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I did Round 1 now! ^_^
in reply to a message by Cera
The Verdi Family (Lvenprincess)
Round 1 of 6
DH: Charles Romano
DW: Audrey Annaliese
DD/DD/DS: Lily Tempest / Lark Holly / Briar Phoenix
Dturtle: Diamond River
"How do you know all this?! It's sick! Bloody disgusting! And-"
"Shut up or I'll recite the dictionary as well."
"Oh, now you're going to make me vomit."
"Nice to know I'm returning the favor."
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Thank you. Here you areThe Verdi Family (Lvenprincess)
Round 2 of 6
DH: Charles Romano
DW: Audrey Annaliese
DD/DD/DS: Lily Tempest / Lark Holly / Briar Phoenix
Dturtle: Diamond River

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The Verdi Family (Lvenprincess)
Round 2 of 6
DH: Charles Romano
DW: Audrey Annaliese
DD/DD/DS: Lily Tempest / Lark Holly / Briar Phoenix
Dturtle: Diamond River
DD/DS: Elisabeth Jael / Paul Zacharias
"How do you know all this?! It's sick! Bloody disgusting! And-"
"Shut up or I'll recite the dictionary as well."
"Oh, now you're going to make me vomit."
"Nice to know I'm returning the favor."
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