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Adenydd's Nerdy Congrats - Round 10
Bopperlynn and Flute have been dropped for inactivity.Past Rounds:
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:
Round 7:
Round 8:
Round 9: Things to Know:
- Namebank rules may slightly change each round due to the niche nature of some themes. Nothing too complicated, however, and special rules will always be bolded.
- I will post a new round every 2-3 days, though it may take a day longer if I'm particularly busy.
- You will be dropped after three rounds of non-participation if you do not notify me beforehand.
- Please bold new entries.
- Spelling changes are not allowed, but nicknames are fine.
- No ages, please.----------The namebank for this round contains selected names with 15 or fewer uses -- in the year 1910 (USA). Surnames have been randomly generated.There are no special rules for this round.----------Feminine Names: Adina Adria Aino Alfhild Amelie America Antonina Arabelle Araminta Ardath Ardelia Aretha Arizona Arleen Atlanta Babette Bama Beatriz Beauty Bebe Belen Calla Canary Catarina Caldonia Calista Celina China Clarabel Clarence Clotilde Clover Columbia Concha Coral Coralie Cristina Dagny Deanna Delmar Delphina Dina Docia Dominica Ebba Edra Eleonora Elodia Emmy Esperanza Estel Eudora Eulalie Euphemia Faustina Felice Felicitas Felipa Flavia Fortunata Fumiko Gemma Georgetta Gudrun Haruko Hazelle Heloise Henriette Hildur Honora Hortensia Hyacinth Icy Ingeborg Isadora Isla Jack Janis Jayne Jeannie Jesusa Juliana Kaye Kimiko Lady Laurel Lavonia Leather Leontine Linnaea Lolita Lorenza Louisiana Love Loyola Lu Luda Madonna Malta Maple Marceline Margarete Marita Marta Maryanna Maryjane Maureen Melia Melina Melvia Michelina Mignon Mimi Nena Nicolina Norah Odette Ofelia Omega Olympia Orla Othella Ottilia Parthenia Pearline Philomene Pia Piccola Pilar Pocahontas Precious Princess Providence Raquel Raye Rochelle Rosaline Rosaria Rosebud Rosena Sabina Sabra Santana Sena Senaida Sidonia Sophronia Stasia Stefania Sula Svea Sydney Susanne Thais Theodosia Thomasina Thyra Tilda Twyla Valentine Venice Vela Vesper Victorine Vienna Violetta Waneta Wynona Zenith ZillahMasculine Names: Abel Addison Adelard Agustin Alcide Alden Alfonzo Almond Amadeo Americo Ammon Angel Ansel Antoine Arlen Arlington Arlo Artis Asher Ashley Audrey Aurelio Bailey Barry Bartholomew Baxter Blake Blanchard Boyce Brooks Bryan Bryce Caesar Caleb Captain Carlyle Casper Clarke Clovis Colin Constantine Cooper Cornell Damon Dante Dawson Dell Denzel Dixon Donal Duke Duncan Einar Elden Emmanuel Ernst Erskine Estel Eugenio Eunice Evelyn Fabian Farris Fate Federico Fenton Fern Finley Florencio Francesco Fritz Fulton Gale Galen Gernett Gideon Giovanni Giuseppe Griffin Guido Guillermo Hadley Hamilton Harland Harlon Harlow Harper Hayden Hezekiah Hilario Hilary Hudson Irvine Ishmael Jamie Jan Jarvis Jeffrey Jethro Johan Jones Jordan Josef Joy Kirby Kirk Kiyoshi Kyle Lafayette Landon Leonardo Leopold Linden Lorne Loy Lucas Lyndon Lynwood Madison Marcel Marlin Marquis Meredith Milan Moe Montgomery Mortimer Murphy Nevin Nicola Nicolas Olaf Omar Orson Ovid Paolo Parker Pascal Philander Pierce Prentice Quentin Ramsey Ransom Raoul Reece Regis Reid Reynold Roderick Rosco Rudolf Rueben Rush Sebastian Sheldon Sheridan Silvester Sinclair Stanton Stefan Sullivan Sumner Talmadge Terrence Titus Toby Valentino Vasco Verner Vincenzo Weston WyattSurnames: Arrington Dahl Falkenrath Lithgow Martell Nussbaum Padmore Sastre Spalding Teel Wescott
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Adenydd's Nerdy Congrats - Round 10  ·  Adenydd  ·  3/23/2012, 6:45 PM
Re: Adenydd's Nerdy Congrats - Round 10  ·  NurseMom75  ·  3/23/2012, 8:12 PM
A - La Reina  ·  Adenydd  ·  3/23/2012, 6:49 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  kbellwether  ·  3/25/2012, 8:42 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  A  ·  3/24/2012, 8:57 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  Eva Marie  ·  3/24/2012, 6:51 AM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  La Reina  ·  3/24/2012, 6:47 AM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  Eris  ·  3/24/2012, 1:46 AM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  LadyBug  ·  3/23/2012, 11:14 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  JN316  ·  3/23/2012, 10:19 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  Lady Sif  ·  3/23/2012, 9:26 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  Adenydd  ·  3/23/2012, 7:30 PM
Re: A - La Reina  ·  Jessamine  ·  3/23/2012, 7:06 PM
Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Adenydd  ·  3/23/2012, 6:47 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  miakendall1075  ·  3/27/2012, 4:07 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Loki  ·  3/26/2012, 2:14 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Starshelle  ·  3/26/2012, 7:35 AM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  3/25/2012, 11:40 AM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  zombieoftheweek  ·  3/24/2012, 2:52 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  luvmonkeezz  ·  3/24/2012, 1:04 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Sigrid  ·  3/24/2012, 6:39 AM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Sugar  ·  3/24/2012, 3:36 AM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Ninor  ·  3/24/2012, 2:40 AM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Wandering Moon  ·  3/23/2012, 9:54 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Valerie  ·  3/23/2012, 8:11 PM
Re: Loki - Zombieoftheweek  ·  Tisiphone  ·  3/23/2012, 7:33 PM