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Superhero Dice CAF
I'm bored, so ta-da!
You create a family of superheroes!Nothing with dice in a while, so there's dice.
Steps 10, 11, and 12 are optional but encouraged!Use this 12-sided die: free to roll again, I have no way of knowing!Step 1>>> Roll for SO1's Superpower1. Two powers --- roll twice! again if you'd already rolled this.
2. Grass/Plant powers (think turning daisies into giant, constricting vines)
3. Psychic (ie reading minds)
4. Shape-shifting
5. Invisibility
6. Flight
7. Telekenisis
8. Super Speed
9. Super Strength
10. Water/Ice powers
11. Fire powers
12. None or roll again
Step 2>>> Roll for Super hero name (base it on your super power using the format)1. Color + Animal
2. Color + Occupation
3. Color + Time of day
4. Color + Food (you might want to make it really obscure)
5. Animal + (Wo)Man/Boy/Girl/Guy/etc.
6. Time of day + Animal
7. Something to do w/ power (aka S2dwP)
8. S2dwP + Animal
9. S2dwP + (Wo)Man/Boy/Girl/Guy/etc.
10-12. Roll again (for a number 1-9) and change into:
---10. French
---11. Spanish
---12. Language of your choice (NOT french, spanish, or english)
If you're lost, roll again!
Step 3>>> Roll for mild mannered alter ego's job1. News reporter
2. News photographer
3. A job? Ha! I'm too fabulously rich to work!
4. Waitress/Waiter
5. Computer Technition
6. Scientist
7. Unemployed
8. Cubicle Person (your choice of workplace)
9. Some other News person
10. Teacher, your choice of grade level/subject
11. CEO who's fabulously rich!
12. Choice or roll again
Step 4>>> Family Surname1. Smith
2. Johnson
3. Williams
4. Jones
5. Brown
6. Davis
7. Miller
8. Wilson
9. Moore
10. Taylor
11. Anderson
12. Thomas
Step 5>>>Roll for first name, then middle name1. 2000-10 Top 50
2. 1990s Top 50
3. 1980s Top 50
4. 1970s Top 50
5. 1960s Top 50
6. 1930s Top 50
7. Subtly hint at their power
8. Blantantly hint at their power
9. Unisex or surname name
10. boys: girls:
11. Something that sounds... rich.
12. Alliterary names w/ the same amount of letters (if rolling for FN, don't roll for MN, if rolling for MN, roll again)
Step 6>>> Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 5 for SO2, if SO1 is unemployed, they MUST have a job. If SO1 is rich, no job required.
Step 7>>> Roll for number of kids1. None (feel free to reroll if you'd rather them have kids)
2-3. One
4-5. Two
6. Three
7. Four
8. Five
9. Six
10. Seven
11. Eight
12. Nine
Twins and other multiples are your choice!
Ages are also your choice.
Step 8>>> Roll for gender of child 1Even. Girl
Odd. Boy
Step 9>>> Repeat steps 1, 2, 5, and 8 for each child (If you'd like them to have a job, you can roll for 3, too.
Step 10>>> Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the family's archenemy/ies
Step 11>>> Name their fictional city
Something overly typical ending in:
1-3. Ville
4-6. Ington
7-9. City
10-12. Starting with New
Step 12>>> Tell me about them!!! Things like: daily life, school, work, their secret lair, the archenemy or ies, etc.
Have fun!
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Yes! Yes! (done!)Superheroes are my love. I saw the game since day one, but I wanted everything to be so perfect that it took me days to just flesh it out! I got two words for you, though: superhero congrats. I've tried them, twice, but neither really worked out. It would be great if you can make one, but beware, for as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. 'Nuff said.
