isidore, Alfonso, Johannes
S: Richard, Clive, Walter, Henry, Pierce, Raymond, David / Sylvester, Thaddeus, Martin, Drake, Carl, Hugo, Bernard
D: Mary, Cindy, Carrie, Peggy, Rhonda, Betty, Daisy / Lou, Sue, Jean, Ann, Lee, Ray, Fay
S: Yale, York, Hugh, Laurence, Patrick, Lionel, Tristan / Belcourt, Dartmouth, Dayton, Auster, Bateman, Elliston, Berkeley
S: Alan, Joel, Dale, Beau, Rex, Lyle, Philip / Quincy, Yancy, Jefferson, Vernon, Morley, Carsten, Austin
2. Name given must be used in combo somewhere, as first or middle name
LN: the letters -and-
H: Robert
W: Doris
D: Julia
D: Cadence
D: Monica
S: Redmond
S: Frank
D: Deirdre
S: Otis
3. Ok, this one's kind of weird, but do you ever associate names together in your head? I associate David with Daniel, Matthew with Michael, Sarah with Hannah, Astrid with Ingrid, etc. This third one is just, replace each name with one you associate the name with, or could associate it with, or is inspired by it. Not necessarily a closely related one (that would be boring), just one that has a similar "vibe" to you. Including the LN.
LN: Robinson
W: Nancy Jane
H: James Richard
S: Louis Frederick
D: Pearl Thomasina
S: Albert Landon
D: Mary Daphne
D: Claudia Helen
S: Nicholas Flynn