Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII
Username: CaityBear
LN: EastonName: Rose Susan
Age: 34
Occupation: homemaker
Interests: writing, cooking, shopping
Disabilities: noneSO: Allan Calum
Age: 35
Occupation: fishing tour guide
Interests: camping, hunting, fishing
Disabilities: noneChildren: (biological or adopted; names, ages, interests, disabilities)
Name: Gordon Angus [biological]
Age: 7
Interests: drawing cartoons, flying kites and toys airplanes
Disabilities: noneOthers living with you (who and what is their relation?): nonePets (name, species, ect.): Angus (8 yr old cat), Eve (1 yr old Scottish Terrier)Hometown: small town outside of Saskatoon SK, Canada
House type: large farmhouse
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 3 1/2
Do you travel often? If yes, where to?: Scotland (once a year), Victoria BC, Canada (twice a year)Languages spoken: English
Religion: Catholic
Misc.: noneAdoptee(s): (see below for examples if you're confused)
Number of choices: ???
Nationality/Country of origin: Scotland, Canada
Language preference: English
Religion preference: Catholic
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives?: yesFirst pick(s): SET 2 girls (12 and 4), Random boy (age nb-9)
Second pick(s): 7 year old boy, 4 year old girl
Third pick(s): 6 year old girl, Random girl (age 10-19), Random boy (age nb-9)
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bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 3:46 PM
CLOSED  ·  bananarama  ·  12/23/2008, 7:34 AM
The snatcher strikes again!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/23/2008, 6:55 AM
Welcome Britney!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/23/2008, 6:56 AM
Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  CaityBear  ·  12/22/2008, 5:41 PM
Welcome Asher and Katie!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/23/2008, 6:25 AM
Thank you!  ·  CaityBear  ·  12/23/2008, 7:19 PM
Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  Rachel Dianne  ·  12/22/2008, 4:31 PM
Welcome Kyle, Kimberly, and Samantha!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/23/2008, 6:08 AM
Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  BrilliantBlue  ·  12/22/2008, 4:06 PM
Welcome Diana!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 4:11 PM
Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  Elianora  ·  12/22/2008, 3:55 PM
Welcome Amanda, Kayla, and Megan!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 4:09 PM
Re: bananarama's Adoption Agency XII  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 3:53 PM
Welcome Tyler and Brandon!  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 3:57 PM
Waiting children  ·  bananarama  ·  12/22/2008, 3:48 PM