Ten Questions CAF
Question One - DH's Name
What letter does your first name start with?
A-G - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
H-M - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
N-R - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
S-Z - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Winter - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Spring - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 1
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Autumn - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Mary - DS
Helen - DD/DD
Anna - DD
Margaret - DS
Ruth - DS/DD
Elizabeth - DS/DS
Florence - DD
Ethel - DD/DD/DD
Marie - DD
Lillian - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Black - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Red - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Blond - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Abraham - DS
Victor - DD/DD
Ramses - DD
Christian - DS
Eamon - DD/DS
Collin - DS
Paris - DS
Roshan - DS/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Math - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Science - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Social Studies - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Art - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Story - DS/DS
River - DD
Sapphire - DS
Patience - DD/DS
Heaven - DD
Sky / Skye - DD/DS/DS
Lyric - DD/DD
Ocean - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
Action/Adventure - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 4
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
I don't like to read - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Genevieve - DD
Rebekah - DS/DS/DS
Layla - DS
Alice - DD/DD
Hestia - DS/DD
Josephine - DD
Emmeline - DS
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Pop/Rock - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
Country - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
Other - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Namebank 1 - Names with "light" meanings
Akiko, Bertha, Bronwen, Candida, Cassandra, Clara, Eilwen, Faina, Fionnuala, Guinevere, Gwendolyn, Kenya, Konani, Lucina, Luz, Mairwen, Niamh, Olwen, Phaedra, Phoebe, Rosalba, Roxana, Shirley, Svetlana, Tawny, Wendy, Zahra
Namebank 2 - Names associated with royalty
Abigail, Adelaide, Augusta, Belen, Berenice, Candace, Carolina, Claribel, Cordelia, Daria, Edith, Eleanor, Eowyn, Georgia, Helen, Hera, Irene, Isolde, Jane, Jezebel, Kiara, Lavinia, Lucretia, Millicent, Oriana, Regan, Ruth, Sunita, Theodora, Titania, Virginia, Zenobia
Namebank 3 - Top 30 names of 1950
Linda, Mary, Patricia, Barbara, Susan, Nancy, Deborah, Sandra, Carol, Kathleen, Sharon, Karen, Donna, Brenda, Margaret, Diane, Pamela, Janet, Shirley, Carolyn, Judith, Janice, Cynthia, Elizabeth, Judy, Betty, Joyce, Christine, Cheryl, Gloria
Namebank 4 - Biblical names
Adina, Anna, Ariel, Bethany, Carmel, Delilah, Eden, Esther, Hadassah, Hannah, Jael, Jemima, Julia, Keturah, Kezia, Leah, Magdalene, Mara, Miriam, Naomi, Prisca, Rebecca, Sapphira, Sarah, Susanna, Tabitha, Tamar, Zipporah
Namebank 1 - Names with "light" meanings
Abner, Apollo, Azhar, Barak, Berwyn, Carwyn, Columban, Dilwyn, Elior, Finnian, Fintan, Gawain, Gladwin, Lior, Lucius, Lugh, Meir, Norbert, Phoebus, Savio, Sherwood, Taliesin, Uriah, Wyn
Namebank 2 - Names associated with royalty
Absalom, Alaric, Arthur, Bedivere, Caesar, Caspian, Damon, Edgar, Edmund, Frederick, Hadrian, Hector, Ivan, Jareth, Jesse, Julian, Kenneth, Leo, Louis, Malcolm, Martin, Neil, Octavian, Percival, Philip, Rufus, Saul, Sebastian, Tiberius, Valerian, Zachariah
Namebank 3 - Top 30 names of 1950
James, Robert, John, Michael, David, William, Richard, Thomas, Charles, Gary, Larry, Ronald, Joseph, Donald, Kenneth, Steven, Dennis, Paul, Stephen, George, Daniel, Edward, Mark, Jerry, Gregory, Bruce, Roger, Douglas, Frank, Terry
Namebank 4 - Biblical names
Aaron, Alexander, Andrew, Bartholomew, Benjamin, Cain, Caleb, Cornelius, Elijah, Ephraim, Felix, Gabriel, Hiram, Isaac, Jeremiah, Jonah, Jude, Lazarus, Levi, Luke, Malachi, Micah, Nathanael, Omar, Peter, Raphael, Reuben, Silas, Thaddeus, Thomas, Zion
What letter does your first name start with?
