Hello and welcome to IndiaLOVE's Writing Congrats game! This is my first time attempting to host a congrats game, so...*fingers crossed*
This is a Writing Congrats game, so you'll have to write a piece about your family every round. For this, you'll get a random event. I have twelve planned random events (which I will change and renumber every round :P), so please select a number, as this will give you something to write about in the next round. If anyone forgets to choose a number, I'll add one randomly. I will also include naming rules in several rounds.
I'll take and keep track of the first 15 sign-ups (not counting my own). After that, feel free to sign up, but you'll have to keep track of your family yourself.
Families can consist of mother and father, mother and mother, father and father or single parents, and they can be married or not. Children can be adoptive or biological. Parents can split up, marry, remarry or die throughout the game, so be prepared!
Please fill out the sign-up form below to play (please change SO to DH, DW, DGF or DBF)...
SO1: (age, profession)
SO2: (age, profession)
Random Number (1-12):
Writing For This Round: Please tell us about the parents and the events surrounding them. Tell us how they met. If they are married, tell us about the wedding. If the parent is a lone parent, please tell us about their break-up with their ex-SO.