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Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices
Feel free to switch the order of names (i.e. initials can be AB or BA).DS: Alvy Amiel Ananias Argus Ariel / Bartolo Bluford Boston Bunyan Burns
DD: Yasuko Yoko Yola Young Yvonda / Zara Zelia Zell Zenith Zenora
DS: Carlin Champ Colvin Cosimo Curly / Dahl Delphin Dennison Dizzy Donat
DD: Wanza Wathena Wendell Willie-Mae Willowdean / Xanthippe Xanti Xaviera Xenia Ximena
DS: Earley Ebert Elmond Elston Estes / Filemon Fiore Floy Fortino Frederich
DD: Udell Una Unice Undine Ursula / Valetta Vernestine Violeta Virgilia Vivianne
DS: Gable Gilmore Giovanni Grey Gwin / Hale Hanson Harald Holmes Horton
DD: Sara-Jane Seraphine Sister Starr Stasia / Tabitha Talitha Texas Trilla Trini
DS: Ichiro Inman Inocencio Irie Isham / Jehu Jeter Johnathan Josephus Justus
DD: Queenie Quida Quilla Quincy Quita / Renate Rima Romilda Rosellen Ruthanna
DS: Kelsey Kemper Kennis Kingsley Kip / Lalo Laurier Leonidas Lilton Lomax
DD: Olinda Olivene Ortencia Osceola Ozetta / Page Palmira Pandora Perle Philippa
DS: Mansfield Marvel Matteo Minoru Montgomery / Nash Nathanael Neely Nobel Noland
DD: Mahalia Mar Marlo Megan Mena / Nadia Nesta Nathalia Normandie Nydia
DS: Octave Orange Orison Orson Oval / Pasco Perfecto Philbert Pleasant Posey
DD: Kareen Karmen Kenna Kimiko Klara / LaDoris Laila Lizzy Lovey Lunette
DS: Quay Quince Quincy Quintin Quitman / Rawley Rey Ridley Robinson Rome
DD: Ilse Ionia Irish Isadora Isola / Joellyn Josefita Josephina Julian Junetta
DS: Shane Siegfried Sloan Socorro Sullivan / Tedford Theophilus Tilmon Tollie Truitt
DD: Gay-Anne Gila Glorious Gratia Griselda / Harumi Heloise Hertha Hiawatha Hjordis
DS: Udell Ulmer Umberto Urban Uvaldo / Valdemar Vann Ventura Vestal Victoriano
DD: Eleonora Elmarie Elodie Esma Evadean / Fawn Felicity Fernande Florencia Fujiko
DS: Walden Watt Wilhelm Wilkie Wilmot / Xabier Xavi Xenon Xerxes Xenophilius
DD: Clarisse Cleveland Clotiel Cozette Cyrilla / Damaris Darlyn Deluvina Domitila Donnette
DS: Yancey Yates Ygnacio York Yoshio / Zebedee Zed Zeke Zeno Zigmund
DD: Adda Alita Anella Athalia Avon / Barrie Bell Betty-Lee Blondine Beverlyn
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Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  molly  ·  7/29/2011, 3:11 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  7/31/2011, 6:34 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Amara L.  ·  7/31/2011, 5:04 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Sigrid  ·  7/31/2011, 4:02 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Starshelle  ·  7/30/2011, 11:40 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  luvmonkeezz  ·  7/30/2011, 11:17 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  ingo  ·  7/30/2011, 7:33 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Alcyone  ·  7/30/2011, 7:25 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Crista  ·  7/30/2011, 7:09 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  jessica_p  ·  7/30/2011, 12:44 AM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Eva  ·  7/29/2011, 10:48 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  LadyBug  ·  7/29/2011, 9:44 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  LM  ·  7/29/2011, 9:40 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Wordsmith  ·  7/29/2011, 7:51 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  miakendall1075  ·  7/29/2011, 7:22 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  fluffien  ·  7/29/2011, 6:28 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  littleRainbow  ·  7/29/2011, 6:23 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  Jessamine  ·  7/29/2011, 4:01 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  michal1234  ·  7/29/2011, 3:46 PM
Re: Alphabetical CAF w/ Choices  ·  molly  ·  7/29/2011, 3:21 PM