A-G - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
H-M - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
N-R - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
S-Z - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Winter - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Spring - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 1
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Autumn - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Mary - DS
Helen - DD/DD
Anna - DD
Margaret - DS
Ruth - DS/DD
Elizabeth - DS/DS
Florence - DD
Ethel - DD/DD/DD
Marie - DD
Lillian - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Black - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Red - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Blond - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Abraham - DS
Victor - DD/DD
Ramses - DD
Christian - DS
Eamon - DD/DS
Collin - DS
Paris - DS
Roshan - DS/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Math - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Science - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 3
Social Studies - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Art - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Story - DS/DS
River - DD
Sapphire - DS
Patience - DD/DS
Heaven - DD
Sky / Skye - DD/DS/DS
Lyric - DD/DD
Ocean - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
Action/Adventure - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 4
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
I don't like to read - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Genevieve - DD
Rebekah - DS/DS/DS
Layla - DS
Alice - DD/DD
Hestia - DS/DD
Josephine - DD
Emmeline - DS
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Pop/Rock - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
Country - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
Other - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Namebank 1 - Names with "light" meanings
Akiko, Bertha, Bronwen, Candida, Cassandra, Clara, Eilwen, Faina, Fionnuala, Guinevere, Gwendolyn, Kenya, Konani, Lucina, Luz, Mairwen, Niamh, Olwen, Phaedra, Phoebe, Rosalba, Roxana, Shirley, Svetlana, Tawny, Wendy, Zahra
Namebank 2 - Names associated with royalty
Abigail, Adelaide, Augusta, Belen, Berenice, Candace, Carolina, Claribel, Cordelia, Daria, Edith, Eleanor, Eowyn, Georgia, Helen, Hera, Irene, Isolde, Jane, Jezebel, Kiara, Lavinia, Lucretia, Millicent, Oriana, Regan, Ruth, Sunita, Theodora, Titania, Virginia, Zenobia
Namebank 3 - Top 30 names of 1950
Linda, Mary, Patricia, Barbara, Susan, Nancy, Deborah, Sandra, Carol, Kathleen, Sharon, Karen, Donna, Brenda, Margaret, Diane, Pamela, Janet, Shirley, Carolyn, Judith, Janice, Cynthia, Elizabeth, Judy, Betty, Joyce, Christine, Cheryl, Gloria
Namebank 4 - Biblical names
Adina, Anna, Ariel, Bethany, Carmel, Delilah, Eden, Esther, Hadassah, Hannah, Jael, Jemima, Julia, Keturah, Kezia, Leah, Magdalene, Mara, Miriam, Naomi, Prisca, Rebecca, Sapphira, Sarah, Susanna, Tabitha, Tamar, Zipporah
Namebank 1 - Names with "light" meanings
Abner, Apollo, Azhar, Barak, Berwyn, Carwyn, Columban, Dilwyn, Elior, Finnian, Fintan, Gawain, Gladwin, Lior, Lucius, Lugh, Meir, Norbert, Phoebus, Savio, Sherwood, Taliesin, Uriah, Wyn
Namebank 2 - Names associated with royalty
Absalom, Alaric, Arthur, Bedivere, Caesar, Caspian, Damon, Edgar, Edmund, Frederick, Hadrian, Hector, Ivan, Jareth, Jesse, Julian, Kenneth, Leo, Louis, Malcolm, Martin, Neil, Octavian, Percival, Philip, Rufus, Saul, Sebastian, Tiberius, Valerian, Zachariah
Namebank 3 - Top 30 names of 1950
James, Robert, John, Michael, David, William, Richard, Thomas, Charles, Gary, Larry, Ronald, Joseph, Donald, Kenneth, Steven, Dennis, Paul, Stephen, George, Daniel, Edward, Mark, Jerry, Gregory, Bruce, Roger, Douglas, Frank, Terry
Namebank 4 - Biblical names
Aaron, Alexander, Andrew, Bartholomew, Benjamin, Cain, Caleb, Cornelius, Elijah, Ephraim, Felix, Gabriel, Hiram, Isaac, Jeremiah, Jonah, Jude, Lazarus, Levi, Luke, Malachi, Micah, Nathanael, Omar, Peter, Raphael, Reuben, Silas, Thaddeus, Thomas, Zion
DH: Barak Richard
DW: Phoebe Anna
DS: Daniel Apollo "Danny"
DS: Phillip Andrew
DD: Bethany Ruth "Beth"
DD: Judith Abigail "Judy"
DW: Phoebe Anna
DS: Daniel Apollo "Danny"
DS: Phillip Andrew
DD: Bethany Ruth "Beth"
DD: Judith Abigail "Judy"