Ignatius Casey Davis, better known simply as Casey Davis, started out as a simple news reporter in the pleasant place which was Newbridge City, scooting around town with his motorcycle and with an eye always on potential news. But life never was that easy, wasn't it? No-one has a life that simple, not even Casey. Because when the night falls, and darkness blankets the city, Casey would reinvent himself as the masked vigilante Mulciber, who incinerates things with a mere glance and brings light - literal as well as figurative! - into the grimmest parts of town. As Mulciber, he enjoyed every bit of hammy freedom he wanted, raining lectures on the difference between good and evil to every villain who'd listen (and some who didn't really want to); when daylight returned, Mulciber would vanish, and Casey Davis would come running into the office of the NewsBridge newspaper with a brand-new story and exclusive interview with the superhero.But as the story goes, nothing settles down comfortably in the lives of our heroes. Suspicion arose as to how Casey got all those amazing exclusives with the otherwise elusive Mulciber. Amongst those people was Casey's best friend since high school, Benjy Brown. While Benjy has his own ideas about how Casey got all those marvellous news, it was not until a certain incident that the dice were thrown. Casey, as Mulciber, was out fighting crime as usual when he encountered a young woman defending herself against a blatantly unmasked mugger. What made that particular night unusual, however, was that both woman and mugger were fighting not physically, but psychically - clutching their heads at various sprawled positions on the alley.

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This message was edited 12/13/2011, 10:46 PM

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DH - Roger David Williams (51)
Superpower - Invisibility & Psychic
Superhero name - Chameleon Man
Job - Pre-school teacherDW - Aidan Kennedy {Thomas} Williams (51)
Superpower - Fire powers
Superhero name - Volcano Woman
Job - High School teacherDS - Stephen Benedict Williams (24)
Superpower - Grass/Plant powers
Superhero name - Green Thumb
Job - Computer TechnicianDS - Thomas Patrick Williams (21)
Superpower - None
Superhero name - Black Lemur
Job - News personDD - Ivy Katherine Williams (19)
Superpower - Grass/Plant powers
Superhero name - Ivy Girl
Job - News photographerDD/DD - Natalie Amelia & Spencer Cynthia Williams (17)
Superpowers - Invisibility / None
Superhero names - Purple Five / Blue OstrichDD - Amber Dakota Williams (14)
Superpower - Psychic
Superhero name - Red KaleDS/DD - Gregory Rowan & Amanda Alexia Williams (10)
Superpowers - Grass/Plant powers / Water/Ice powers
Superhero names - Crimson Ant / Olive TechnicianArchenemiesName - Orange Dolphin
Power - Shape-ShiftingName - Seven Snails
Powers - Shape-Shifting & Fire powersName - Violet Kelp
Power - Super speedName - Brown Squirrel
Power - TelekinesisName - Green Coffee
Power - Super StrengthName - Silver Dolphin
Power - TelekinesisName - Cerulean Frog
Power - NoneName - Tawny Owl
Power - FlightName - Yellow Cheetah
Power - Super SpeedName - Pied Mouse
Power - TelekinesisName - Hawk Girl
Power - FlightCity - Frenchville

This message was edited 12/12/2011, 4:08 PM

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DH - Arthur Timothy Smith (51)
Superhero Name - Orange Dolphin
Superpower - Shape-Shifting
Job - Cubicle personDW - Sarah Sofia {Wilson} Smith (50)
Superhero Name - Seven Snails
Superpowers - Shape-Shifting & Fire powers
Job - News personDS - George Nicholas Smith (26)
Superhero Name - Violet Kelp
Superpower - Super speed
Job - Cubicle personDS - David Alexander Smith (24)
Superhero Name - Brown Squirrel
Superpower - Telekinesis
Job - News reporterDD - Margaret Evangeline Smith (22)
Superhero Name - Green Coffee
Superpower - Super Strength
Job - News personDS - Quinn Charles Smith (20)
Superhero Name - Silver Dolphin
Superpower - Telekinesis
Job - News photographerDD - Ashley Sarah Smith (17)
