Out of those three, Lydia Noelle is probably my favorite, that's ok if you don't want to use it though. Were you not sure because Noelle is similar to Noa or something else?
My second favorite is probably Aurora Elisabeth.
As for more combos what about:
Lydia Nicoline
Mary Anneliese
I think we need should add more names. Some more I like:
Juliet / Julia
Alexandra / Alexandria
Seraphine / Seraphina
Also, should we consider some alternatives to names already on our list? For example, Nicole and Nicoline, Emily and Emmeline. Just in case a combo may flow better with the alternative instead the original names we had. How do you feel about these alternatives?
Nicoline - Nicole
Mary - Marie, Mariel, etc., there's a ton of these
Anneliese - Anna, Anne, also several more names starting with Ann-
Emmeline - Emily, Emilia, Emma
Clara - Clarisse, Claire, Clarissa
Can you think of any others you might like that we could use?