DH: Stephen Alaric
DW: Phoebe Rebecca
DS/DS: Joseph Finnian/ William Abner
DS: Lucius Sebastian
DD/DD: Tabitha Belen/ Mara Isolde
DD/DD/DD: Clara Bethany/ Faina Eden / Zahra Tamar
DW: Phoebe Rebecca
DS/DS: Joseph Finnian/ William Abner
DS: Lucius Sebastian
DD/DD: Tabitha Belen/ Mara Isolde
DD/DD/DD: Clara Bethany/ Faina Eden / Zahra Tamar
DH: William Jesse
DW: Elizabeth Adelaide
DS: Julian Isaac "Isaac"
DS: Peter Thomas
DD: Margaret Leah "Leah"
DS: John Caspian
DW: Elizabeth Adelaide
DS: Julian Isaac "Isaac"
DS: Peter Thomas
DD: Margaret Leah "Leah"
DS: John Caspian
DH: Elijah Philip (my first name begins with J)
DW: Adelaide Shirley (I was born in Spring- BTW it is Spring here)
DS/DS: Zechariah Benjamin/ Jesse Alexander (I prefer Elizabeth over the other names listed; My hair is a dark blonde)
DS: Thomas Sherwood (I prefer Christian over the other names listed; my fave subject of those listed was Art- I never did Social Studies, I live in Australia)
DD: Elizabeth Sarah (I prefer River over the other names listed; I mostly read Action/Adventure novels)
DS: Levi Finnian (I prefer Layla over the other names listed; I mostly listen to Pop/Rock music)
Elijah & Adelaide
Zachariah, Jesse, Thomas, Elizabeth and Levi!! =)
DW: Adelaide Shirley (I was born in Spring- BTW it is Spring here)
DS/DS: Zechariah Benjamin/ Jesse Alexander (I prefer Elizabeth over the other names listed; My hair is a dark blonde)
DS: Thomas Sherwood (I prefer Christian over the other names listed; my fave subject of those listed was Art- I never did Social Studies, I live in Australia)
DD: Elizabeth Sarah (I prefer River over the other names listed; I mostly read Action/Adventure novels)
DS: Levi Finnian (I prefer Layla over the other names listed; I mostly listen to Pop/Rock music)
Elijah & Adelaide
Zachariah, Jesse, Thomas, Elizabeth and Levi!! =)
This message was edited 10/7/2009, 9:59 PM
DH: Damon Nathanael
DW: Margaret Jane
DS/DS: William Finnian / Daniel Lucius
DS: Joseph Gawain
DD/DS/DS: Rebecca Eleanor / Alexander Kenneth / Elijah Philip
DD/DD/DD: Anna Cassandra / Sarah Mairwen / Julia Guinevere
Damon & Maggie
Will, Danny, Joey, Becky, Alex, Eli, Anna, Sarah, & Julie
DW: Margaret Jane
DS/DS: William Finnian / Daniel Lucius
DS: Joseph Gawain
DD/DS/DS: Rebecca Eleanor / Alexander Kenneth / Elijah Philip
DD/DD/DD: Anna Cassandra / Sarah Mairwen / Julia Guinevere
Damon & Maggie
Will, Danny, Joey, Becky, Alex, Eli, Anna, Sarah, & Julie
DH: Stephen Frederick
DW: Karen Ruth
DD: Judith Cassandra
DS: Daniel Sherwood
DD/DD: Anna Helen / Naomi Georgia
DD: Edith Mary
DW: Karen Ruth
DD: Judith Cassandra
DS: Daniel Sherwood
DD/DD: Anna Helen / Naomi Georgia
DD: Edith Mary
DH: Finnian Michael
DW: Elizabeth Cordelia
DD: Margaret Svetlana
DD/DD: Clara Adelaide / Gwendolyn Irene
DS/DS: Alexander Julian / Jeremiah Caspian
DD/DD: Sapphira Lucina / Bethany Guinevere
Sorry I started before I logged on.
Totally love this set!
DH: Finnian Thomas
DW: Ariel Carolyn
DS/DS: Felix Gregory / Caleb James
DD/DD: Naomi Christine / Delilah Elizabeth
DD/DS/DS: Eden Bernice / Issac Percival / Elijah Sebastain
DD/DD: Kiara Patricia / Regan Pamela
Felix, Caleb, Naomi, Lilah, Eden, Issac, Eli, Kiara, and Regan
Totally love this set!
DH: Finnian Thomas
DW: Ariel Carolyn
DS/DS: Felix Gregory / Caleb James
DD/DD: Naomi Christine / Delilah Elizabeth
DD/DS/DS: Eden Bernice / Issac Percival / Elijah Sebastain
DD/DD: Kiara Patricia / Regan Pamela
Felix, Caleb, Naomi, Lilah, Eden, Issac, Eli, Kiara, and Regan
DH: Luke Isaac
DW: Rebecca Carolyn "Becky"
DS/DS: Daniel Lucius "Dan" / Thomas Finnian "Tom"
DS: John Azhar
DS: Charles Alexander "Charlie"
DD/DD/DD: Naomi Clara / Anna Niamh / Eden Fionnuala
Luke and Becky: Dan, Tom, John, Charlie, Naomi, Anna and Eden
DW: Rebecca Carolyn "Becky"
DS/DS: Daniel Lucius "Dan" / Thomas Finnian "Tom"
DS: John Azhar
DS: Charles Alexander "Charlie"
DD/DD/DD: Naomi Clara / Anna Niamh / Eden Fionnuala
Luke and Becky: Dan, Tom, John, Charlie, Naomi, Anna and Eden
DH: Douglas Hector
DW: Shirley Susanna
DS/DS: Thomas Gawain / Mark Lucius
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Edith / Roxana Jane
DD/DS/DS: Joyce Magdalene / James Raphael / Kenneth Levi
DD: Daria Christine
DW: Shirley Susanna
DS/DS: Thomas Gawain / Mark Lucius
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Edith / Roxana Jane
