What Do You Think About This For Mine...?
The first three questions were answered by you.
-Where you live- with our parents (I'll check where it is before I write the actual thing)
-What your relationship with your parents is like- pretty good; any opinions on what her relationship should be like?
-What your relationship with your siblings is like- always treated like a little child, being the youngest by eight years; opinions?
-What your relationship with your grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles is like- hmmmm... I seriously have no ideas; ideas?
-If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband- Nope; I'm fourteen, for goodness' sake!
-Who your friends are- I'll do this alone
-What your hobbies are- any ideas on this?
-Are there pets in the family- do we have any pets?
-Any medical conditions- did you guys decide on anything about this?
-What parent's jobs are- I'll look at this...
-Looks- hmmm... what do YOU think your youngest sister should look like?
-Parent's looks- I'll look at this...
-What grade you are in/what major you are studying/what your job is- later in 8th grade, or earlier in 9th? Which?
-Anything else you find relevant- if there is anything, I'll figure that on my own.