Re: Moon's Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Moon
Last Name: Star
You: Rowena Belle (28) - painting, drawing, writing, poetry, music, reading, horseback riding
SO: Asher Dominic (35) - training horses, horseback riding, rodeo, music
Children: All from Asher's previous relationship - Drace Asher (7) - soccer, swimming, horses, anime; Willa Kathryn (4) - dolls, baking, tea parties, dress up; Gwenna Isis (4) - horses, doing everything Daddy does, outdoors, swimming; Roarke Dominic (3) - cars, drawing, action figures, Spongebob Squarepants, Bob the Builder
Pet(s): Rides the Wind "Windy" (horse), Wild Grace "Wilder" (horse), Whisper in the Air "Whisper" (horse), Boo (cat), Billy (dog)
Others living with you: None
Religion: Christian-Baptist
Family interests: Everything horses, anything artistic, sports, family vacations
Other info: We live in the country with our kids and many animals. We own plenty of land with a small lake on it. Asher owns a horse training facility that is on our land. Asher was previously married, but his wife died in a car accident right after Roarke was born. Rowena and Asher have been together for 1 1/2 years. She is sterile, and they want to have an even bigger family than they already have.ADOPTION
Number of children: 1-3
Genders: Either
Ages: Any
Nationality: Any
Siblings: Yes
Multiples: Yes
Pregnant teens: Yes
Teen mothers/fathers: Yes
Disabilities: (types, severities): Yes
Will you accept kids with pets? If so, what kind(s): Yes, anything but birds.
Will you allow them to stay in contact with parents/other sibs: Yes
Language preference: English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian (Rowena majored in language studies; Asher knows English and basic Spanish)
Religion preference: Christian
Other: Nothing
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Moon  ·  10/25/2007, 6:08 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Norah  ·  10/27/2007, 6:15 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Bea109  ·  10/27/2007, 8:42 AM
Sorry this is taking so long (m)  ·  Moon  ·  10/26/2007, 9:25 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Lou  ·  10/26/2007, 3:04 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Nikki  ·  10/26/2007, 6:27 AM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  quigonjecca  ·  10/26/2007, 5:31 AM
Congratulations!  ·  Moon  ·  10/27/2007, 9:54 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  HeidiAnn  ·  10/26/2007, 4:02 AM
Congratulations!  ·  Moon  ·  10/26/2007, 10:12 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Julia  ·  10/25/2007, 8:14 PM
Congratulations!  ·  Moon  ·  10/26/2007, 9:27 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Rowena  ·  10/25/2007, 7:53 PM
Congratulations!  ·  Moon  ·  10/26/2007, 8:56 PM
Re: Moon's Adoption Agency  ·  Hola123  ·  10/25/2007, 6:55 PM
Congratulations!  ·  Moon  ·  10/25/2007, 7:14 PM
Re: Congratulations!  ·  Hola123  ·  10/26/2007, 5:27 PM