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Puritan CAF
So a pretty normal caf with a few rules
1. Atleast one name needs to be a virtue or slogan I provided a short list or you may use ones you know of or visit:
2. You may use regular names from the bank
3. Have funDH:
Adrian, Agnes, Alice, Annabella, Anne, Amie, Aveline, Barbara, Beatrice, Blanche, Bridget, Cassandra, Catharine, Cecily, Charity, Christian,  Constance, Dionise, Dolora, Dorothy, Ebotte, Eleanor, Edith, Effemia, Ellen, Elizabeth, Ellois, Ely, Emma, Etheldreda, Faith, Florence, Francis, Francsica, Gartheride, Georgette, Gwenhoivar, Grace,  Helen, Isabella, Jane, Janikin, Jenette, Joan, Jocatta, Jocosa, Joyce, Judith, Juliana, Laura, Lettice, Lucretia, Lucy, Mable, Magdalen, Margaret, Margery, Marian, Mary,  Martha, Matilda, Mildred, Petronilla, Phillipa, Prudence, Rawsone, Rebecca, Rosanna, Rose, Sarah, Sibyll, Susanna, Tabitha, Thomasina, Ursula, Ventia, Winifred
Abraham, Adam, Adrian, Anchor, Anthony, Arnold, Augustus, Barnabas, Basil, Benjamin, Bertram, Christian, Christopher, Clement, Court, Dionisius, Dudley, Edward, Elias, Ellis, Emanuel, Emery, Erasmus, Evan, Francis, Fulk, Gawen, Garrett, George, Gentile, Gerrard, Gervase, Gillam, Griffith, Guy, Hamond, Harman, Henry, Hercules, Howell, Isaac, James, Jasper, Jenkin, Jerman, Jeremy, John, Joos, Joseph, Lancelot, Mark, Marmaduke, Melchoir, Meredith, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Osmund, Paschall, Peter, Pierce, Ralph, Randall, Randolph, Rees, Richard, Robert, Roger, Salamon, Sampson, Timothy, Tobias, Tristram, Valentine,  Walter, Watkin, William, Zachary

Abundance, Chastity, Empathy, Providence, Admire, Endurance, Lucky , Prudence, Harmony, Memory, Purity, Clemence, Gay, Mercy, Clemency, Essence, Honesty, Comfort, Honor, Amity, Hope, Temperance, Modesty, Reliance, Faith, Remember, Constance, Felicity, Joy, Patience, Credence, Deliverance, Charisma, Verity, Silence, Abstinence, Arise, 

