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Re: You say, you think, All girls. Round 1
This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Hi, Estrella!
You think: Estrella...? Estella would be so pretty!!! Felicity Estella (or Estrella, if you MUST) would flow best, in my honest opinion.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Hello, Eowyn.
You think: I think using two names from well-known stories is a bit weird, but despite that, it sounds nice and both names hae great meaning. (Oh, and Eowyn is awesome as a character!)This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Hi, Aria! Hey, our names are only two letters away! XD
You think: I find Aria beautiful and refreshing, though I may be slightly biased. Sardonyx just looks weird and made-up to me at a first glance.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hi, Pandora!
You think: Allure sounds too word-y...and another Pandora? :/ I don't much like the flow: two A's next to each other is not a good thing.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Say-ors correct? Hi!
You think: Dunno how to pronounce Saoirse...Avalon is ok but reminds me of Avalon on our boards (not really a bad thing) and I have memory of some mystical land?This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hello, Calypso!
You think: Faye would be nicer. Calypso seems to masculine, imho.This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hello, Nova.
You think: Too word-y. Nora Amethyst would be nice, despited the double a.
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