Re: Create A School Elimination
LN: TateJesse Ezra
Saul Levi
James Benjamin
Simon Eli
Nathaniel Mitchell
Nathan Joel
Benjamin Jack
Andy Jacob
David Simon
John IvanTaking: Joseph Aaron, Isaac Eliot, and Solomon Jeremy
LN: Tierney
Ella Kate
Lucy Abby
Evelyn Mercy
Grace Emily
Ada Katy
Katharina Jenny
Charlotte Eliza
Julia Birdie
Sophie Katheryn
Lena AbbieTaking: Frieda Eve, Billie Katie, and Ida Kathryne
LN: Uhl
Benjamin David
Aaron Daniel
Nathan Abner
Elias Michael
Nathaniel Benjamin
Jacob Nathaniel
David Jacob
Michael Robert
Joel Isaac
Alex NathanTaking: Andy Saul, Reuben Mitchell, and Mitchell Moses
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Create A School Elimination  ·  SwtNikki87  ·  8/12/2008, 3:12 AM
Re: Create A School Elimination  ·  Cressida  ·  8/12/2008, 9:15 AM
Re: Create A School Elimination  ·  guest33  ·  8/12/2008, 11:26 AM
Re: Create A School Elimination  ·  Katra  ·  8/12/2008, 12:39 PM
Re: Create A School Elimination  ·  Katana_fawn  ·  8/12/2008, 3:10 PM
Winners  ·  Pink Princess  ·  8/12/2008, 5:17 PM