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If so here is my family :)LN: Bauer
DH: Jonathan Clarence Warner "Jack"
DW: Kimberly Kathleen "Kate"
2 numbers between 1 and 10: 1 and 2

Your eyes, your smile, made my little life worthwhile. The sky was a lot more blue when I was on top of you.***Fudge, Packer?***Cannibal! The Musical
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LN: Bauer
DH: Jonathan Clarence Warner "Jack"
DW: Kimberly Kathleen "Kate"
DS [poetry]:
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Help with Poetry names?uhm. I know nothing about poetry. Can someone help me with a list or some ideas? I went through the literature/authors list here, but everything I liked had nothing to do with poetry... Not that tere were many options anyway.Can I get some help?
Your eyes, your smile, made my little life worthwhile. The sky was a lot more blue when I was on top of you.***Fudge, Packer?***Cannibal! The Musical
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choose from the poetry list I gave! [m]If there is absolutely NONE you like there, you can choose from Mythical, but that's all I can say!
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Sorry I didn't see the lists!
Your eyes, your smile, made my little life worthwhile. The sky was a lot more blue when I was on top of you.***Fudge, Packer?***Cannibal! The Musical
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