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Re: Georgia's Congrats sign ups
Username: jj21jj
LN: Aaron
DH: William Scott (28)"Will"
DW: Katherine Anna (26) "Kitty"I love your male favourites. I had a hard time choosing. For the women, I like a lot of them like Katherine, Anna, Juliette, and Madeline.
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Oh, I forgot to do that. I was just saying how much I love your names as a note and forgot the rest. Sorry!
Username: jj21jj
LN: Aaron
DH: William Scott (28)"Will"
DW: Katherine Anna (26) "Kitty"Your two favourite girls' names: Elizabeth, Lily
Your two favourite boys' names: Alexander, William

This message was edited 1/6/2008, 3:38 PM

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Not a problem! Glad you like them
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No, it means YOUR favourites right now
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