Janis Rochelle, 37, High School English Teacher
Significant Other:
Larry Maximilian, 40, Pediatrician
Tirzah Margaret, 16
Parisa Seraphina, 14
Zakiah Honor, 12
Ashley Raphael, 10
Edward Morgan, 8
Jude Ambrose, nb (
Tirzah's son)
Pets: none
Others living with you: none
Living situation: two story, 5 bedroom house in suburban neighborhood.
Religion: none
Else I forgot? nothing
# of children: 3
Genders? either
Ages? any
Disabilities: mild emotional
Open or Closed: either
Teen parent? Father/Mother/Both?/With child? single parent with or without child
Pregnant teen? With father? pregnant mother
Will you accept siblings and/or multiples? If so, up to how many? Yes, no preference
Other preferences? preferably English speaking
Anything else I forgot? nope