I actually keep all the info for every player in a word document! :)
Everyone who signed up for my Congrats, I put all of their information into a Word Document and then I added a new family member. Now when they give me their named family member I add the name to their place in the word document and then immediately move them onto the next round and add a new family member to their family. Then when almost everyone has posted their named family member on the message board I'm able to just copy what's in the word document and then paste it into a new post on Behind the Name games message board and move any players who for got to do the last round up to the present round by adding in their new family member (below their last unnamed family member).
Using the word document allows me to keep a running account of what each player is up to without having to go to the last post and copying it all into a post for the next round. I also keep a paper near my computer with other info like how many rounds the player intends to play, if they are open to twins or not, and weather they are open to adoption of kids or pets. I've actually saved my Congrats word document to my computer desktop, for the time being, for easy access.
I'm sorry this is so long and I hope it helps you with your Congrats! Oh, and if you don't have Word on your computer a notepad document or a wordpad document are usually in your computer's accessories menu.
Have fun! - LadyBug :)