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Whimsicalfaery's Congrats Sign Up
Well it seems the thing to do, I have never hosted a congrats games so bare with me through this.RULES:
1. You may not change spellings
2. If you miss more than 3 rounds in a row you are dropped.
DH Names: Cornelius, Claud, Henry, Bartholomew, Jethro, Amos, Alan, Baxter, Basil, Ambrose, Linus, Lucas, Neville, Viktor, Alastair, XavierDW Names: Amelia, Zinnia, Gwendolyn, Yvonne, Regina, Rebekkah, Lucille, Rose, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Estelle, Esther, Noreen, Betty, Ann
DW:Give a random event please.
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Closed for sign upsince this is my first time to host i will only take the ones under this closed post
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Username: acg233
DH: Lucas Neville
DW: Zinnia Rose
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Username: BoiCrazii
DH: Lucas Henry
DW: Hannah LucilleGive a random event please.
moving to another country
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Username: Working Class Hero
DH: Lucas Henry Xavier
DW: Amelia Lucille Rose "Mia"~Lucas and Mia~ Random Event
You find out that your new baby isn't DH's. What happened?
Your teenage son's girlfriend is pregnant. What are they doing?
You got a new pet. What is it and how did you get it?
DD had a new hobby. What is it?-Georgia
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Username: estel
DH: Alan Henry
DW: Mary GwendolynGive a random event please: Someone in the family is injured and has to go to the hospital. Who is hurt, how serious is it, and what happens?I have another random event as well that I'll throw in here: Surprise! Somehow the doctors missed a baby on the ultrasounds. You now have an extra bundle of joy--what do you do?
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Username: avalon
DH: Lucas Jethro Alastair
DW: Elizabeth Roseevent: One of you loses your job.
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Username: Avalon_Dreams
DH: Lucas Henry "Luke"
DW: Rebekkah Elizabeth "Bekka"Give a random event please.
You move to a different country.
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Username: LMS
DH: Linus Henry
DW: Amelia LucilleSorry, I forgot the event!Event: Move to another country.

This message was edited 2/2/2008, 2:48 PM

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please give me a random event for this round thank you
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Username: Cera
DH: Linus Alan
DW: Hannah LucilleRandom event: Your spouse has taken up an unusual hobby. What is it, and how does the rest of the family react?
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Username: rainbow_Maya
DH: Alastair Bartholomew Ambrose
DW: Lucille Gwendolyn RoseYou get a pet but after 2 months one of your children shows allergic reactions to it. What do you do?
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Username: Nikki
DH: Alastair Jethro
DW: Esther Elizabeth RoseRandom event: DH is having an affair. With who? Does DW find out and if so, how did she find it out? What happens?
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Username: Maia
DH: Viktor Neville "Vik"
DW: Lucille Yvonne "Lucy"
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please give a random event please
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event: Husband graduates with his masters degree. what is his masters in?
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Username: Elianora
DH: Alastair Basil
DW: Elizabeth Rose
Your husband finds out the newborn isn't his.
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Username: Whimsicalfaery
DH: Ambrose Lucas-Bartholomew "Luca"
DW: Hannah Lucille "Lucy"event:
You spouse is fired from work, what will you do?
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