DD/DS/DS: Joyce Magdalene / James Raphael / Kenneth Levi
DD: Daria Christine
DH: James Arthur
DW: Abigail Faina
DS/DS: Robert Apollo/Michael Barak
DD/DD: Anna Susan/Esther Patricia
DD/DS/DS: Hannah Adelaide/Alexander Caspian/Gabriel Hector
DD/DD: Julia Clara/Miriam Lucina
DW: Abigail Faina
DS/DS: Robert Apollo/Michael Barak
DD/DD: Anna Susan/Esther Patricia
DD/DS/DS: Hannah Adelaide/Alexander Caspian/Gabriel Hector
DD/DD: Julia Clara/Miriam Lucina
DH: Martin Felix
DW: Susanna Carol
DD: Eleanor Miriam
DS: Alexander Stephen
DD/DD: Mary Zipporah / Elizabeth Naomi
DS: Julian Gregory
DW: Susanna Carol
DD: Eleanor Miriam
DS: Alexander Stephen
DD/DD: Mary Zipporah / Elizabeth Naomi
DS: Julian Gregory
DH: Philip Alexander "Phil"
DW: Gwendolyn Anna "Wendy"
DS/DS: Edmund Thomas "Ed" and Zachariah Caleb "Zach"
DD/DD: Claribel Eden "Clara" and Theodora Naomi "Dora"
DD/DS/DS: Zipporah Ruth "Zippy", Benjamin Arthur "Ben" and Raphael Louis "Raphy"
DD/DD/DD: Susanna Clara "Sue", Tabitha Roxanna "Tabby" and Rebecca Zahra "Becca"
DW: Gwendolyn Anna "Wendy"
DS/DS: Edmund Thomas "Ed" and Zachariah Caleb "Zach"
DD/DD: Claribel Eden "Clara" and Theodora Naomi "Dora"
DD/DS/DS: Zipporah Ruth "Zippy", Benjamin Arthur "Ben" and Raphael Louis "Raphy"
DD/DD/DD: Susanna Clara "Sue", Tabitha Roxanna "Tabby" and Rebecca Zahra "Becca"
Question One - DH's Name
DH: Felix Apollo
Question Two - DW's Name
DW: Cheryl Candace
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
DS: William Savio
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
DS: Carwyn Leo
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Patience - DD/DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
DD/DS: Leah Titania / Alexander Martin
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Pop/Rock - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
DD/DD/DD: Hannah Cassandra / Delilah Roxana / Bethany Gwendoyln
DH: Felix Apollo
Question Two - DW's Name
DW: Cheryl Candace
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
DS: William Savio
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
DS: Carwyn Leo
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Patience - DD/DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
DD/DS: Leah Titania / Alexander Martin
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Pop/Rock - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 1
DD/DD/DD: Hannah Cassandra / Delilah Roxana / Bethany Gwendoyln
This is just for kicks right? Meh, hope it is.
DH - Aaron Lucius
DW - Miriam Christine
DS - William Carwyn
DD/DD - Judith Clara / Diana Wendy
DD/DS/DS - Adina Titania / Thomas Zachariah / Nathanael Arthur
DD - Kiara Margaret
DH - Aaron Lucius
DW - Miriam Christine
DS - William Carwyn
DD/DD - Judith Clara / Diana Wendy
DD/DS/DS - Adina Titania / Thomas Zachariah / Nathanael Arthur
DD - Kiara Margaret
DH: Alexander Taliesin "Xander"
DW: Elizabeth Theodora "Elise"
DD: Mary Niamh
DS: Finnian Zachariah "Finn"
DD/DS/DS: Clara Karen / Elior William / Lucius James "Lucas"
DS: Felix Uriah
Xander and Elise w/
Mary, Finn, Clara, Elior, Lucas and Felix
DW: Elizabeth Theodora "Elise"
DD: Mary Niamh
DS: Finnian Zachariah "Finn"
DD/DS/DS: Clara Karen / Elior William / Lucius James "Lucas"
DS: Felix Uriah
Xander and Elise w/
Mary, Finn, Clara, Elior, Lucas and Felix
DH: Lucius Jareth
DW: Julia Barbara
DD: Georgia Ariel
DS: Taliesin Edmund
DD/DS: Eden Adelaide / Zion Octavian
DD: Susanna Konani
DW: Julia Barbara
DD: Georgia Ariel
DS: Taliesin Edmund
DD/DS: Eden Adelaide / Zion Octavian
DD: Susanna Konani
Question One - DH's Name: Columban Saul
S-Z - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Two - DW's Name: Margaret Irene "Peigi"
Winter - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren): DS/DS
Elizabeth - DS/DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name: Ronald Lior / Edward Meir
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren): DS
Christian - DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name: Charles Finnian
Art - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren): DS
Sapphire - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name: Thomas Malcolm
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren): DD/DD/DD
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name: Adelaide Diane "Adele" / Cordelia Mary "Delia" / Millicent Joyce "Millie"
