Picture Contest WinnersBest Baby Pic: Hecate, joiesmom, Aderyn Azula, AnnaMarie and AmandaJane
Best Sib Pic: Ninor
RULES* To vote for Best Child Picture go to
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3749907&board=game. Please note that some of you have posted more than one pic. Make sure you know which one it is that's in the contest before you vote. Post your vote as a
reply to the poster you want to vote for. Type
Gets My Vote or something similar in the
subject line.
The winner will be annouced in the next round.
* Sign-Ups:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3745773&board=gameRound 1:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3747022&board=gameRound 2:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3748518&board=gameRound 3:
* This congrats will only be
five rounds.
* You will have to keep up with your own family and ages. Three years have passed since round 3.
If you chose Alternative 1 in round 1: Your family has a ten-year-old son, a seven-year-old daughter, a five-year-old son and either a pet or a three-year-old daughter.
In this round you have a newborn. Gender is your choice.
If you chose Alternative 2 in round 1: Your family has nine-year-old twins, a five-year-old and either a three-year-old son or a four-year-old adopted daughter.
In this round you may choose between getting a pet or having a newborn son.
If you chose Alternative 3 in round 1: Your family has a eight-year old, a five-year-old daughter and either three-year-old twins or a four-year-old adopted son.
In this round you may choose between getting a pet or having a newborn daughter.
Picture Contest Winners: Number of children and gender is your choice.
Previous Picture Contest Winners: Go back to the alternative you chose in round 1
PICTURES* Post a picture of your oldest child together with one or two of his/her siblings. Again, you can of course post pictures of all the children but please make sure it's obvious which one is in the contest.