This message was edited 1/11/2010, 8:56 PM

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DH: Nathaniel Justice
DW: Mary GraceDS: William Credence
DD: Clemency Susanna
DD: Temperance Sarah
DD: Felicity Jane
DD: Prudence Elizabeth
DS: Harmony Reliance
DD: Rosanna Faith-my-joy
DS: Diligence Howell
DS: Make-peace Anchor
DS: Godly Augustus
DD: Effemia Piety
DS/DS: Zeal-for-the-Lord Henry & Perseverance Melchoir
DD: Lucretia Amity
DS: Abraham Discretion
DD: Ventia Be-courteous
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LN: LannonDH: Griffith Ardor "Griff"
DW: Verity ThomasinaDS: Elias Meek
DD: Temperance Dolora
DD: Margaret Charisma "Margie"
DD: Clemency Alice
DD: Rosanna Earth "Rosa"
DS: Pierce Belief
DD: Cassandra Amity
DS: Jasper Humble
DS: Troth Robert
DS: Adam Reliance
DD: Bridget Patience
DS/DS: Howell Diligence / Emery Just
DD: Grace Tabitha
DS: Christopher Assurance "Topher"
DD: Faith RebeccaGriff & Verity Lannon
Elias, Temperance, Margie, Clemency, Rosa, Pierce, Cassandra, Jasper, Troth, Adam, Bridget, Howell, Emery, Grace, Topher, and Faith.
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DH: Anthony Comfort
DW: Emma HarmonyDS: Benjamin Reliance
DD: Anne Felicity
DD: Catharine Honor
DD: Eleanor Joy
DD: Margaret Essence
DS: William Empathy
DD: Lucy Temperance
DS: Nicholas Admire
DS: Joseph Silence
DS: Tobias Endurance
DD: Rebecca Hope
DS/DS: Nathaniel Ashes / Christian Remember
DD: Faith Phillipa
DS: Evan Credence
DD: Sarah Patience ~*~Tony & Emmy~*~
Ben, Annie, Catie, Ella, Maggie, Will, Lucy, Nick, Joey, Toby, Becky, Nate, Chris, Faye, Evan, & Sarah
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DH: Alice Patience
DW: John ArdourDS: Ardent Bertram
DD: Hope Cecily
DD: Miracle Anne
DD: Solace Juliana
DD: Honor Elizabeth
DS: Loyal Benjamin
DD: Glory Annabella
DS: Merit Emery
DS: Amity Nathaniel
DS: Glad Henry
DD: Faith Rebecca
DS/DS: Noble Christian / Valor Tobias
DD: Clarity Georgette
DS: Nimble Zachary
DD: Temperance Lucy
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DH: Isaac Abundance
DW: Magdalen FelicityDS: Adam Providence
DD: Rebecca Joy
DD: Lucy Honor
DD: Eleanor Constance
DD: Grace Amity
DS: Evan Silence
DD: Mary Faith
DS: Nathaniel Admire
DS: Elias Honesty
DS: James Memory
DD: Alice Hope
DS/DS: William Remember / Nicholas Arise
DD: Catherine Harmony
DS: Benjamin Reliance
DD: Isabella Mercy
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DH: Noble Timothy
DW: Faith ElizabethDS: Deliverance Adam "Del"
DD: Prudence Mary "Pru"
DD: Harmony Grace
DD: Felicity Susanna "Lissy"
DD: Temperance Anne "Tempy"
DS: Humble Tobias
DD: Charity Rebecca "Cherry"
DS: Justice Nathaniel
DS: Thankful Peter
DS: Honor Benjamin
DD: Mercy Tabitha
DS/DS: Redeemed John / Resolved James
DD: Verity Judith
DS: Wrestling Elias "Wrest"
DD: Hope MarthaNoble & Faith
Deliverance, Prudence, Harmony, Felicity, Temperance, Humble, Charity, Justice, Thankful, Honor, Mercy, Redeemed, Resolved, Verity, Wrestling and Hope

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DH: James Make-peace
DW: Sarah FelicityDS: Christopher Truth
DD: Jane Experience
DD: Winifred Joy
DD: Susanna Verity
DD: Mary Temperance
DS: Timothy Just
DD: Anne Love-well
DS: Adrian Earth
DS: Evan Steadfast
DS: Jasper Given
DD: Eleanor Hope-still
DS/DS: Henry Seek-wisdom / Abraham Deliverance
DD: Lucy Constance
DS: Francis Providence
DD: Elizabeth Mind-well

This message was edited 1/12/2010, 3:06 PM

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DH: William Faith-My-Joy
DW: Margaret Temperance "Meg"DS: Christian Silence
DD: Harmony Agnes
DD: Ashes Phillipa
DD: Jane Repentance
DD: Constance Mary
DS: James Credence
DD: Felicity Dionise "Lissa"
DS: Nicholas Weep-Not "Nico"
DS: Tristram Comfort
DS: Benjamin Mercy "Benjy"
DD: Love-Well Aveline "Love"
DS/DS: Nathaniel Steadfast / Honor Augustus
DD: Assurance Cassandra "Cass"
DS: Robert Verity
DD: Sibyll Remembrance
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Sounds fun!I decided to do all wacky virtue names!LN: Christian
DH: Jesus-Christ-came-into-the-world-to-save
DW: Love-wellDS: Purify
DD: Amity
DD: Experience
DD: Honesty
DD: Verity
DS: Justice
DD: Obedience
DS: Grace
DS: Wrestling
DS: Rejoice
DD: Felicity
DS/DS: Truth / Forsaken
DD: Abstinence
DS: Constant
DD: DesireI've heard of these weird names in genealogies of Pilgrims/Puritans and on old gravestones. Some of them are hilarious! I even heard of male Graces among the Puritans!

