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Re: Your Adoptees
Lily Veronica is a five-year-old from Liverpool. She was given up for adoption at a year old by her teenaged mother, and since then has been shuttled around foster homes. She is excited to finally be getting permenant mommies as well as siblings, and has been busy drawing pictures of her new family. She is very outdoorsy, and loves playing outside. Her current foster family has started her on gymnatics lessons, which she loves and would like to continue them. She also has a pet hamster named Fluffball.Natasha Aleksandra is an eighteen-month-old baby girl from St. Petersburg, Russia. She can toddle around and say a few words. The women at the orphanage she has been living at have been teaching her a few English words to prepare her for her English mommies. She is already quite a little showoff and enjoys being the center of attention, but she is a very happy little girl and usually well-behaved.
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It's been four months since Lily and Natasha came into our lives, and we couldn't be any happier. Lily is continuing her gymnastics lessons, and her teacher says she's quite talented. Lily now dreams of being a professional gymnast, but she also wants to 'draw pretty pictures' like mummy Lucy. Lucy has been giving her a few tips on drawing and painting, and Lily follows them religiously. We've also enrolled her in the local girls' football team, since she loves the outdoors so. Despite these activities, Lily still loves to play with Fluffball and spend time with Natasha. Both girls adore each other, and it's like they've been together their whole lives.Natasha is almost 2 now, and she's an alarmingly quick learner. She runs around constantly, mostly following Lily wherever she goes, and has ended up with scraped knees more than once. Natasha also picked up English pretty fast, and she can already speak it as well as the neighbour's 2-year-old. Her favourite word is "Look!", almost always followed by a chubby finger pointing at herself. She loves attention and has a very keen fashion sense, as well as a deep dislike for the colour orange. Natasha loves to parade around the new clothes Lucy makes for her, and she says she wants to be a princess when she grows up. She loves her big sis and Fluffball, and is very affectionate with everyone in the family.Thank you so much for giving us our bundles of joy.
Imogen, Lucy, Lily and Natasha
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