Superhero Name - Cerulean Frog
Superpower - NoneDD - Davina Denise Smith (15)
Superhero Name - Tawny Owl
Superpower - FlightDS/DS - Grayson Matthew & Jonathan Daniel Smith (13)
Superhero Name - Yellow Cheetah / Pied Mouse
Superpower - Super Speed / TelekinesisDD - Victoria Melissa Smith (10)
Superhero Name - Hawk Girl
Superpower - Flight
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Wilson Family
SO1: Joshua MichaelJosh” aka. Green Dusk (Super Speed) No alter ego job
SO2: Jennifer MichelleJenny” aka. Aqua Raven (Water/Ice powers) Cubicle Person
DD: Rebecca TaylorBecky” aka. Blue Morning (Shape-shifting)
DS: Samuel BeauSam” aka. Wolfboy (Super strength)
DS: Wesley ClarkWes” aka. Red Kale (Psychic)
DS: Jared Jason aka. Noche Aguila (Psychic)Live in New Rocksinberg
Enemy: Dash Strong (Super speed and strength)
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Lavender Dawn
4th grade teacher
DW Emily Sarah (Jones) Thomas Super strength
Black Sawyer
DH Ryan Daniel Thomas Two kids DD Samantha Sophia "Sam" Thomas (12)
White Eagle DD Rylie Rebecca Thomas (10)
Super Speed
Speed Girl Barrington Sam is in seventh grade, is a gymnast, and gets good grades in school. She has blonde curly hair and blue eyes, and wears glasses. She has a best friend, whose name is Lily. Rylie is in fifth grade and plays soccer, though she runs slower than she really can. She also gets good grades in school. She has short blonde hair, which is normally pulled into a ponytail. She also has a best friend, named Olivia. Emily teaches fourth grade at their local elementary school. There are 20 kids in her class, 9 boys, 11 girls. The boys can be loud and energetic, but her class is normally pretty good. Ryan is researching something most people wouldn't understand, but he loves doing. For the most part, other than their superpowers, they lead pretty normal lives.
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DH [41]: Super strength "Super Muscle Man" Nicholas Gregory Taylor, fantastically rich CEO
DW [42]: Psychic with fire powers, "Flaming Dawn," Blaze Kristen [Williams] Taylor, too rich to work
DD [21]: Shape shifter, "Fille Métamorphose," Lily Lark Taylor, Kindergarten teacher
DS [18]: Telekenisis, "Blue Boysenberry," Anthony Maninder Taylor, science geek in college by day/ super hero gadget maker by night
Archenemy- Super speedster "Quick Fox" who is constantly terrorizing Center City

This message was edited 12/11/2011, 12:31 PM

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mine #3I'm enjoying this, even if it's not very popularDH: Dustin Chuck, works in a cubicle at a blank paper company
Aka Red Runner [super speed]
DW: Lynn Dawn, a news reporter
Aka White Bear [water/ice]DS: [21] Herman Wayne, a college student and computer technition
Aka Speed Rabbit [super speed]
DD: [17] Diana Kathryn, a senior working as a waitress for extra cash
Aka Voler [flight]
DS/DS/DD: [13]
Jeffery Todd "Jeff"
Aka Snow Guy [water/ice]
Nathan Mark "Nate"
Aka Notthere [invisibility]
Angela Rowling "Angie"
Aka Fire Turtle [fire]
DS: [6] Howard Aaron "Howie"
Aka PsyBoy [psychic]
DS: [jb] Caleb Asher
Aka Smokie [fire]
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DW: Alma Anne Miller - La Chate Noire // shape-shifter // unemployed
DH: Samuel Bruce Miller - The Owlman// psychic // millionaire* Psyche Alma Miller - MindGirl // Telekenisis
* Blithe Rowan Miller - MindKitten // Telekenisis
* Araminta Thomasina Miller - OwlGirl // Telekenisis
* Evangeline Samantha Miller - GreenClover // Grass & Plant powers
* Oceanus Blue Miller - WaveBoy // Water & Ice powers
* Eric Thomas Miller - RedRyder // Super Speed
* Luke Alexander Miller - PurplePanther // Telekenisis
* Octavia Adelaide Miller - Ember // Fire powers
* Magnus Samuel Miller - MorphoBoy // shafte-shifter
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mine #2 (since no one else is doing it, why not? :))DH: Persimmon Kumquat, a retired psychic super-hero. aka Richard Eugene Smith "Rickie", a man working in a cubicle at a blank paper making company.