This message was edited 1/12/2010, 1:43 PM

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I know its pretty crazy what they named them in todays standards. I am glad you enjoyed it! It was my point to have a fun crazy out there caf to escape all the John Williams' of the boards!
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DH: Henry Lament
DW: Virtue MargaretDS: William Lucky
DD: Harmony Isabella
DD: Clemency Bridget
DD: Essence Elizabeth
DD: Constance Cecily
DS: James Arise
DD: Felicity Emma
DS: Edward Ashes
DS: Robert Continent
DS: Christopher Just
DD: Hope Eleanor
DS/DS: Given / Nathaniel Fear
DD: Verity Beatrice
DS: Mark Salvation
DD: Joy Rosanna
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DH - Bertram Providence Parsons
DW - Felicity Margaret Parsons {David}DS - Timothy Endurance
DD - Bridget Remember
DD - Lucy Ashes
DD - Ursula Prudence
DD - Cassandra Modesty
DS - Henry Reliance
DD - Judith Silence
DS - Richard Clemency
DS - Griffith Honor
DS - Zachary Abundance
DD - Eleanor Verity
DS/DS - Peter Deliverance / Walter Temperance
DD - Rose Memory
DS - Anthony Essence
DD - Sibyll PatienceBertram Providence and Felicity Margaret Parsons -
Timothy Endurance, Bridget Remember, Lucy Ashes, Ursula Prudence, Cassandra Modesty, Henry Reliance, Judith Silence, Richard Clemency, Griffith Honor, Zachary Abundance, Eleanor Verity, Peter Deliverance & Walter Temperance, Rose Memory, Anthony Essence and Sibyll Patience Parsons.
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DH: Abraham Much-Mercy
DW: Rebecca Patience DS: Elias Remember
DD: Thomasina Love-Well
DD: Joy-Again Dolora
DD: Winifred Amity
DD: Temperance Sibyll
DS: Sampson Fear-the-Lord
DD: Elizabeth Help-on-High
DS: Benjamin Truth
DS: Francis Just
DS: Nathaniel Comfort
DD: Honour Catharine
DS/DS: Fight-the-Good-Fight-of-Faith Christian / Search-the-Scriptures Gentile
DD: Anne Constancy
DS: Tobias Thankful
DD: Mary Hope-Still
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DH: Admire Henry If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned "Henry"
DW: Patience Tabitha The-peace-of-god "Tabitha"DS: Thankful Timothy The-lord-is-near "Timothy"
DD: Providence Rebecca Weep-not "Becky"
DD: Modesty Eleanor Love-well "Nell"
DD: Temperance Laura More-fruit "Laura"
DD: Amity Elizabeth Small-hope "Lizzie"
DS: Experience Watkin What-god-will "Watkin"
DD: Remember Susanna Help-on-high "Susie"
DS: Steadfast Richard Be-courteous "Richard"
DS: Donation Joseph Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith "Joe"
DS: Assurance Benjamin Seek-wisdom "Ben"
DD: Silence Rosanna Be-faithful "Rose"
DS/DS: Credence Nathaniel Make-peace and Reliance Emanuel Hope-still "Nat" and "Em"
DD: Honesty Martha Fear-not "Martha"
DS: Justice Salamon Much-mercy "Sal"
DD: Comfort Sarah Faith-my-joy "Sarah"
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DH: Accepted Barnabas
DW: Belief CassandraDS: Comfort Dionisius
DD: Providence Ebotte
DD: Remember Faith
DD: Felicity Gartheridge
DD: Grace Helen
DS: Helpless Isaac
DD: Joy Janikin
DS: Lament Marmaduke
DS: Meek Nathaniel
DS: Piety Ralph
DD: Rejoice Sarah
DS/DS: Steadfast Timothy and Thankful Valentine
DD: Verity Winifred
DS: Wrestling Zachary
DD: Abstinence BarbaraAccepted and Belief with:
Comfort, Providence, Remember, Felicity, Grace, Help, Joy, Lament, Meek, Piety, Rojoice, Stead, Thank, Verity, Wrestling and Abby
DH: Arise Basil
DW: Desire EleanorDS: Constant Dudley
DD: Perceverance Rawsone
DD: Prudence Rebecca
DD: Faithful Georgette
DD: Forsaken Gwenhoivar
DS: Dust Edward
DD: Handmaid Isabella
DS: Godly Hamond
DS: Humble James
DS: Increased Jasper
DD: Honour Jane
DS/DS: Justice Lancelot and Discipline Elias

