Part One
Choose the name you like best from each group. Keep track of the number of As, Bs, Cs, and Ds you choose. Move on to part two.
1. A)Megan B)Margaret C)Margarita D)Margalise
2. A)Noah B)Nathan C)Nolan D)Nathaniel
3. A)Summer B)Autumn C)Winter D)Spring
4. A)Ashley B)Ashton C)Ashlyn D)Ashby
5. A)Jonah B)Jonas C)Josiah D)Jonathan
6. A)Brock B)Brady C)Brody D)Brandon
7. A)Jorja B)Georgina C)Georgette D)Georgia
8. A)Taylor B)Tyler C)Tyson D)Tyrone
9. A)Opal B)Ruby C)Sapphire D)Emerald
10. A)Frances B)Martha C)Alma D)Jean
11. A)Rebecca B)Rachel C)Miriam D)Naomi
12. A)John B)Ian C)Sean D)Johann
13. A)Elise B)Elaina C)Eliana D)Eleanor
Part Two
Add up the number of each letter you chose. You decide the number of children and how many for each birth. Last names relate to the theme.
If you chose mostly As, you have the Word Family.
Everyone in your family has names that are common nouns or verbs. The pets have people names.
If you chose mostly Bs, you have the Musical Family.
Everyone in your family has names related to musical terms or instruments. The pets have musicians' names.
If you chose mostly Cs, you have the Dated Family.
Everyone in your family has names that have a dated feeling to them. They can be from a variety of decades. The pets have stereotypical pet names.
If you chose mostly Ds, you have the Geology Family.
Everyone in your family has names related to rocks, minerals or gems. The pets' names are geological terms.
If you have a tie, you have the Alphabet Family.
Each name in your family begins with the next letter of the alphabet. For example, if the husband's intitials are HI, the wife's are JK and the first child's are LM, etc. The pets have number names.