DW: Yellow Cheetah, a retired super-speed super-hero. aka Stephanie Madison Smith, a photographer for the news.DD: [19] Winston Vera Smith "Winnie", a computer technition at Eagle Tech {no powers}
DD: [16] Cheetah Girl, a super-speed super-hero; aka Jessica Cheryl Smith "Jess", a teen girl with an internship at the newspaper
DS: [13] Red Night, a telekinetic super-hero; aka Robert Brian Smith
DS/DS: [10] Pheonix Boy, a firey super-hero; aka Joshua Blaze Smith "Josh" / Thorn Worm, a grass/plant super-hero; aka Alexander Gardener Smith "Alex"
DD: [7] Bird Girl, a flying super-hero; aka Annabel Amandah Smith "Annie"
DS: [4] Midnight Seal, a shape-shifting and water/ice preschooler, aka Douglas Andrew Smith "Dougie"With the final defeat of Noontime Lion, the villianous supervillian, Persimmon Kumquat and the Yellow Cheetah retired to raise a family. Now, Ricky Smith works for a company that makes blank paper. Stephanie has become a photographer. Their eldest child, Winnie, has become a computer technition, and she's a rising star in the business. Their superpowered kids, Jess, Robert, Josh, Alex, Annie, and Dougie are carrying on the family business to fight Noontime Lion's much scarier kids; Mind Gal and Brainiac, his telekinetic daughter and psychic son. When duty call, they rush to Winnie's old bedroom to fight crime in Park City!
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mine #1DH: [36] Todos Los Animales, shapeshifting super-hero! Aka Jose Donald Davis, a mild-mannered high school spanish teacher.
DW: [35] Cloudia, flying super-hero! Aka Cassandra Nicole Davis, a mild-mannered kindergarten teacher.DD: [14] Invisible Girl, invisible super-hero! Aka Clarity Jean Davis, a mild mannered teen girl
DS: [12] Carne Rossa, super strong super-hero! Aka Preston James Davis, a mild mannered tween boy
DD: [10] Pink Tiger, psychic super-hero! Aka Dylan Julie Davis, mild mannered girlAnd their Archenemy; Blue Twilight, and cold-hearted woman with powers to match (Ice/Water), who terrorizes Park City!!!By day, the Davis's are a happy, normal family; Jose, Cassie, Clarity, Preston, and Dylan. They love to learn, and they're all very kind. Mr. Davis works at the high school, he's a popular (and handsome) spanish teacher. His daughter Clarity goes there, too. She's sneaky and fun, working as a reporter for the school newspaper, she's somehow able to sneak in just about anywhere. Preston Davis goes to the middle school, where he's the sports star and heavy-lifting champ! Dylan and her mother, Mrs. Davis, go to the elementary school, where she is the calm and collected kindergarten teacher. Dylan is a smart girl, always one step ahead, she knows just the answer you were thinking of. The family comes home and eats dinner, but when duty calls, they run to the couch, opening a secret hatch and flying down to become:Todos Los Animales, Cloudia, Invisible Girl, Carne Rossa, and Pink Tiger! United to fight crime against the evil Blue Twilight! Her favorite activities include freezing puppies to fire hedrants (can't spell that), soaking kittens, freezing fish, and breaking perfectly good kitchen apppliances! However, this super family is always ready to stop her.
Sorry it's SO cheesy
This came really fast because it was my test run
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