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
DH: Columban Saul
DW: Margaret Irene "Peigi"
DS/DS: Ronald Lior / Edward Meir
DS: Charles Finnian
DS: Thomas Malcolm
DD/DD/DD: Adelaide Diane "Adele" / Cordelia Mary "Delia" / Millicent Joyce "Millie"
Columban & Peigi
Ronald & Edward, Charles, Thomas, and Adele, Delia & Millie
S-Z - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Two - DW's Name: Margaret Irene "Peigi"
Winter - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren): DS/DS
Elizabeth - DS/DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name: Ronald Lior / Edward Meir
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren): DS
Christian - DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name: Charles Finnian
Art - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren): DS
Sapphire - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name: Thomas Malcolm
Fantasy/Sci-Fi - first name from Namebank 4, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren): DD/DD/DD
Rose - DD/DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name: Adelaide Diane "Adele" / Cordelia Mary "Delia" / Millicent Joyce "Millie"
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
DH: Columban Saul
DW: Margaret Irene "Peigi"
DS/DS: Ronald Lior / Edward Meir
DS: Charles Finnian
DS: Thomas Malcolm
DD/DD/DD: Adelaide Diane "Adele" / Cordelia Mary "Delia" / Millicent Joyce "Millie"
Columban & Peigi
Ronald & Edward, Charles, Thomas, and Adele, Delia & Millie
DH: Ivan Alexander
DW: Sandra Eleanor
DS/DS: Damon Thomas / Jesse Aaron
DS: Lucius Arthur
DD/DS/DS: Cassandra Elizabeth / Apollo James / Finnian David
DS/DS/DS: Michael Edgar / William Kenneth / Joseph Neil
DW: Sandra Eleanor
DS/DS: Damon Thomas / Jesse Aaron
DS: Lucius Arthur
DD/DS/DS: Cassandra Elizabeth / Apollo James / Finnian David
DS/DS/DS: Michael Edgar / William Kenneth / Joseph Neil
DH: Frederick Thomas
DW: Eleanor Phoebe
DD: Margaret Clara
DS: Jonah Charles
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Judith & Guinevere Susan
DD: Naomi Cassandra
Freddie, Nora, Greta, Jonah, Gwen, Evie & Naomi
DW: Eleanor Phoebe
DD: Margaret Clara
DS: Jonah Charles
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Judith & Guinevere Susan
DD: Naomi Cassandra
Freddie, Nora, Greta, Jonah, Gwen, Evie & Naomi
DH: Martin Micah
DW: Cassandra Bethany 'Cassie'
DS: William Finnian 'Will'
DS: Julian Andrew
DS/DS: Michael Alexander / Daniel Peter
DD: Elizabeth Carolina 'Eliza'
DW: Cassandra Bethany 'Cassie'
DS: William Finnian 'Will'
DS: Julian Andrew
DS/DS: Michael Alexander / Daniel Peter
DD: Elizabeth Carolina 'Eliza'
DH: Edward Sebastian
DW: Karen Claribel
DD: Cordelia Adina
DD/DD: Delilah Carolyn / Julia Kathleen
DD: Cassandra Janet
DS: Lucius Alexander
DW: Karen Claribel
DD: Cordelia Adina
DD/DD: Delilah Carolyn / Julia Kathleen
DD: Cassandra Janet
DS: Lucius Alexander
DH: Gary Julian
DW: Naomi Elizabeth
DS: Joseph Gawain
DS: Steven Lior
DS/DS: Carwyn Robert / Dilwyn Gregory
DS: Isaac Finnian
Gary 40 & Naomi 36
Jody 15, Steven 11, Cary & Dilwyn 7, Isaac 3
DW: Naomi Elizabeth
DS: Joseph Gawain
DS: Steven Lior
DS/DS: Carwyn Robert / Dilwyn Gregory
DS: Isaac Finnian
Gary 40 & Naomi 36
Jody 15, Steven 11, Cary & Dilwyn 7, Isaac 3
DH: Michael Arthur "Mickey"
DW: Clara Jemima
DD: Phoebe Isolde
DS: Daniel Lucius "Danny"
DD/DS: Rosalba Christine "Rosa"/Gawain Roger
DD: Guinivere Kezia "Vera"
DW: Clara Jemima
DD: Phoebe Isolde
DS: Daniel Lucius "Danny"
DD/DS: Rosalba Christine "Rosa"/Gawain Roger
DD: Guinivere Kezia "Vera"
DH: Ivan Alexander
DW: Roxana Leah
DS: Mark Lior
DD/DS: Berenice Julia / Alaric Gabriel
DS: Apollo Robert
DD: Eleanor Diane
Ivan & Roxana
Mark, Berenice, Alaric, Apollo & Eleanor
Question One - DH's Name
What letter does your first name start with?
A-G - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Margaret - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Eamon - DD/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Math - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Ocean - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Genevieve - DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
DW: Roxana Leah
DS: Mark Lior
DD/DS: Berenice Julia / Alaric Gabriel
DS: Apollo Robert
DD: Eleanor Diane
Ivan & Roxana
Mark, Berenice, Alaric, Apollo & Eleanor
Question One - DH's Name
What letter does your first name start with?
