by Echo (echo_of_the_past)
1/13/2008, 9:40 AM
The last five children are the adopted children from Germany, so they all have German names. If anything, I should have listed them as "AS/AD" to avoid confusion. So sorry!
UN: Echo
LN: Potter
DW: Marie Ophelia
DW: Sarahjeanne Elizabeth
DS: Jasper Lazarus
DD/DD/DS: Axelle Camilla / Martine Louise / Theo Antoine
DD: Rhiannon Nerissa
DS: Emery Noah
AD: Leisel Michaela
AD: Johanna Olivia
AS: Dominik Emil
AS: Stefan Konstantin
AS: Daniel Johann
Random Event Number: 23
After proudly adopted five German children as their most recent son was born, the Potters were devistated to find that two of their children, Dominik and Stefan, were hiding a nicotine addiction and that Leisel, one of the sisters, was cutting herself. Sarahjeanne and Marie immediately find a psychologist for their newly adopted children and checked Dominik and Stefan into rehab.
What was revealed from the sessions with Dr. Rhea, the psychologist, was a long history of physical abuse from the childrens' biological parents and previous foster families. It was heartbraking for the Potters to hear their stories, but they could tell that pouring their heart outs and having someone listen to them was truly making a difference.
A year later, the Poters' adoptive children were slowly getting their lives back on track. Instead of taking her frustrations out on her own body, Leisel has been become an aspiring artist. Dominik has started writing short stories and has even been awarded state recognition for his abilities. Finally, Stefan has taken an interest in music. He has formed his own band from local neighborhood teenagers and has played in several clubs around the city.
With all of these difficulties now behind them, the Potters were sure they could hangle almost anything.