I thought this would be interesting to do, but I don't know if anyone else would be interested. They can have a lot of kids this way. Their reasons for polygamy are up to you, and you don't need to bother to show them if you don't want to. Info:
-It will be a KUY because I don't want to have to copy every family down.
-It will also be relatively freeform, I may say "your person has a new wife" or "you've had at least triplets" or something, but other than that, not much.
-Each round will have a namebank, probably randomly generated or nymblered.
-I'll except sign-ups until I stop and then you can probably still join, just ask. :)
--Maybe I'll make you write a hundred words on how much you want to join. :P
-You can skip rounds, I won't drop anyone or make you make them up.
-Ages are not required, but feel free. If you do do ages feel free to stop or jump around.
Pretty much the only rule is use the namebank.
Stories are welcomed with open arms and an imaginary cookie!
This is the minimum you need for this round:
They may have more wives (and husbands if you can figure out how to show that)(and bfs/gfs) and children
from previous marriages/relationships or adopted i.e. no children they had together yet.