Re: Tiff107's adoption agency
by Stephanie (guest)
4/28/2008, 9:17 AM
LN: Mitchell
Name: Stephanie
Age: 28
Occupation: teacher
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: genealogy, writing
Significant other
Name: Ryan
Age: 29
Occupation: sales
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: antique farm machinery
Current children: (names, ages, disabilities) Joanna Elizabeth (2)
Others living with you: (names, ages, disabilities) none
Pets: Scout (dog) Aristotle (cat)
Location: midwest USA
House Type: [including number of bedrooms] farm house with 4 large bedrooms
Household Religion: Catholic
Household Languages: English
Why you want to adopt? we would like more children and to add culture to our family
Adoption Form
Number of Children: 3-4
Nationality: any, children from different backgrounds are fine
Genders: either
Languages preference: any
Religion preference: any
Will you except:
Multiples: yes
Siblings: yes
Pregnant teen/teen mother? yes
Teen Father: yes
A child with health problems: mild
A child with mental problems: mild
Open or Closed adoption: open
Any other coments:
We are going to send you photos and information about the children who *match* to your criteria immediately.
We do however expect you to update us on your adopted child/childrens lives.