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Re: Puritan CAF
DH: Noble Timothy
DW: Faith ElizabethDS: Deliverance Adam "Del"
DD: Prudence Mary "Pru"
DD: Harmony Grace
DD: Felicity Susanna "Lissy"
DD: Temperance Anne "Tempy"
DS: Humble Tobias
DD: Charity Rebecca "Cherry"
DS: Justice Nathaniel
DS: Thankful Peter
DS: Honor Benjamin
DD: Mercy Tabitha
DS/DS: Redeemed John / Resolved James
DD: Verity Judith
DS: Wrestling Elias "Wrest"
DD: Hope MarthaNoble & Faith
Deliverance, Prudence, Harmony, Felicity, Temperance, Humble, Charity, Justice, Thankful, Honor, Mercy, Redeemed, Resolved, Verity, Wrestling and Hope

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