Re: Rachael's Adoption Agency
LN: Drury
Your name: Sarah Linton
Age: 32
Occupation: Teacher
Interests: Arts & crafts, music, tennis, theatre
Disabilities: None
Your SO's name: Ethan Christopher Drury
Age: 33
Occupation: Astrophysisist
Interests: Music, science, crafts, literature
Disabilities: None
Child(ren) living with you (names, ages, interests, disabilities):
Helena Louise Drury, 6, likes tennis & science, no disabilities
Others living with you (names, relations): -
Pet(s) (names, species): -
Location: USA
Type of house: 2 story with large garden
Number of bedrooms(available and occupied): 3 available, 2 occupied
What is/are the household’s religion(s): Christian
What language(s) do household members speak: English, French & Spanish
The Adoptee(s):
How many children do you want to adopt (max. 6): 2
Ages (newborn-16): Newborn and 15-16
Gender(s): both
Preferred origin(s): Any
Preferred language(s): No preference about the newborn, the older child should know some English, French or Spanish.
Preferred religion(s): Any, we'll not force them to join our religion.
Will you accept:
-Disabilities (kinds and severity): Yes, any, preferably treatable
-Illnesses (kinds and severity): Same
-Multiples (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.): No
-Siblings and/or close relatives: No
-Pregnant teen?: Yes
-Teen mom, dad, or both: No
--Teen mom, dad, or both WITH child: No
-Gay/lesbia.n teens? If so, which or both: Yes
-Children with pets? If so, what kind(s): No
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents or other relatives?: Yes