Re: Sophannagh's Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Sophannagh
Username: Genevieve
LN: Gilchrist
Name: Lydia Rosemary
Age: 37
Interests: Interior design, gardening, history
Disabilities: None
SO: Benjamin Stuart
Age: 40
Interests: Hunting, dogs, history, music
Disabilities: None
Children (biological or adopted): We had twins who were born 8.5 years ago, both with heart defects. The girl, Dara Vivienne, died just 3 days after their birth. Her brother, Miles Joseph, survived infanthood and eventually got a heart transplant at age 5. He died about a year and a half ago at the age of 7. We are heart-broken to have lost 2 children, but we have decided that we are ready to open our hearts and our homes to more children. We always wanted a house-full, but our difficult journey with the twins made that difficult.
Others living with you: None.
Pets (species, other information): 3 dog: a golden retriever named Lox, a dachshund named Stevie, and a mixed-breed named Georgia.
Hometown: Augusta, GA
Languages spoken: English
Religion: Anglican
Maximum number of children (max. 7): 2-3
Genders: either
Ages (nb-18): any
Nationality/Country of origin: any
Language preference: We'd prefer that they know at least a little English, as we don't know any other language. We would be willing to work with them to learn English better once they arrived.
Religion preference: any, but children will be raised Christian.
Will you accept:
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): After the twins we feel it would be very difficult for us to care for children with health problems, but we would accept a child with a mild problem like learning disabilities, anxiety problems, or even mild autism.
-Multiples?: Again, after the twins, multiples would be difficult for us, so no.
-Pregnant teen?: No.
-Teen mom, dad, or both?: No.
-Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives?: Yes.
-Other: n/a
LN: Gilchrist
Name: Lydia Rosemary
Age: 37
Interests: Interior design, gardening, history
Disabilities: None
SO: Benjamin Stuart
Age: 40
Interests: Hunting, dogs, history, music
Disabilities: None
Children (biological or adopted): We had twins who were born 8.5 years ago, both with heart defects. The girl, Dara Vivienne, died just 3 days after their birth. Her brother, Miles Joseph, survived infanthood and eventually got a heart transplant at age 5. He died about a year and a half ago at the age of 7. We are heart-broken to have lost 2 children, but we have decided that we are ready to open our hearts and our homes to more children. We always wanted a house-full, but our difficult journey with the twins made that difficult.
Others living with you: None.
Pets (species, other information): 3 dog: a golden retriever named Lox, a dachshund named Stevie, and a mixed-breed named Georgia.
Hometown: Augusta, GA
Languages spoken: English
Religion: Anglican
Maximum number of children (max. 7): 2-3
Genders: either
Ages (nb-18): any
Nationality/Country of origin: any
Language preference: We'd prefer that they know at least a little English, as we don't know any other language. We would be willing to work with them to learn English better once they arrived.
Religion preference: any, but children will be raised Christian.
Will you accept:
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): After the twins we feel it would be very difficult for us to care for children with health problems, but we would accept a child with a mild problem like learning disabilities, anxiety problems, or even mild autism.
-Multiples?: Again, after the twins, multiples would be difficult for us, so no.
-Pregnant teen?: No.
-Teen mom, dad, or both?: No.
-Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives?: Yes.
-Other: n/a
Welcome Simona, Ayuru and Kolya!
Simona is baby girl Romania. Her mother was very young and felt she could not cope with the responsibility of a child. Simona has not developed any interests yet, and cannot speak any language as she is too young, but can of course be taught English. She has swarthy skin and dark hair.
Ayuru is a six-year-old boy who was born in Japan, though has lived most of his life in San Francisco with his aunt so speaks good English. Ayuru's aunt would like to keep in contact with him if possible. He is dyslexic, and his hobbies include sports and playing with his toys.
Kolya is an eight-year-old boy from Russia. He speaks very little English, and loves animals and art. His family died in a car accident when he was younger, and Kolya has some anxiety issues. However, he loves dogs, so he should fit well into your family!
Congratulations on your three new arrivals! Please updates us on your adoptees!
Simona is baby girl Romania. Her mother was very young and felt she could not cope with the responsibility of a child. Simona has not developed any interests yet, and cannot speak any language as she is too young, but can of course be taught English. She has swarthy skin and dark hair.
Ayuru is a six-year-old boy who was born in Japan, though has lived most of his life in San Francisco with his aunt so speaks good English. Ayuru's aunt would like to keep in contact with him if possible. He is dyslexic, and his hobbies include sports and playing with his toys.
Kolya is an eight-year-old boy from Russia. He speaks very little English, and loves animals and art. His family died in a car accident when he was younger, and Kolya has some anxiety issues. However, he loves dogs, so he should fit well into your family!
Congratulations on your three new arrivals! Please updates us on your adoptees!
Update +pictures!
We want to thank you so much for the new members of our family. We can't tell you how very happy we all are!
Simona, now a year and a half, is absolutely charming. She is constantly laughing, smiling, and trying to make everyone else laugh. She is hitting all her developmental milestones right on time, and shows no signs of delays. She speaks very well, and loves to sing. We can already tell she is a very imaginative child.

Ayuru is now 7 and enrolled in a private school where he can receive some extra help with his school work. He is in the first grade. While he still struggles some with reading, he is an absolute whiz at math! He's even started learning his multiplication tables! He is on a soccer team, and really enjoys playing. He also loves to play outside, and has made many good friends in our neighborhood. He speaks to his aunt once a week on the phone, and we plan to go visit out in California this fall.

Kolya is a fourth grader at the same school as Ayuru. He is a very bright child, and learned English much more quickly than we imagined. He takes his schoolwork seriously, and really excels in all subjects. He is very shy, but has made a few close friends in school and in the neighborhood. His anxiety issues are still present, but have decreased over the past several months. We enrolled him in counseling early on to help him deal with things from his past that frighten him, and he is making great progress. He is very creative, and is a great artist. He also recently started taking gymnastics, which he loves! He is a great help to both of us in caring for the dogs.

We couldn't have asked for a better family. Thank you again!
We want to thank you so much for the new members of our family. We can't tell you how very happy we all are!
Simona, now a year and a half, is absolutely charming. She is constantly laughing, smiling, and trying to make everyone else laugh. She is hitting all her developmental milestones right on time, and shows no signs of delays. She speaks very well, and loves to sing. We can already tell she is a very imaginative child.

Ayuru is now 7 and enrolled in a private school where he can receive some extra help with his school work. He is in the first grade. While he still struggles some with reading, he is an absolute whiz at math! He's even started learning his multiplication tables! He is on a soccer team, and really enjoys playing. He also loves to play outside, and has made many good friends in our neighborhood. He speaks to his aunt once a week on the phone, and we plan to go visit out in California this fall.

Kolya is a fourth grader at the same school as Ayuru. He is a very bright child, and learned English much more quickly than we imagined. He takes his schoolwork seriously, and really excels in all subjects. He is very shy, but has made a few close friends in school and in the neighborhood. His anxiety issues are still present, but have decreased over the past several months. We enrolled him in counseling early on to help him deal with things from his past that frighten him, and he is making great progress. He is very creative, and is a great artist. He also recently started taking gymnastics, which he loves! He is a great help to both of us in caring for the dogs.

We couldn't have asked for a better family. Thank you again!
This message was edited 1/2/2009, 11:47 AM