A-G - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Margaret - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Eamon - DD/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Math - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Ocean - DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Genevieve - DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Alternative - first name from Namebank 2, middle name from Namebank 3
DH (36): Nobert Edward
DW (34): Joyce Cassandra
DS (7): James Norbert
DS (6): Thomas Edward
DD/DS (3): Bethany Irene/Alexander Neil
DD/DD/DD (nb): Augusta Joyce/Adelaide Susan/Eleanor Elizabeth
Norbert and Joyce and children James, Thomas, Bethany, Alexander, Augusta, Adelaide and Eleanor.
DW (34): Joyce Cassandra
DS (7): James Norbert
DS (6): Thomas Edward
DD/DS (3): Bethany Irene/Alexander Neil
DD/DD/DD (nb): Augusta Joyce/Adelaide Susan/Eleanor Elizabeth
Norbert and Joyce and children James, Thomas, Bethany, Alexander, Augusta, Adelaide and Eleanor.
DH: David Malcolm
DW: Eden Elizabeth
DS: William Lucius
DD/DS: Margaret Bronwen / Joseph Elior
DD: Miriam Adelaide
DD: Theodora Mary
DW: Eden Elizabeth
DS: William Lucius
DD/DS: Margaret Bronwen / Joseph Elior
DD: Miriam Adelaide
DD: Theodora Mary
DH: William Jesse "Will" (44)
DW: Sarah Patricia (36)
DD: Mary Fionnuala "Fiona" (13)
DD/DD: Leah Kathleen / Bethany Gloria (11)
DS: Lucius Edward "Edward" (6)
DD/DD/DD: Sapphira Clara / Tabitha Roxana / Delilah Zahra (2)
DW: Sarah Patricia (36)
DD: Mary Fionnuala "Fiona" (13)
DD/DD: Leah Kathleen / Bethany Gloria (11)
DS: Lucius Edward "Edward" (6)
DD/DD/DD: Sapphira Clara / Tabitha Roxana / Delilah Zahra (2)
This message was edited 10/7/2009, 5:13 AM
DH: Wyn James
DW: Margaret Theodora
DS: Charles Finnian
DD/DD: Magdalen Judith & Bethany Joyce
DD/DS/DS: Eleanor Bronwen & Frederick Meir & Zachariah Elior
DD/DD: Esther Olwen & Keziah Gwendolyn
DW: Margaret Theodora
DS: Charles Finnian
DD/DD: Magdalen Judith & Bethany Joyce
DD/DS/DS: Eleanor Bronwen & Frederick Meir & Zachariah Elior
DD/DD: Esther Olwen & Keziah Gwendolyn
DH: Jesse Alexander Burton
DW: Niamh Rebecca Burton
DD: Eleanor Naomi Burton
DS: Lior Reuben Burton
DD: Adelaide Phoebe Burton
DD, DD, DD: Clara Eden Burton, Bronwen Leah Burton, Lucina Sarah Burton
Jesse and Niamh + Elly, Lior, Ada, Clara, Bronwen and Lucy
DW: Niamh Rebecca Burton
DD: Eleanor Naomi Burton
DS: Lior Reuben Burton
DD: Adelaide Phoebe Burton
DD, DD, DD: Clara Eden Burton, Bronwen Leah Burton, Lucina Sarah Burton
Jesse and Niamh + Elly, Lior, Ada, Clara, Bronwen and Lucy
DH: Julian Felix
DW: Phoebe Jael
DD: Elizabeth Guinevere "Eliza"
DS: Finnian Leo "Finn"
DD: Anna Virginia
DD/DD: Julia Bronwen / Tabitha Luz
DW: Phoebe Jael
DD: Elizabeth Guinevere "Eliza"
DS: Finnian Leo "Finn"
DD: Anna Virginia
DD/DD: Julia Bronwen / Tabitha Luz
DH: Arthur Benjamin
DW: Cordelia Guinevere
DS/DS: James Columban "Jack" and William Wyn "Liam"
DS: Jesse Elijah
DD: Elizabeth Rebecca "Liz"
DD/DD/DD: Hannah Olwen, Eden Cassandra and Ariel Gwendolyn
Arthur and Delia with:
Jack, Liam, Jesse, Liz, Hannah, Eden and Ariel
DW: Cordelia Guinevere
DS/DS: James Columban "Jack" and William Wyn "Liam"
DS: Jesse Elijah
DD: Elizabeth Rebecca "Liz"
DD/DD/DD: Hannah Olwen, Eden Cassandra and Ariel Gwendolyn
Arthur and Delia with:
Jack, Liam, Jesse, Liz, Hannah, Eden and Ariel
DH: Philip Micah
DW: Carmel Nancy
DS: Frank Savio
DS: Lugh Arthur
DS/DS: Peter Jesse, Omar Louis
DS: Abner Thaddeus
DW: Carmel Nancy
DS: Frank Savio
DS: Lugh Arthur
DS/DS: Peter Jesse, Omar Louis
DS: Abner Thaddeus
DH: Leo Alexander
DW: Lavinia Guinevere
DS/DS: Joseph Finnian / David Apollo
DS: Thomas Wyn
DD/DS: Lucina Mary / Lior Charles
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Julia / Bronwen Jemima
DW: Lavinia Guinevere
DS/DS: Joseph Finnian / David Apollo
DS: Thomas Wyn
DD/DS: Lucina Mary / Lior Charles
DD/DD: Gwendolyn Julia / Bronwen Jemima
DH: Julian Alexander
DW: Cassandra Naomi
DD: Sebastian Raphael
DS: Lucius Philip
DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Susanna, Daniel Benjamin, William Thomas
DD/DD: Clara Magdalene, Phoebe Miriam
DW: Cassandra Naomi
DD: Sebastian Raphael
DS: Lucius Philip
DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Susanna, Daniel Benjamin, William Thomas
DD/DD: Clara Magdalene, Phoebe Miriam
DH: William Sebastian ‘Will’
DW: Cordelia Gwendolyn
DD: Anna Elizabeth
DD/DS: Clara Eleanor / Finnian Leo ‘Finn’
DD: Zahra Mary
DD/DD: Georgia Kathleen / Adelaide Judith
DW: Cordelia Gwendolyn
DD: Anna Elizabeth
DD/DS: Clara Eleanor / Finnian Leo ‘Finn’
DD: Zahra Mary
DD/DD: Georgia Kathleen / Adelaide Judith
DH's Name
Columban James "Col"
DW's Name
Adelaide Zahra "Adi"
DS/DS Charles Apollo / William Uriah "Charlie & Billy"
DS Caspian Alexander "Cas"
DD/DS/DS Lucina Diane / Finnian David / Elior Joseph "Luci, Finn & Eli"
DD/DD Jemima Luz / Tabitha Clara "Jem & Tia"
Columban James "Col"
DW's Name
Adelaide Zahra "Adi"
DS/DS Charles Apollo / William Uriah "Charlie & Billy"
DS Caspian Alexander "Cas"
DD/DS/DS Lucina Diane / Finnian David / Elior Joseph "Luci, Finn & Eli"
DD/DD Jemima Luz / Tabitha Clara "Jem & Tia"
DH: Lior Joseph
DW: Jemima Nancy
DS/DD: Edmund Jeremiah "Ed" / Ruth Esther "Ruthie"
DS: Paul Uriah
DD/DS/DS: Jane Roxana / Rufus Finnian / Jesse Lucius
DD/DD/DD: Clara Eden / Phoebe Sarah / Gwendolyn Miriam "Gwen"
DW: Jemima Nancy
DS/DD: Edmund Jeremiah "Ed" / Ruth Esther "Ruthie"
DS: Paul Uriah
DD/DS/DS: Jane Roxana / Rufus Finnian / Jesse Lucius
DD/DD/DD: Clara Eden / Phoebe Sarah / Gwendolyn Miriam "Gwen"
DH: William Caspian "Will"
DW: Mairwen Susanna
DS: Charles Gawain "Charlie"
DD/DS: Phoebe Isolde / Lucius Edmund
DD/DS: Guinevere Margaret "Gwyn" / Taliesin Douglas "Tale"
DD/DD: Clara Naomi / Cassandra Esther
Will & Mariwen
Charlie, Phoebe, Lucius, Gwyn, Tale, Clara and Cassandra
Question One - DH's Name
What letter does your first name start with?
H-M - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Mary - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Eamon - DD/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Social Studies - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Patience - DD/DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Alice - DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Other - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
DW: Mairwen Susanna
DS: Charles Gawain "Charlie"
DD/DS: Phoebe Isolde / Lucius Edmund
DD/DS: Guinevere Margaret "Gwyn" / Taliesin Douglas "Tale"
DD/DD: Clara Naomi / Cassandra Esther
Will & Mariwen
Charlie, Phoebe, Lucius, Gwyn, Tale, Clara and Cassandra
Question One - DH's Name
What letter does your first name start with?
H-M - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Two - DW's Name
What season were you born in?
Summer - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
Question Three - Gender/Number of First Child(ren)
Which of the top ten girl names from 1900 do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Mary - DS
Question Four - First Child(ren)'s Name
What is your natural hair color (or what color is your hair closest to)?
Brown - first name from Namebank 3, middle name from Namebank 1
Question Five - Gender/Number of Second Child(ren)
Which of these randomly generated male names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Eamon - DD/DS
Question Six - Second Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these school subjects is/was your favorite?
Social Studies - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 2
Question Seven - Gender/Number of Third Child(ren)
Which of these word names do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Patience - DD/DS
Question Eight - Third Child(ren)'s Name
What type of books do you like to read the most?
Mystery - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 3
Question Nine - Gender/Number of Fourth Child(ren)
Which one of these female names from my PNL do you like the most (or hate the least)?
Alice - DD/DD
Question Ten - Fourth Child(ren)'s Name
Which of these types of music is your favorite?
