Re: ATTN all players of my congrats
in reply to a message by Nikki
I'm sorry, but I'm going to drop out. I have a D in my Pre-AP History class, a B in my Biology class, and I'm really struggling to keep my A in Trigonometry, so I really don't have the time to keep up. I'm sorry for the inconveniance I caused you, and I had a great time playing. Thanks so much for hosting!
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ATTN all players of my congrats  ·  Nikki  ·  2/2/2008, 11:27 AM
Re: ATTN all players of my congrats  ·  Lorelei  ·  2/4/2008, 6:56 AM
Re: ATTN all players of my congrats  ·  Darkest  ·  2/2/2008, 1:19 PM
That's alright (m)  ·  Nikki  ·  2/2/2008, 1:57 PM
Re: ATTN all players of my congrats  ·  Oslin  ·  2/2/2008, 11:53 AM