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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1 edited
EVENT: A nasty fight breaks out between two soccer moms at one of Luke's games!LN: Little
DH: Luke Jared (25)
DW: Emma Elizabeth (25)
DS: Emerson Eric (6) [from Emma's first marriage]
The championship game was being held at the local park, between the two best teams in the state. The scores were tied, the tension was high, and the kids were losing focus. The final goal was made by Luke's team, to win the game. The mother of the goalie that let the goal in was furious, saying it wasn't a goal at all. Emma countered saying most of the goals made on the losing team weren't goals. The fight got pretty ugly, and police were called in. Luke thanked Emma for sticking by his team. They went to dinner together the next night, and hit it off very well. After a few months of dating, Luke proposed!
The wedding was picturesque, with lavenders and yellows and light blues. Both of their families were in attendance, as well as Luke's soccer team and their parents. After the honeymoon, Luke bought them a house very close to the one they live in now, with a nice view of the mountains, where Emma can write her stories.
Emma has a six-year-old son named Emerson Eric from her first marriage, who is also on Luke's soccer team.

This message was edited 2/4/2008, 10:56 PM

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If you would like to add a child for Emma, that would be fine.
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