... Load Full Message

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DH: James Deliverance
DW: Juliana TemperanceDS: Henry Patience
DD: Elizabeth Verity
DD: Magdalen Grace
DD: Matilda Faith
DD: Bridget Amity
DS: Jasper Honesty
DD: Lucy Charisma
DS: Tobias Honor
DS: Walter Clemence
DS: Augustus Lucky
DD: Florence Mercy
DS/DS: Joseph Abundance / Nathaniel Providence
DD: Alice Joy
DS: Christian Reliance
DD: Eleanor Felicity
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DH: Feargod John
DW: AliceDS: Repent-Or-Burn John "Rob"
DD: Clemence
DD: Patience
DD: Temperance
DD: Hope
DS: Christian Guy
DD: Faith
DS: Abraham John
DS: Joseph James
DS: Remember-The-Saints William
DD: Charity
DS/DS: Loyal Mark & Honest Henry
DD: Silence
DS: Gentle-Rebuke Elias
DD: Forgodsolovedtheworld "Joy"
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DH: Abundance Within
DW: Blessed SerenityDS: Humble Blessing
DD: Clemency Given
DD: Haven Everlasting
DD: Gratitude Eternal
DD: Joy Serene
DS: Obedience To Truth "Obi"
DD: Caprice Accepted
DS: Winsome Delight
DS: Remember Wisdom
DS: Free Heart
DD: Cherish Fidelity
DS/DS: Zeal Redeemed / Vital Confidence
DD: Honesty Arise
DS: Merit Peace
DD: Verity Assured
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DH: Barnabas Admire "Barney"
DW: Edith Hope "Edie"DS: George Honor
DD: Alice Joy
DD: Mary Faith
DD: Rebecca Mercy "Becky"
DD: Jane Felicity
DS: Isaac Reliance
DD: Sarah Harmony
DS: Joseph Credence "Joe"
DS: Henry Justice
DS: Tobias Remember "Toby"
DD: Annabella Patience "Bella"
DS/DS: Evan Prosperous / Jasper Endurance
DD: Lucy Charisma
DS: Benjamin Strength "Ben"
DD: Matilda Grace "Tilly"
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DH: John Reliance "Johnny"
DW: Cassandra Faith "Cassie"DS: Nathaniel Honour
DD: Jane Constance
DD: Grace Ellen
DD: Lucy Verity
DD: Isabella Love "Ella"
DS: Christopher Just "Chris"
DD: Felicity Margaret
DS: Isaac Justice
DS: Henry Given
DS: James Clemence "Jamie"
DD: Prudence Mary "Pru"
DS/DS: Evan Arise and Benjamin Dust "Ben"
DD: Alice Joy
DS: Nicholas Endurance "Nick"
DD: Juliana Temperance

This message was edited 1/11/2010, 9:43 PM

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MineDH: Bertram Steadfast
DW: Winifred GraceDS: Silence Barnabas "Sillis"
DD: Temperance Anne "Temmie"
DD: Deliverance Emma "Livvy"
DD: Prudence Helen "Prue"
DD: Patience Martha "Patty"
DS: Kill-sin  Court "Kills"
DD: Credence Rebecca "Creed"
DS: Be- Thankful Melchoir "Hank"
DS:  If-Christ-had- not-died-for- thee-thou-hadst- been-damned William "Damned" 
DS: Tribulation Edward "Trib"
DD: Verity Aveline
DS/DS: Justice Erasmus " Just" / Obedience Elias "Obedi" 
DD: Constance Rose "Connie"
DS: Doctor Gentile "Doc"
DD: Chastity Tabitha "Chassy"

Winnie and Bert
Sillis, Temmi, Livvy, Prue, Patty, Kills, Creed, Hank, Damned, Trib, Verity, Just, Obedi, Connie, Doc, Chassy
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