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Sib match up
1) Christina, BOY, Monica
2) GIRL, Lori, Nicole
3) GIRL, Jessie
4) Melissa, BOY, Nancy
5) Steven, BOY
6) GIRL, Vito
7) GIRL, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, BOY, Jessica
9) GIRL, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, BOYBOYS: Justin, Kevin, Stephen, Joey, David
GIRLS: Laura, Pam, Andrea, Lisa, Erica
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Answers1) Christina, Joey, Monica
2) Lisa, Lori, Nicole
3) Erica , Jessie
4) Melissa, David, Nancy
5) Steven, Kevin
6) Laura, Vito
7) Andrea, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, Justin, Jessica
9) Pam, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, Stephen
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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1) Christina, Stephen, Monica
2) Erica, Lori, Nicole
3) Pam, Jessie
4) Melissa, Joey, Nancy
5) Steven, David
6) Andrea, Vito
7) Laura, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, Justin, Jessica
9) Lisa, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, KevinBOYS: Justin, Kevin, Stephen, Joey, David
GIRLS: Laura, Pam, Andrea, Lisa, Erica
vote up1
1) Christina, Justin, Monica
2) Erica, Lori, Nicole
3) Laura, Jessie
4) Melissa, Stephen, Nancy
5) Steven, David
6) Andrea, Vito
7) Pam, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, Joey, Jessica
9) Lisa, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, KevinCheck Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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1) Christina, Joey, Monica
2) Pam, Lori, Nicole
3) Andrea, Jessie
4) Melissa, Stephen, Nancy
5) Steven, Kevin
6) Erica, Vito
7) Laura, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, Justin, Jessica
9) Lisa, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, David
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U got 3 right1) Christina, Joey, Monica
5) Steven, Kevin
8) Kendra, Justin, Jessica
vote up1
1) Christina, Stephen, Monica
2) Pam, Lori, Nicole
3) Laura, Jessie
4) Melissa, David, Nancy
5) Steven, Justin
6) Andrea, Vito
7) Laura, Robert, Lisa, Nicole
8) Kendra, Joey, Jessica
9) Erica, Bill, Megan
10) Christina, Danielle, Kevin
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U got 1 right4) Melissa, David, Nancy
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