We've found you three children to come and live with you. One teen father and his baby, they're from Chicago, and a 10 year old girl from Ukraine.
The teen father is called Irish Jaxen, he's 16 and only just became a father. The baby's mother didn't want to have anything to do with the baby, so Irish is has sole custody of him. The little boy is called
Phoenix Jaxen, he'll be exactly one month old when he comes to live with you. Irish comes from a very problematic home situation. Both his parents were alcoholics and when he was 13, Irish decided to leave home and he lived on the streets for a while. His parents have passed away not too long ago, and he's looking forward to having 'real parents' as he calls it.
Irish and

Vira comes from Ukraine and lived in an orphanage there for 3 years. She's quite a happy person usually, but she can get very angry as well, then she's scream and slam doors. She was thrilled to find out she could be adopted and getting a little brother and sister. She speaks a bit of English, but not quite enough yet to be able to have a full conversation.