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Re: Adoption Agency
LN: Oliver-ThaneYour name: Siobhan Bronwen
Age: 38
Occupation: Forest management
Interests: Nature, art, math
Disabilities: noneYour SO's name: Leona Magdalen
Age: 37
Occupation: Soccer coach
Interests: sports, animals
Disabilities: noneChild(ren) living with you (names, ages, interests, disabilities):
Nephew (stays here every summer)
Name: Elliot Camden
Age: 8 1/2
Interests: Soccer, climbing, dogs
Disabilities: NoneOthers living with you (names, relations):
Pet(s) (names, species):
Poseidon, dog (some sort of random mutt)
Capricorn, beta fishLocation: WashingtonWhat is/are the household’s religion(s): Christian and atheist
What language(s) do household members speak: English, one speaks sign
The Adoptee(s):
How many children do you want to adopt (max. 4): 1 or 2
Ages (newborn-16): 3-11
Gender(s): any
Preferred origin(s): any
Preferred language(s): English
Preferred religion(s): any
Will you accept:
-Disabilities (kinds and severity): mild autism, deafness, or pretty much anything that does not require a lot of time to deal with
-Multiples (twins or triplets): Twins
-Siblings and/or close relatives: Yes
-Pregnant teen?: No
-Teen mom, dad, or both: No
--Teen mom, dad, or both WITH child: Yes (hopefully not though, considering we're only accepting up to 11 years old)
-Gay/lesbian teens? If so, which or both: Any
-Children with pets? If so, what kind(s): Anything in a cage (except birds), dogs or cats. No room for large animals.
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