I am in fifth grade and my teacher is awesome. he plays his guitar in class we sing the ants go marching but change up the words a bit such as "the ants go amrching 2 by 2 hurrah, hurrah, the anys go marching 2 by hurrah hurrah, the ants go marching 2 by 2 the little one stops (then we change it to) to take a poo. it makes class funny. a new boy is in our class this year, i kinda like him and hes cute. i have 3 sisters and 2 bros. one sister is older than me. she's in 7th grade and the rest are younger. i love having alot of siblings though sharing a bedroom with 2 5 yr old is getting annoyong.
Abigail Elizabeth 12
DD: me!
Shawn Matthew 8
Natalie Faith/
Maya Gabrielle 5
Joshua Gregory 5 mo.