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Re: Rachael's Adoption Agency
LN: DruryYour name: Sarah Linton
Age: 32
Occupation: Teacher
Interests: Arts & crafts, music, tennis, theatre
Disabilities: NoneYour SO's name: Ethan Christopher Drury
Age: 33
Occupation: Astrophysisist
Interests: Music, science, crafts, literature
Disabilities: NoneChild(ren) living with you (names, ages, interests, disabilities):
Helena Louise Drury, 6, likes tennis & science, no disabilitiesOthers living with you (names, relations): -
Pet(s) (names, species): -Location: USA
Type of house: 2 story with large garden
Number of bedrooms(available and occupied): 3 available, 2 occupied
What is/are the household’s religion(s): Christian
What language(s) do household members speak: English, French & Spanish
The Adoptee(s):
How many children do you want to adopt (max. 6): 2
Ages (newborn-16): Newborn and 15-16
Gender(s): both
Preferred origin(s): Any
Preferred language(s): No preference about the newborn, the older child should know some English, French or Spanish.
Preferred religion(s): Any, we'll not force them to join our religion.
Will you accept:
-Disabilities (kinds and severity): Yes, any, preferably treatable
-Illnesses (kinds and severity): Same
-Multiples (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.): No
-Siblings and/or close relatives: No
-Pregnant teen?: Yes
-Teen mom, dad, or both: No
--Teen mom, dad, or both WITH child: No
-Gay/lesbia.n teens? If so, which or both: Yes
-Children with pets? If so, what kind(s): NoWill you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents or other relatives?: Yes
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Please welcome the newest members of your family!Romain Georges, age 15: Romain is from France, but he speaks fluent English. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. His parents and little sister, Hermine, were killed in a car accident three years ago, which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He is very independent and loves to go outside. He makes friends easily and is very smart. He likes basketball and action movies. He can play the guitar and is very polite, but he doesn't like to share personal information. He sometimes blames himself for the accident or just gets depressed, but he'll get over it.Ritika Savitri, newborn: Ritika is from India. She was given up at birth. She has dark hair and brown eyes. She is very healthy and squirmy, but a loud crier.Please let us know how they're settling in!
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