Other - first name from Namebank 1, middle name from Namebank 4
DH: Luke Finnian
DW: Gloria Adelaide
DD: Margaret Kenya
DS: Benjamin Gregory
DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Keturah/ Joseph Zion/ William Silas
DS: Gabriel Uriah
Luke and Gloria
Meg, Ben, Liz, Joe, Will, Gabe
DW: Gloria Adelaide
DD: Margaret Kenya
DS: Benjamin Gregory
DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Keturah/ Joseph Zion/ William Silas
DS: Gabriel Uriah
Luke and Gloria
Meg, Ben, Liz, Joe, Will, Gabe
DH: Jesse Alexander
DW: Jane Gwendolyn
DS: John Finnian "Jack"
DS: Edward Abner "Teddy"
DS: Joseph Ephraim "Joe"
DD: Delilah Guinevere "Lila"
DW: Jane Gwendolyn
DS: John Finnian "Jack"
DS: Edward Abner "Teddy"
DS: Joseph Ephraim "Joe"
DD: Delilah Guinevere "Lila"
DH: Edward Philip
DW: Guinevere Adina
DD: Margaret Bronwen
DS: Lucius Percival
DD/DD: Anna Eleanor/ Julia Helen
DD: Adelaide Mary
Ted and Gwyn
Daisy, Luc, Anne, Julie and Addie
DW: Guinevere Adina
DD: Margaret Bronwen
DS: Lucius Percival
DD/DD: Anna Eleanor/ Julia Helen
DD: Adelaide Mary
Ted and Gwyn
Daisy, Luc, Anne, Julie and Addie
DH: Lucius Michael "Lou"
DW: Carolina Shirley "Cara"
DD: Nancy Guinevere "Gwen"
DD/DD: Donna Phoebe "Dolly" & Kathleen Roxanna "Katie"
DD/DS/DS: Margaret Ariel "Maggie", Ronald Alexander "Ron", & Steven Andrew "Stevie"
DS: Charles Edgar "Charlie"
DW: Carolina Shirley "Cara"
DD: Nancy Guinevere "Gwen"
DD/DD: Donna Phoebe "Dolly" & Kathleen Roxanna "Katie"
DD/DS/DS: Margaret Ariel "Maggie", Ronald Alexander "Ron", & Steven Andrew "Stevie"
DS: Charles Edgar "Charlie"
DH: Leo Jeremiah
DW: Daria Mairwen
DS: Joseph Finnian "Joey"
DS/DS: Malcolm Benjamin / Zachariah Thomas "Zac"
DD/DS/DS: Leah Regan / Caleb Edmund / Jude Sebastian
DD/DD/DD: Mara Cassandra / Julia Bronwen / Anna Rosalba
DW: Daria Mairwen
DS: Joseph Finnian "Joey"
DS/DS: Malcolm Benjamin / Zachariah Thomas "Zac"
DD/DS/DS: Leah Regan / Caleb Edmund / Jude Sebastian
DD/DD/DD: Mara Cassandra / Julia Bronwen / Anna Rosalba
DH: Daniel Jareth
DW: Zahra Magdalene
DS/DS: Micah John/Elijah Gregory "Eli"
DS: Finnian Louis "Finn"
DD/DD: Kiara Phoebe/Millicent Niamh "Millie"
DD/DD: Delilah Bronwen "Lilah"/Ariel Roxana "Ari"
DW: Zahra Magdalene
DS/DS: Micah John/Elijah Gregory "Eli"
DS: Finnian Louis "Finn"
DD/DD: Kiara Phoebe/Millicent Niamh "Millie"
DD/DD: Delilah Bronwen "Lilah"/Ariel Roxana "Ari"
DH: Thomas Percival
DW: Magdalene Christine
DD/DD: Elizabeth Zahra / Patricia Luz
DD/DS: Susan Gwendolyn / Frank Finnian
DD/DD: Judith Delilah / Brenda Zipporah
DD/DD: Helen Kathleen / Edith Joyce
Thomas & Magda
Eliza, Tina, Susan, Frank, Judy, Brenda, Helen, and Edith.
DH: Malcolm Silas
DW: Eden Elizabeth
DS/DS: James Fintan / Daniel Gawain
DD/DD: Phoebe Adelaide / Cassandra Jane
DD/DS/DS: Leah Virginia / Aaron Julian / Benjamin Martin
DD/DD: Daria Kathleen / Georgia Margaret
DW: Eden Elizabeth
DS/DS: James Fintan / Daniel Gawain
DD/DD: Phoebe Adelaide / Cassandra Jane
DD/DS/DS: Leah Virginia / Aaron Julian / Benjamin Martin
DD/DD: Daria Kathleen / Georgia Margaret
DH: Kenneth Sebastian
DW: Kathleen Helen
DD: Carolyn Guinevere "Caro"
DS: Daniel Fintan
DD: Zipporah Millicent
DS: John Arthur
DW: Kathleen Helen
DD: Carolyn Guinevere "Caro"
DS: Daniel Fintan
DD: Zipporah Millicent
DS: John Arthur
DH: Charles Hector
DW: Margaret Virginia
DD/DD: Kezia Mary / Tamar Judith
DS: Fintan Saul
DS: Raphael Edgar
DD: Naomi Rosalba
DH: Charles Hector
DW: Margaret Virginia
DD/DD: Kezia Mary / Tamar Judith
DS: Fintan Saul
DS: Raphael Edgar
DD: Naomi Rosalba