I've never done one of these before, but I've sort of been wanting to for a while, so I figured why not? I'm not quite sure how many rounds it'll go, but it'll probably be somewhere between 10 and 15. I'll be using personalized, nymbler-derived namebanks and will determine number and gender of children by a die roll. I'll also try to keep track of ages, and will take the first 15 to sign up (not including myself). Have fun! :)
Part 1:
SO1: (age)
SO2: (age)
Multiples?: Y/N
*You can add a maiden name if you'd like, but it's not required.
Part 2:
Please list two boys names and two girls names for each category.
1. Absolute favorites:
2. Old favorites:
3. Names that have caught your attention/grown on you recently:
4. Prefer as a middle name:
5. Grab bag - whatever strikes your fancy at the moment :) :
*Note: if you miss three rounds without giving me prior notification, you will be dropped